Biden Won’t Be Speaking at Notre Dame Commencement After 4,300 Students and Alumni Demand He Not Be Invited

Biden Won’t Be Speaking at Notre Dame Commencement After 4,300 Students and Alumni Demand He Not Be Invited

23 May 2021 ~~ By Cassandra Fairbanks

Joe Biden is breaking from tradition and will not speak at the Notre Dame Commencement after 4,300 staff and alumni signed a petition demanding that he not be invited.​

The White House claims that Biden will not be attending due to a “scheduling conflict.”

Hmmm...., The most popular president in US history.... I think not!
Chyna Joey Xi Bai Din is not wanted anywhere. From Louisiana to Notre Dame, the illegitmate occupier has been rejected. Real popular guy at 80 million strong!
No honest American believes that Chyna Joey Xi Bai Din received more votes than President Trump and no true Christian could ever support a baby-killing Democrat who porports himself to be a Catholic.
So some religious whack-job single-issue voters are upset with his pro choice stance.


If Biden were truly Pro-choice , he would be affirming the people's right not to wear masks, not to be involved in Homosexual Marriage as well as their right to carry AR15's and other weapons that are scary to libs.

So, no, Biden isn't "pro-choice" at all, he's actually just Anti-Life.

Biden Won’t Be Speaking at Notre Dame Commencement After 4,300 Students and Alumni Demand He Not Be Invited

23 May 2021 ~~ By Cassandra Fairbanks

Joe Biden is breaking from tradition and will not speak at the Notre Dame Commencement after 4,300 staff and alumni signed a petition demanding that he not be invited.​

The White House claims that Biden will not be attending due to a “scheduling conflict.”

Hmmm...., The most popular president in US history.... I think not!
Chyna Joey Xi Bai Din is not wanted anywhere. From Louisiana to Notre Dame, the illegitmate occupier has been rejected. Real popular guy at 80 million strong!
No honest American believes that Chyna Joey Xi Bai Din received more votes than President Trump and no true Christian could ever support a baby-killing Democrat who porports himself to be a Catholic.
Notre Dame invited him smart guy.
and then the traitor, beijing xiden LIES and says its a scheduling thing....NO ASSHOLE XIDEN....THEY SAID DONT BOTHER
Prove it. I dare you.

here comes the dodge n insult... wait for it...
xiden Won’t Be Speaking at Notre Dame Commencement-- After 4,300 Students and Alumni Demand He Not Be Invited....can you read or no? i mean it was right in front of your face....duh
It also says that he was invited by the school and backed out because of a scheduling conflict. The author is trying to tie the students in as a factor which there is no proof of. So you’re choosing to believe the assumptive parts of the article and not the factual parts. Funny but not surprising.
it’s factual there was a petition after the invite was given

there is no proof of a scheduling conflict

geez, the daily schedule is released regularly and it shows he’s done doing a thing most days by 1pm and going to his bunker in Delaware most weekends...
It is offensive to me and any Catholic who takes his faith seriously that Biden claims to be Catholic.
What happened to the Catholic stance on divorce?
What about it, and why are you deflecting from the topic? Just practicing?
Well if Trump spoke at Notre Dame after multiple divorces and infidelities, that is against Catholic Doctrine
Pence did, not T****.
Pence is a saint
Some at Notre Dame didn't think so...Notre Dame Students Walk Out During Vice President's Commencement Speech
Yeah, 1700 protested his being asked, but he did anyway! I wonder how these students reconcile their LGBTUVWXYZ stance with the church's teachings?
It is offensive to me and any Catholic who takes his faith seriously that Biden claims to be Catholic.

Most American Catholics support the right to an abortion.
Biden supports the law of the land
Unless you're a practicing Catholic, that really has no bearing on anything. The bottom line is, these students at Notre Dame don't want him to speak there because he claims to be one of them but his stances are contrary to their beliefs, and they really don't care what someone from outside themselves has to say about it. At least we don't have to contend with violent groups of students and professors throwing things and trying to physically destroy a speaker, such as what conservative speakers have to face at liberal state colleges. You might as well have someone claim to be stridently pro-gun, but constantly try to restrict gun ownership at every turn.
It is offensive to me and any Catholic who takes his faith seriously that Biden claims to be Catholic.
What happened to the Catholic stance on divorce?
What about it, and why are you deflecting from the topic? Just practicing?
Well if Trump spoke at Notre Dame after multiple divorces and infidelities, that is against Catholic Doctrine
TRUMP! never claimed to be Catholic. Big difference there. Would you go hear a speaker who claimed to be a member of every gun control group in existence but constantly tried to eliminate every obstacle to owning a gun?
It is offensive to me and any Catholic who takes his faith seriously that Biden claims to be Catholic.

Most American Catholics support the right to an abortion.
Biden supports the law of the land
Unless you're a practicing Catholic, that really has no bearing on anything. The bottom line is, these students at Notre Dame don't want him to speak there because he claims to be one of them but his stances are contrary to their beliefs, and they really don't care what someone from outside themselves has to say about it. At least we don't have to contend with violent groups of students and professors throwing things and trying to physically destroy a speaker, such as what conservative speakers have to face at liberal state colleges. You might as well have someone claim to be stridently pro-gun, but constantly try to restrict gun ownership at every turn.
His job is to lead a secular nation so why are they surprised he has taken a secular stance on this abortion issue?

Biden Won’t Be Speaking at Notre Dame Commencement After 4,300 Students and Alumni Demand He Not Be Invited

23 May 2021 ~~ By Cassandra Fairbanks

Joe Biden is breaking from tradition and will not speak at the Notre Dame Commencement after 4,300 staff and alumni signed a petition demanding that he not be invited.​

The White House claims that Biden will not be attending due to a “scheduling conflict.”

Hmmm...., The most popular president in US history.... I think not!
Chyna Joey Xi Bai Din is not wanted anywhere. From Louisiana to Notre Dame, the illegitmate occupier has been rejected. Real popular guy at 80 million strong!
No honest American believes that Chyna Joey Xi Bai Din received more votes than President Trump and no true Christian could ever support a baby-killing Democrat who porports himself to be a Catholic.
That's actually 81,268,000 people who did and continue to support our President.

ND will just have to deal with their cancel culture problems.
are you including all the dead people in that count? more than likely, no you aren't
What dead people?
It is offensive to me and any Catholic who takes his faith seriously that Biden claims to be Catholic.

Most American Catholics support the right to an abortion.
Biden supports the law of the land
Unless you're a practicing Catholic, that really has no bearing on anything. The bottom line is, these students at Notre Dame don't want him to speak there because he claims to be one of them but his stances are contrary to their beliefs, and they really don't care what someone from outside themselves has to say about it. At least we don't have to contend with violent groups of students and professors throwing things and trying to physically destroy a speaker, such as what conservative speakers have to face at liberal state colleges. You might as well have someone claim to be stridently pro-gun, but constantly try to restrict gun ownership at every turn.
His job is to lead a secular nation so why are they surprised he has taken a secular stance on this abortion issue?

Actually, Biden has taken a religious position. The Religious Left, led by guys like Rev. Jim Wallis, believe in Abortion as a tenet of their religion.

And further, the question here is whether a religious institution like Notre Dame should be forced to allow him to speak at their private event.
It is offensive to me and any Catholic who takes his faith seriously that Biden claims to be Catholic.

Most American Catholics support the right to an abortion.
Biden supports the law of the land
Unless you're a practicing Catholic, that really has no bearing on anything. The bottom line is, these students at Notre Dame don't want him to speak there because he claims to be one of them but his stances are contrary to their beliefs, and they really don't care what someone from outside themselves has to say about it. At least we don't have to contend with violent groups of students and professors throwing things and trying to physically destroy a speaker, such as what conservative speakers have to face at liberal state colleges. You might as well have someone claim to be stridently pro-gun, but constantly try to restrict gun ownership at every turn.
His job is to lead a secular nation so why are they surprised he has taken a secular stance on this abortion issue?
Irrelevant. They are not surprised, as this is not the first time Quid Pro was slapped down by the Church. He never made the public statement that he personally rejects abortion but that he would enforce laws that violated his faith. He also doesn't have the integrity to avoid the office of the presidency because it puts him in the situation where he would have to enforce laws he held to be repugnant. IOW, he's trying to have his cake and eat it too by wanting to be a practicing Catholic who violates Catholic doctrine publicly and repeatedly. The Church does not have to accept him doing that. It can withhold Communion from him if it so desires, and obviously Catholic students are refusing to listen to him over the issue.

Think of it this way. Would NRA members accept him as head of the NRA? Would NOW have accepted Rush Limbaugh as a member? No, they would not, and these Catholics do not accept Quid Pro as a practicing member of the Catholic Church.
Bottom line is Catholics have MORE abortions, but try hiding behind religion to not have to pay for the abortion insurance!

Notre Dame Invited Biden to Speak at Commencement & Biden said FU!

If Catholics have more abortions than most, wouldn't Abortion Insurance be a lot more beneficial for them? Get an insurance company to pay to have your babies killed instead of paying for it yourself?
Bottom line is Catholics have MORE abortions, but try hiding behind religion to not have to pay for the abortion insurance!

Notre Dame Invited Biden to Speak at Commencement & Biden said FU!

If Catholics have more abortions than most, wouldn't Abortion Insurance be a lot more beneficial for them? Get an insurance company to pay to have your babies killed instead of paying for it yourself?
The hypocrites use all the Obamacare benefits but objected to paying for them.
Bottom line is Catholics have MORE abortions, but try hiding behind religion to not have to pay for the abortion insurance!

Notre Dame Invited Biden to Speak at Commencement & Biden said FU!
Bottom line is Catholics have MORE abortions, but try hiding behind religion to not have to pay for the abortion insurance!

Notre Dame Invited Biden to Speak at Commencement & Biden said FU!

If Catholics have more abortions than most, wouldn't Abortion Insurance be a lot more beneficial for them? Get an insurance company to pay to have your babies killed instead of paying for it yourself?

Where did he dig that little nugget up from?
It is offensive to me and any Catholic who takes his faith seriously that Biden claims to be Catholic.
What happened to the Catholic stance on divorce?
What about it, and why are you deflecting from the topic? Just practicing?
Well if Trump spoke at Notre Dame after multiple divorces and infidelities, that is against Catholic Doctrine
TRUMP! never claimed to be Catholic. Big difference there. Would you go hear a speaker who claimed to be a member of every gun control group in existence but constantly tried to eliminate every obstacle to owning a gun?
Let’s see
Trump fathered a daughter out of wedlock, committed adultery, had sex with a porn star while his wife was home with his infant son

Don‘t have to be Catholic to find that is a sin

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