Biden's attack on Meloni using the F bomb


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Biden not only attacks his own citizens for opposing him politically by calling them fascists, he also did it to recently elected Giorgia Meloni.

Why? Cuz she is a conservative.

Bidne said, “There’s a case being made around the world, not just here, because democracy and autocracy.” That wasn’t even a sentence, but you get the idea. He continued, “You just saw what’s happened in Italy in that election. You’re seeing what’s happening around the world. The reason I bother to say that is, you can’t be sanguine about what’s happening here either.”

In insinuating that democracy is under attack because of a healthy democratic election result, Biden was not just spouting his typical divisive rhetoric. He was leveling a direct insult at a foreign ally — Giorgia Meloni, the conservative Italian politician. Meloni, having worked through the democratic process and won an impressive majority in last month’s election, will be Italy’s next prime minister. Biden wasted no time weakening America’s standing in the world to score a few cheap political points when he insulted her before meeting her. Perhaps Biden feels there are too many world leaders still willing to take his phone calls.


But so long as the Left has political opposition, it appears democracy is threatened by fascists. All we can hope is that one day we have a world one party Leftists system

Until then, we can only live in abject fear

But it is fear that even YouTube feels as it censored and removed the speech given by Meloni.

YouTube appears to have removed a version of a 2019 speech delivered by incoming Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni that focused on the ongoing leftist assaults on the family unit, God, and national identity.

As of Wednesday, the platform scrubbed the video, leaving a notice: “This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Community Guidelines.” However, other copies of the video of Meloni’s address at the World Congress of Families in Verona remain on the site.

The video went viral after Meloni’s Monday victory at the head of a right-wing coalition that captured 44 percent of the Italian electorate.

Youtube has maintained that it can restrict videos that feature “spam and deceptive practices,” “sensitive” material such as nudity, suicide, or vulgar language, “violent or dangerous content” such as “hate speech” or “harassment,” “regulated goods” such as firearms, and misinformation relating to elections, Covid-19, vaccines, etc. The company did not specify which rule Meloni’s speech broke.

In her passionate nationalistic message, Meloni, then leader of Italy’s right-wing Brothers of Italy party, railed against the progressive forces in her country that have sought to dismantle the family, tradition, objectivity, biology, and other foundations of society.

“They said it’s scandalous for people to defend the natural family founded on marriage, to want to increase the birth rate, to want to place the correct value on human life, to support freedom in education, and to say no to gender ideology” she declared. She repudiated the accusations that the World Congress of Families represents a step backward for Italy, saying leftists, who she said protested and tried to censor the event, are the regressive ones.

Meloni slammed surrogacy, which she called “degrading and abusive of women,” late-term abortion, and child gender transition hormone therapy. She called the low birth rate one of the “biggest problems facing Europe.”

“The embarrassing ones are those who support practices like “womb for rent,” abortion at nine months, and blocking the development of children with drugs at eleven years of age,” she said.

She rejected the claims that her party is anti-woman, pointing to the fact that she ran for mayor of Rome while pregnant, for which she was intensely criticized. Instead, she said her party is offering a compassionate, pro-human platform that contends that modernity has left women struggling and dissatisfied.

They are fighting for the “right of a woman to be a mother and not have to give up working as a result,” she said. “The right to be a mother, choose not to work, and not starve to death as a result. The right of a woman forced to have an abortion because she has no alternatives.”

And here I thought the Left was about women's rights.
We know that Biden can't keep up with what's happening in the world, sooner or later his health will fail and the 25th will need to be invoked.
I hope voters regret their 2020 votes, but they got what they voted for.
After the GOP takes the House, and possibly the Senate, assuming Manchin switches parties, Biden is toast and he knows it.
Speaking of conservatives, Truss in England, and Meloni in Italy are just a start, and Biden knows it, as the Fed raises rates...
We come up with these words of the moment, Fascist, woke, as a couple. They are used because the user can not properly address what is being said. Rather than come up with a valid argument, which often they are unable to do they rely on these lame labels.
We come up with these words of the moment, Fascist, woke, as a couple. They are used because the user can not properly address what is being said. Rather than come up with a valid argument, which often they are unable to do they rely on these lame labels.
We will see how much of a sane traditional person she is. The globalists have layer after layer after layer of servants. Boris Johnson of Britain was supposed to be something different than what he was.
Right wing authoritarian types are scum and need to told in no uncertain terms that they are not fooling anyone except maybe the fools who vote for them.
Right wing authoritarian types are scum and need to told in no uncertain terms that they are not fooling anyone except maybe the fools who vote for them.
We lived under that sense before Progs and globalist agendas took over. The red-light district society will not endure. For the wealth runs down and the people get nasty and ornery, and the blame starts in austere times.
Right wing authoritarian types are scum and need to told in no uncertain terms that they are not fooling anyone except maybe the fools who vote for them.

"Right wing" "Authoritarian" "Scum" "fools" but not a word on what your disagreement is and why. This is the typical political argument all around today.
We lived under that sense before Progs and globalist agendas took over. The red-light district society will not endure. For the wealth runs down and the people get nasty and ornery, and the blame starts in austere times.

"Progs" "globalists" and well, "red light district society" is a new one for me. Again as I said above.
"Right wing" "Authoritarian" "Scum" "fools" but not a word on what your disagreement is and why. This is the typical political argument all around today.
At this late date I hardly have to explain why electing anyone who is "far right" is an anti-democracy power grab waiting to happen.
At this late date I hardly have to explain why electing anyone who is "far right" is a anti-democracy power grab waiting to happen.

I've seen very few actual arguments in addressing her. Just the typical name calling. And then we wonder why things are so broken.
"Progs" "globalists" and well, "red light district society" is a new one for me. Again as I said above.
Believe me. when it comes to terms and names I get them from Progs about Repub voters. Release the Jan. 6 prisoners. Release them.
I've seen very few actual arguments in addressing her. Just the typical name calling. And then we wonder why things are so broken.
It's not broken because of me. If a politician is "far right" they have certain defining characteristics that make them opportunistic, lying scumbags.
You absolutely do. It's an issue all around.
You make them up as you are all on the stage. You emote. But you do not produce. You are middlemen in every level of and way of living. Getting your cut from the ways of surviving like parasites. And you do not realize it or do and let others do the real work.
Right wing authoritarian types are scum and need to told in no uncertain terms that they are not fooling anyone except maybe the fools who vote for them.
Which then is the majority in Britain and Italy, are you claiming the majority of voters in those nations are fools? Why do you claim that these leaders are authoritarian and in what ways are they currently ruling in authoritarian ways?

Biden speaks out against them just because they oppose his viewpoint as leader of the free world, who is acting like an authoritarian? Seems Biden maybe, but people in those nations have spoken and do not like the solutions of liberals, maybe because the liberals may have the wrong answer and being authoritarians, are not willing to admit it.
Which then is the majority in Britain and Italy, are you claiming the majority of voters in those nations are fools? Why do you claim that these leaders are authoritarian and in what ways are they currently ruling in authoritarian ways?

Biden speaks out against them just because they oppose his viewpoint as leader of the free world, who is acting like an authoritarian? Seems Biden maybe, but people in those nations have spoken and do not like the solutions of liberals, maybe because the liberals may have the wrong answer and being authoritarians, are not willing to admit it.

People swing one way and their politicians fail them. They then swing the other way and their politicians fail them. It's nothing more than a never ending cycle.

We put one party in charge and the next election throw them out. One can point to the parties in charge in the past and ask them what they accomplished and the answer is very little but then for some odd reason we believe it will be different this time.
"Progs" "globalists" and well, "red light district society" is a new one for me. Again as I said above.
There are just those with power taking our freedoms, that is what we wind up with.

YouTube censoring the speech by the Italian politician is just one example, much like the book burners of the Third Reich.

And there we have Joe Biden getting up their trying to strike fear into the hearts of everyone while not giving one example of how she is taking freedoms away from other people while he is supported by the media giant YouTube by censoring news for him.

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