Biden's Build Back Better bill would give young people jobs to fight climate change. What would a new "Civilian Climate Corps" look like? would look like a huge waste
You dumb fuck "Conservatives" are still fighting that fight. You lost it with FDR. And the original CCC's gave us many of the forests and buildings in our parks, also trained many young men to be craftsmen, and the young leaders we needed in WW2. The CCC's of today could perform the same functions. We are woefully lacking in trained craftsmen, and thousands of square miles of our forests need replanted and many more thousands of square miles need work to prevent, as much as possible, further fires.
hahahahahahaha, The Climate Corps, Biden and the Democrats are going to arm them, give them guns and tactical weapons so they can fight the evil corporations.

More government is always the Democrats solution. The Democrats lack creativity. The solution to fix the Climate caused by pollution, to build more stuff, a lot more stuff, polluting the earth more. And when that first wave failed, their idea was to build more, bigger, and to destroy miles of land.

Yes, Democrats, all your solutions fail, a new military to fight Climate Change? More government? More spending? More covid lockdowns most likely with a military loyal to Climate, unlike our current police and military.

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