Biden’s China-Style CBDC Control Currency Would Force Mandatory Vaccinations, Other Mandated “Medical Interventions” by Cutting-Off Food

Are they mandatory for all or just those that go to public school?
You're skipping steps. First, You're going to find me a link showing that vaccines for these diseases will be mandatory for everyone as part of this alleged "currency" whose link is a WordPress blog called "coronanews123" that some Alex Jones fan put together in his basement.
You're skipping steps. First, You're going to find me a link showing that vaccines for these diseases will be mandatory for everyone as part of this alleged "currency" whose link is a WordPress blog called "coronanews123" that some Alex Jones fan put together in his basement.

I did not make any claims, but you did. Thus I asked you a question.
There is no freedom and yous guys prove you be the Nazis by wanting to kill off the LGBT crowd.
Everything is a joke until it happens. What you represent is too expensive. Just like Millennials and younger do not like the whiter dominated boomer generation and older that is retired/retiring in part due to the expense and of course, race. The ironic thing is all of the social security/medicare taxes went into the general fund to pay for all of the maladies and irresponsible living ways that is promoted. People will be killed off. At first it may be limited medical then no medical. Euthanasia will be suggested and then enforced at some point. Lack of resources causes ugliness. Stealing resources from a neighbor who lives the same but lives responsibly compared to the one given it to is pure evil. And progs revel in this.
Code for watering with the blood of patriots?

Code for civil war?

Over vaccinations?

Uhhhhh... yeah... sure... funny stuff, that...

Over the re-awakening of an actual Central Bank of the US?

Uhhhhh... yeah... sure... it didn't happen last time we had an actual Central Bank... it won't happen now, either... but another good morning laugh...

The Currency Act of 1765 was the real reason we fought against the Crown, the tea tax was just a rounding error but was the last straw. The best way for you retards to spark a real uprising is to try to enact your beloved CCP social credit and banking system

Only if you plan to put that child in public school.

So, not "mandatory" by any commonly accepted definition.

Please be a bit more factual in your future posts.


Very naive. If you think previous mandates were over-reaching you ain't seen nothing until they can cut-off your money if you do not comply. And wait until they start their transhumanism experiments to make them live 200 years, but first they need millions of guinea pigs like your kids. With a CBDC system you cannot say no, ever, or they starve you. 1984 is here and the end game of COVD was always CBDC.
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In the USA, children vaccinations are mandatory for:
Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP) Polio Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) Hepatitis B Chickenpox Meningitis.
.Only if you plan to put that child in public school.
So, not "mandatory" by any commonly accepted definition.
Please be a bit more factual in your future posts..
Don't hold your breath.
To be fair, we did see a ton of people get fired.

And many of them never got their jobs back.

Of course. I saw that too. I thought we were just speaking about the jabs being mandatory for children to go to school.

I'm lucky that all of my family refused to take the jab in a state that's basically a dem gulag, and none of them lost their jobs.


Of course. I saw that too. I thought we were just speaking about the jabs being mandatory for children to go to school.

I'm lucky that all of my family refused to take the jab in a state that's basically a dem gulag, and none of them lost their jobs.


The employers of all the people who I know who refused the clot-shot all seemed to be playing a game of chicken. They leaned on them hard for awhile but eventually just left them alone. These were valuable workers they couldn't afford to lose since they were short staffed anyway.

Newly released COVID vaccine victim documentary “Anecdotals”
The employers of all the people who I know who refused the clot-shot all seemed to be playing a game of chicken. They leaned on them hard for awhile but eventually just left them alone. These were valuable workers they couldn't afford to lose since they were short staffed anyway.

Newly released COVID vaccine victim documentary “Anecdotals”


That's what I observed as well.

Very naive. If you think previous mandates were over-reaching you ain't seen nothing until they can cut-off your money if you do not comply. And wait until they start their transhumanism experiments to make them live 200 years, but first they need millions of guinea pigs like your kids. With a CBDC system you cannot say no, ever, or they starve you. 1984 is here and the end game of COVD was always CBDC.

Certainly that's going to happen to anyone stupid enough to keep their wealth in a bank, or in something as stupid as crypto.

They can't take what they don't know exists.


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