Biden's Deficit is lower than every Trump year (through May)

Biden and the left have thrown gasoline on the inflation fire every step of the way. But, go ahead, with over 70% of Americans thinking the country is going in the wrong direction, tell them that they are stupid and that we need to continue going in the same direction that over 70% of Americans think is the wrong direction. Then, after you take a drubbing in the midterms, you can claim that that happens in the midterms anyway so it is normal. Don't listen to the voters. Ignore them completely.
What action do the voters want that will make a difference in oil prices today?
Biden's is lower post covid. Is that your point? That was my point. Trump was driving up the deficit prior to covid. I'll give him a break for covid response to a historic situation but the trend pre covid was to spend spend spend. Biden has it already reigned in to Obama days of low deficits.
You can quibble with your spin all you'd like, kid. We all know Biden is a disaster and Trump, pre-covid, was doing fantastic.
Yeah sure......if you say so. That explains why Biden is shutting down refineries and converting them to produce something else. Maybe baby formula for illegals.

The biggest increase in the world seems to be China's energy consumption.
They're currently consuming almost 77 million BTUs to date in 2022 compared to our 46 million BTUs.

During the Obama years the fed kept interest rates at almost nothing but now they're raising interest on the debt which is going to cause the debt to skyrocket. Eventually Pelosi and Schumer will start making proposals to pay down the debt by grabbing our 401k and all of our savings. Eventually you'll have an account number that all of your money goes into and the government will have full access to it. They'll make sure they leave you the crumbs.

BTW, this isn't a Recession....this is a Transition.
Look. It’s not my fault the facts are counter to your preferred narrative. Stay on point. You said the prices are up due to Biden policies that don’t support producing oil. I showed factual data that production is UP under Biden. In fact it is higher under Biden than 3 of 4 Trump years. It’s higher overall.

Here is the problem with WORLD gas prices today.

You can quibble with your spin all you'd like, kid. We all know Biden is a disaster and Trump, pre-covid, was doing fantastic.
Emotion vs my factual “spin”. I think it’s weird how you have so much partisan loyalty… more than loyalty to the US.. that it clouds what you see and how you process information.

Economy was great under Obama once he dug us out of the recession. Economy started off great under Trump although deficits were growing.. it went off the rails with Covid, which is still affecting the economy now from restricted production.

Question: Why do you see the impacts of Covid under Trump but not under Biden?
$665 is more than $585. And $585 is more than $442.

Then you are the idiot, where did Trump improve the numbers? And it looks like Obama did pretty well until Republicans took the majority in Congress, go figure.
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Question: Why do you see the impacts of Covid under Trump but not under Biden?
Do you really think Biden is doing a good job leading the country?
Why are his poll numbers in the toilet?
It's not as if the MSM is crucifying his every move, like his predecessor.
What action do the voters want that will make a difference in oil prices today?
That's simple....remove every EO Biden signed and return our energy policies back to the state they were in when he was sworn in. That would take maybe an hour of signing documents and then he could reverse all of the damage he's caused. After that he could start enforcing our immigration laws again and cease all human-trafficking operations of illegals into the US interior.
Then you are the idiot, where did Trump improve the numbers? And it looks like Obama did pretty well under Republicans took the majority in Congress, go figure.
Where did I say Trump improved the numbers, Dumbass? The lying sack citygator claimed deficits were going down under Barry Hussein. That is clearly a lie.

Next time try to comprehend the conversation you are jumping into.
Where did I say Trump improved the numbers, Dumbass? The lying sack citygator claimed deficits were going down under Barry Hussein. That is clearly a lie.

Next time try to comprehend the conversation you are jumping into.
The deficits were going down....after he spent his first year trying to spend us into bankruptcy.
This caused Democrats to lose control of congress.
And when the GOP takes over congress they don't write legislation designed to fuck the Democrat POTUS.
They try to reduce spending.
But like all politicians,......they just kick the can down the road for somebody else to have to deal with it.
Both sides are guilty of it. The Never Trumpers and the Communist Democrats.
They're working together to put under a new world government controlled in Europe.

BTW, has anyone noticed the absolute absence of Middle-Eastern terrorism reported in the US.
Now we're dealing with our own form of terrorism in the Democrat Party.
What action do the voters want that will make a difference in oil prices today?
It's just amazing how much you claim you want democracy and then turn right around and ignore the voters, who over 70% say the country is going in the wrong direction and the left tells them that we should continue going in the same direction. Boggles my mind.
Do you really think Biden is doing a good job leading the country?
Why are his poll numbers in the toilet?
It's not as if the MSM is crucifying his every move, like his predecessor.
Good questions. First MSM isnt crucifying his insane tweets and bizarre off the cuff comments because there are few and they are more professional and guarded. The few "off the cuff" slip-ups have been managed effectively and havent been meant to tear people down.

His poll numbers are down because inflation is high due to product shortages and people blame the president without understanding. Its part of the job, what are you going to do about it? My criticism of Joe is that he should be out front more and he should be more aggressive about pushing his agenda - unfortunately he doesnt have the votes in the Senate. At least he could ceremonially propose changes to get the Republicans on record for sucking ass.

However, the worst thing a president can do is get in the way of the economy and he isnt doing that. We have the most flexible and responsive economy in the world because we dont over manage it except when dire (great recession, covid) and even then the economy figured out a way.
It's just amazing how much you claim you want democracy and then turn right around and ignore the voters, who over 70% say the country is going in the wrong direction and the left tells them that we should continue going in the same direction. Boggles my mind.
So.. you dont know what you want, you just know you want a Republican not doing it, instead of a Democrat not doing it? Uh... ok. Maybe if you were more independent of a thinker you would have a point of view about the actions you are looking for and not be obsessed with the color of the campaign signs. Sigh.
Good questions. First MSM isnt crucifying his insane tweets and bizarre off the cuff comments because there are few and they are more professional and guarded. The few "off the cuff" slip-ups have been managed effectively and havent been meant to tear people down.

His poll numbers are down because inflation is high due to product shortages and people blame the president without understanding. Its part of the job, what are you going to do about it? My criticism of Joe is that he should be out front more and he should be more aggressive about pushing his agenda - unfortunately he doesnt have the votes in the Senate. At least he could ceremonially propose changes to get the Republicans on record for sucking ass.

However, the worst thing a president can do is get in the way of the economy and he isnt doing that. We have the most flexible and responsive economy in the world because we dont over manage it except when dire (great recession, covid) and even then the economy figured out a way.
Excuses, excuses, excuses! This is all on Progs. A free and sovereign nation be damned! We are part of the global family...bwhahaha! He is on TV now making excuses. He is on holographic mode. The TV screens with the Prog marxist hollywood people producing.....traitors!
Excuses, excuses, excuses! This is all on Progs. A free and sovereign nation be damned! We are part of the global family...bwhahaha! He is on TV now making excuses. He is on holographic mode. The TV screens with the Prog marxist hollywood people producing.....traitors!
What excuse?
Excuses, excuses, excuses! This is all on Progs. A free and sovereign nation be damned! We are part of the global family...bwhahaha! He is on TV now making excuses. He is on holographic mode. The TV screens with the Prog marxist hollywood people producing.....traitors!
It’s interesting watching the desperation to spin Biden’s presidency as being a success. Walls of text wouldn’t be needed if one could just say the economy is booming and prices are low.
That's simple....remove every EO Biden signed and return our energy policies back to the state they were in when he was sworn in. That would take maybe an hour of signing documents and then he could reverse all of the damage he's caused. After that he could start enforcing our immigration laws again and cease all human-trafficking operations of illegals into the US interior.
Show me where on this chart Biden hurt you?

How's that 40 year peak inflation treating you?

What's your prediction for Dem losses in the House?

40? 50? More?
Voter temper tantrums on inflation is to be expected. So is losing the midterms just like Trump did, and Obama, and Bush, and... you get the point. You didnt answer the question I asked Mud... where on that chart is the president causing price increases in gasoline in the US.. and how is he sending prices up in UK, Germany, and all around the world?
Your chart is a fraud.
The data is directly from the linked source on the chart... it is not a fraud. It is the same data that everyone uses.

Now... what is a fraud is the idea that Biden's policies are hurting output and that the US output is the problem. I wish Americans were smarter but they arent. The issue is the amount of oil that OPEC is producing and the Ukraine war impact on Russia.


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