Biden's doing a great job.

Nobody on the right seemed to have much of a problem when the blob was doing it....
Good grief, that is your defense? Pretty lame, btw, I have had a big issue with government spending and government printing money as it weakens the dollar, America’s buying power. You do realize that printing more money hurts the poor and middle class and transfers more wealth to the rich? You claim to be a Democrat and you claim Democrats help the poor and middle class but you don’t condemn the printing of money by the last three Democratic Presidents.

Another example of the Democratic defense being but…but…but…Trump!
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.
/———-/ Dementia Joe is a disaster, he makes Jimma Carter look competent.


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Good grief, that is your defense?
I wouldn't call it a defense. I'd call it pointing out a double standard.
I have had a big issue with government spending and government printing money as it weakens the dollar, America’s buying power.
Do you disagree that most of the blob supporters here had zero objection to anything the blob did? Feel free to cite yourself and your impassioned pleas for frugality. I'm guessing you won't be able to.
You do realize that printing more money hurts the poor and middle class and transfers more wealth to the rich?
I was just pointing out the double standard.
You claim to be a Democrat
Never have ; never will.
and you claim Democrats help the poor and middle class
They do try to fend off the GOP from attacking the middle class at every turn.
but you don’t condemn the printing of money by the last three Democratic Presidents.
That is probably true. Lets see, Clinton, Obama, and Biden.... Yeah pretty big spenders. Of course were the Bushes and Trump models of frugality?
Another example of the Democratic defense being but…but…but…Trump!
Just pointing out the double standard. Can't take it...not my problem.
Now that we know the stimulus money was for the rich and created a large transition of wealth to the rich, plus, the border issues, his diminished cognitive abilities, the inflation from the supply shortages and the Afghanistan mess. I have him at a C-.

What is interesting on this board is any criticism of him is never how great or positives, it is "Trump was worse.", which to me is saying Biden sucks but not as bad as Trump. Terrible state when you elect the lesser of two evils.
I just did a search for mentions of Obama this month (7 days)...over 17 pages of hits. He hasn't been in office for what, 5 years or so?

What is interesting on this board is that you're quite quick to try to point out people complaining about the blob...but not people still complaining about Obama.


Biden's accomplishments:

Stock Market-Record Highs

I'm happy to talk about Biden's accomplishments and his failures. Its terrible when you paint everyone with a borad brush.
I wouldn't call it a defense. I'd call it pointing out a double standard.

Do you disagree that most of the blob supporters here had zero objection to anything the blob did? Feel free to cite yourself and your impassioned pleas for frugality. I'm guessing you won't be able to.

I was just pointing out the double standard.

Never have ; never will.

They do try to fend off the GOP from attacking the middle class at every turn.

That is probably true. Lets see, Clinton, Obama, and Biden.... Yeah pretty big spenders. Of course were the Bushes and Trump models of frugality?

Just pointing out the double standard. Can't take it...not my problem.
You pointed out nothing but excusing the very bad practice of printing money and hurting Americans that work hard for a living. That is it. There are Trump supporters that have no issue with anything Trump does, I think that is not a good idea at all. The last three Presidents have helped transfer money to the rich while giving the masses enough crumbs to appease them. I don't believe for one second that the Republicans or Democrats give a damn about the poor, middle class or minorities, they just talk the talk, throw crumbs and then during the Presidential campaigns and then move on after the election. It's all lip service. The last seven Presidents have over spent and are why we are in trouble financially as a nation. That is why I won't vote for a Democrat or a Republican because neither gives a damn about the average American. We need third parties to rise, the issue is the rich support the two parties.
I just did a search for mentions of Obama this month (7 days)...over 17 pages of hits. He hasn't been in office for what, 5 years or so?

What is interesting on this board is that you're quite quick to try to point out people complaining about the blob...but not people still complaining about Obama.


Biden's accomplishments:

Stock Market-Record Highs

I'm happy to talk about Biden's accomplishments and his failures. Its terrible when you paint everyone with a borad brush.
The stock market is high and why? Because the rich have made over a trillion dollars under Biden and are investing it in the stock market. Afghanistan was and is a mess, the pullout was a disaster and most 53% of Democrats believe that. Vaccines? Take away free choice and sure people will vaccinate and the vaccination would have happened under any President. Stimulus was a waste of taxpayer money and in the long term will destroy America. I believe that most of any stimulus in the third round should have been better targeted to help those that were more directly impacted. The border crisis seems to get swept under the rug and will continue to get worse. I will say that Biden has done okay with the hurricane in Louisiana. The infrastructure would not have been so bad if it had not been on top of the stimulus, which was trillions going to the wrong places.

We need taxes to go up, but not just on the rich and spending needs to be cut, especially corporate welfare, neither will happen as neither party has the gonads to do it.
All of the vitriol from the Trump supporters make it a fact.

Its fun to see the constant whining.

In truth, Biden has made some mis-steps that were unforced errors. But $1,400 stimulus checks completing the $2000 loop, vaccinations well ahead of schedule, telling Russia and North Korea that there is no more Mr. Nice Guy like they had under Trump....

So far it's an A-minus.
Truth over Facts

Your deranged truth over actual facts. His approval rating is in the toilet and 20% who voted for him regret it.
The stock market is high and why? Because the rich have made over a trillion dollars under Biden and are investing it in the stock market. Afghanistan was and is a mess, the pullout was a disaster and most 53% of Democrats believe that. Vaccines? Take away free choice and sure people will vaccinate and the vaccination would have happened under any President. Stimulus was a waste of taxpayer money and in the long term will destroy America. I believe that most of any stimulus in the third round should have been better targeted to help those that were more directly impacted. The border crisis seems to get swept under the rug and will continue to get worse. I will say that Biden has done okay with the hurricane in Louisiana. The infrastructure would not have been so bad if it had not been on top of the stimulus, which was trillions going to the wrong places.

We need taxes to go up, but not just on the rich and spending needs to be cut, especially corporate welfare, neither will happen as neither party has the gonads to do it.
Market is high because despite inflation Biden and his buddies at the Fed have kept interest rates super low so there is no other place for 401k wealth managers to invest their monies. Stocks and bonds have an inverse relationship.
You pointed out nothing but excusing the very bad practice of printing money and hurting Americans that work hard for a living. That is it. There are Trump supporters that have no issue with anything Trump does, I think that is not a good idea at all. The last three Presidents have helped transfer money to the rich while giving the masses enough crumbs to appease them. I don't believe for one second that the Republicans or Democrats give a damn about the poor, middle class or minorities, they just talk the talk, throw crumbs and then during the Presidential campaigns and then move on after the election. It's all lip service. The last seven Presidents have over spent and are why we are in trouble financially as a nation. That is why I won't vote for a Democrat or a Republican because neither gives a damn about the average American. We need third parties to rise, the issue is the rich support the two parties.
I pointed out the double standard.
I just did a search for mentions of Obama this month (7 days)...over 17 pages of hits. He hasn't been in office for what, 5 years or so?

What is interesting on this board is that you're quite quick to try to point out people complaining about the blob...but not people still complaining about Obama.


Biden's accomplishments:

Stock Market-Record Highs

I'm happy to talk about Biden's accomplishments and his failures. Its terrible when you paint everyone with a borad brush.

Let's talk about these so-called accomplishments:

Stimulus, which included paying people to stay home causing high unemployment and a labor shortage at the same time, forcing businesses to increase wage offers which contributed to our inflation problem that hasn't been this bad in 20 years. Good job.

Infrastructure, it's done? What highway is being built? What roads are being repaired? The commies want to spend 3.5 trillion, much of it not infrastructure at all, and nothing but green bullshit that we don't have the money for. It's sheer vote buying and putting us in more massive debt IF it totally passes which it hasn't yet. Good job Joe.

Vaccines have been getting distributed since they day they came out. Trying to hitch Dementia's wagon on Trump's success is purely pathetic and as transparent as cling wrap.

Afghanistan finished? You can say that again. Dementia created the most well armed middle-east fundamentalist group in the entire world while leaving our people behind not to mention Afghans who helped us all these years. You call that an accomplishment?

What did that Bozo have to do with the stock market? Name one thing he's done to encourage investments. Once again, trying to give credit to a complete moron for something he had nothing to do with.
What makes you think the Chinese have lower technology equipment? You have no evidence of that..

It was trump who promised to leave th e weapons. Biden merely followed policy set by that idiot.

Trump would have left the military equipment to the Afghan military to continue their fight. When they all ran for the hills, that was our equipment and we should have taken back every last piece right down to the last Segway. Trump would have never handed over 83 billion dollars of military equipment to the Taliban like Dementia did. If we have to go back and fight these clowns to get our people back, our solders will be getting killed with our very won taxpayer paid military equipment.........not that it would bother Dementia in any way.
Biden has been in office for less than 8 months, think I am willing to wait until next year to see if things level out, this using of a world wide pandemic for political gain has made us all a little crazy.
Biden has been in office for less than 8 months, think I am willing to wait until next year to see if things level out, this using of a world wide pandemic for political gain has made us all a little crazy.

Next year? Look at how many problems he created in 8 months. He hasn't done one positive thing for America or Americans. Any policy he created or enforced turned out to be a disaster.

We might not have until next year.
Let's talk about these so-called accomplishments:

Stimulus, which included paying people to stay home causing high unemployment and a labor shortage at the same time, forcing businesses to increase wage offers which contributed to our inflation problem that hasn't been this bad in 20 years. Good job.

Infrastructure, it's done? What highway is being built? What roads are being repaired? The commies want to spend 3.5 trillion, much of it not infrastructure at all, and nothing but green bullshit that we don't have the money for. It's sheer vote buying and putting us in more massive debt IF it totally passes which it hasn't yet. Good job Joe.

Vaccines have been getting distributed since they day they came out. Trying to hitch Dementia's wagon on Trump's success is purely pathetic and as transparent as cling wrap.

Afghanistan finished? You can say that again. Dementia created the most well armed middle-east fundamentalist group in the entire world while leaving our people behind not to mention Afghans who helped us all these years. You call that an accomplishment?

What did that Bozo have to do with the stock market? Name one thing he's done to encourage investments. Once again, trying to give credit to a complete moron for something he had nothing to do with.
Don't confuse that one with reality.
Oh the irony....this coming from a demscum who's party for four years did nothing but cry like the bitches they are that Trump beat the hag Hillary. STFU.

No one tells me to shut up and least if all a ignorant fool like you. Invent all the childish names you want. You don't intimidate me. I understand you have no ammo but hate. That's normal for repigs.

Trump was voted out by his own Republican supporters yet your still promoting him like the return of Christ.
Yet you're bellowing about democrats squealing. Oh the irony.

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