Biden's Fake "WORKERS" Mailer


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Yesterday, I wrote an OP about Biden's fake mailer about Social Security, and his horrible 47 year record on that subject. Understandably, no Democrats showed up there to defend Biden on that.

Now I got another mailer. This one with Biden claiming to be the champion for "AMERICAN WORKERS"
Again, Biden's 47 year record is not consistent with the content of his mailer. First, when do you ever hear Democrats uttering the words AMERICAN workers ? (except right before an election). Nope. Take a look through this forum. Go through the links. You'll see Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, Hillary, et al talking about "workers" (without the AMERICAN adjective). That's because Democrats don't support AMERICAN workers. They support the whole world's workers. Including having all the workers of the world come here (legally or not), to vote for them.

About the biggest hypocrisy you could ever see is Biden and other Democrats claiming to be supportive of AMERICAN working families, when they have been BETRAYING those AMERICAN workers for decades, by supporting illegal immigration. That with Senate votes on amnesty, asylum, sanctuary, drivers licenses, etc, all helping low wage illegal aliens to steal those American workers' jobs, repress their wages, + a long list of harms brought upon all AMERICANS.

You don't throw AMERICAN workers under the bus for 40 years, and come around smiling, and expecting them to vote for YOU. Not hardly.
Yeah, you-better stay away from here, Democrats.

They know better than to mess with issues they can't spin.

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