Biden’s immediate action to destroy the US financially and politically


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011

President Joe Biden’s first day in office may have been historic in more ways than one: he may have set a single-day record for the number of jobs killed by an American president.
Biden supporters begin to experience voter’s remorse after his job-killing start as president
Biden destroys jobs, raises energy costs by imposing radical environmental policies

Why, then, was Biden so eager to eliminate billions of dollars in new economic development and tens of thousands of new jobs? And why are the new president and his administration working so hard to promote policies that will lead to higher energy prices that will hurt the poor most of all?
Hopefully free of persecution. Come on in. So, any person in the world can now come into the United States and apply for asylum. That’s number one. Elections have consequences, and for you, 80 million-plus, who voted for Joe Biden, you just voted for chaos. Because when these people come here, and many of them are persecuted, many of them are desperate, almost all of them are poor, the American taxpayer is going to pick it up.

Biden is a walking wrecking ball, your fucked and you will know it soon.

President Joe Biden’s first day in office may have been historic in more ways than one: he may have set a single-day record for the number of jobs killed by an American president.
Biden supporters begin to experience voter’s remorse after his job-killing start as president
Biden destroys jobs, raises energy costs by imposing radical environmental policies

Why, then, was Biden so eager to eliminate billions of dollars in new economic development and tens of thousands of new jobs? And why are the new president and his administration working so hard to promote policies that will lead to higher energy prices that will hurt the poor most of all?
Hopefully free of persecution. Come on in. So, any person in the world can now come into the United States and apply for asylum. That’s number one. Elections have consequences, and for you, 80 million-plus, who voted for Joe Biden, you just voted for chaos. Because when these people come here, and many of them are persecuted, many of them are desperate, almost all of them are poor, the American taxpayer is going to pick it up.

Biden is a walking wrecking ball, your fucked and you will know it soon.
All because a RWNJ rag quoted a RWNJ pundit?

tRumpling please.
I noticed your article is severely missing anything that resembles facts. It is full of half truths and scary words to emote the reader to want to think it is true.
That is because folks who read that kinda crap don't really think, they just emote all over the place.
I noticed your article is severely missing anything that resembles facts. It is full of half truths and scary words to emote the reader to want to think it is true.
....Parris Accords crap will cost $$$$$--even before any regulations are initiated = lot's of AMERICAN $$$$ wasted on committees/implementation/''paperwork'''/etc etc

etc etc
I noticed your article is severely missing anything that resembles facts. It is full of half truths and scary words to emote the reader to want to think it is true.

Would be helpful if you pointed out the lies exactly?


That would be the entirety of the post.

Would be helpful to read it, and save everyone time of pointing out the lies to you.

President Joe Biden’s first day in office may have been historic in more ways than one: he may have set a single-day record for the number of jobs killed by an American president.
Biden supporters begin to experience voter’s remorse after his job-killing start as president
Biden destroys jobs, raises energy costs by imposing radical environmental policies

Why, then, was Biden so eager to eliminate billions of dollars in new economic development and tens of thousands of new jobs? And why are the new president and his administration working so hard to promote policies that will lead to higher energy prices that will hurt the poor most of all?
Hopefully free of persecution. Come on in. So, any person in the world can now come into the United States and apply for asylum. That’s number one. Elections have consequences, and for you, 80 million-plus, who voted for Joe Biden, you just voted for chaos. Because when these people come here, and many of them are persecuted, many of them are desperate, almost all of them are poor, the American taxpayer is going to pick it up.

Biden is a walking wrecking ball, your fucked and you will know it soon.
I bet you anything corporations are telling our government they can’t find workers. Either because they won’t do it for the low wage or they aren’t qualified.

Isnt our birth rates down big time? I bet we have too many retirees and not enough workers.

Since corporations no longer pay taxes, we need more workers to pay taxes. So we need more bodies.

If you want Economic growth You need more consumers.

Im with you on this. I wish we would cut our population in half. Global warming
I noticed your article is severely missing anything that resembles facts. It is full of half truths and scary words to emote the reader to want to think it is true.
HUn--when you push up the cost of energy--------------------------inflation sets in, businesses close, and lots of people lose their jobs. This is what ALWAYS happens. This isn't rocket science---

Same goes for when you start putting a bunch of costly regulations---cost of business goes up--forcing prices up and employers to cut costs in other ways---laying off people or go out of business themselves.......

A few months from now--massive inflation and lots of people out of work--Carter years on steroids.

But don't you worry about big corporations that pay off politicans they will magically get loopholes and make money off the government bad fiscal decisions-----------
I noticed your article is severely missing anything that resembles facts. It is full of half truths and scary words to emote the reader to want to think it is true.
HUn--when you push up the cost of energy--------------------------inflation sets in, businesses close, and lots of people lose their jobs. This is what ALWAYS happens. This isn't rocket science---
Energy prices fluctuate that is normal it happened during every president since it was sold, they call it the law of supply and demand and some guy who speculates the prices determines the prices due to too much or too little in inventory and the economic outlook. It has been depressed during Trump since the recession well might as well call it a Trump depression from last yer where 65% of oil wells were capped gasoline was at .97 cents and oil was at a negative number. Did you bitch when gasoline rose a dollar a gallon under Trump and when a barrel of oil went up over forty dollars?

President Joe Biden’s first day in office may have been historic in more ways than one: he may have set a single-day record for the number of jobs killed by an American president.
Biden supporters begin to experience voter’s remorse after his job-killing start as president
Biden destroys jobs, raises energy costs by imposing radical environmental policies

Why, then, was Biden so eager to eliminate billions of dollars in new economic development and tens of thousands of new jobs? And why are the new president and his administration working so hard to promote policies that will lead to higher energy prices that will hurt the poor most of all?
Hopefully free of persecution. Come on in. So, any person in the world can now come into the United States and apply for asylum. That’s number one. Elections have consequences, and for you, 80 million-plus, who voted for Joe Biden, you just voted for chaos. Because when these people come here, and many of them are persecuted, many of them are desperate, almost all of them are poor, the American taxpayer is going to pick it up.

Biden is a walking wrecking ball, your fucked and you will know it soon.

It was Biden that was part of the administration that created the largest job boom in history. With record numbers of jobs being created when he left office, with multiple quarters of GDP above 3%, a stock market up 142% from the Great Republican Recession of 2008-2011, and a renewable energy industry that overtook the fossil fuel industry in jobs, and better pay.

All to be destroyed in just 4 years by Donald Trump. The only President to lose jobs after leaving office in the modern era. Inarguably the worst President in American history. Fortunately, Biden already has many years of experience in fixing Republican fuck ups, and he has already taken the necessary steps to do that.

The right wing wet dream of drilling for oil in the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge, just came to a screeching halt. If it's oil jobs you're worried bout, you can thank Trumps buddies the Saudis, that doubled production last year during the height of the pandemic, effectively glutting the world supply, and putting most of the American fracking industry out of business.

You're what we call around these parts, dumb as a box of rocks.
On the morning of Jan. 20, every room of the two-story Stroppel Hotel in Midland, SD, was filled with men and women who work on the Keystone XL pipeline. Most of these union laborers, welders and pipefitters started their day over a cup of coffee in the hotel’s common room before heading out to their jobs.

By 4 p.m., the entire place was cleared out, leaving the historic hotel silent for the first time since owners Laurie and Wally Cox took it over six months ago.

Biden's climate executive orders devastated these US workers (

President Joe Biden’s first day in office may have been historic in more ways than one: he may have set a single-day record for the number of jobs killed by an American president.
Biden supporters begin to experience voter’s remorse after his job-killing start as president
Biden destroys jobs, raises energy costs by imposing radical environmental policies

Why, then, was Biden so eager to eliminate billions of dollars in new economic development and tens of thousands of new jobs? And why are the new president and his administration working so hard to promote policies that will lead to higher energy prices that will hurt the poor most of all?
Hopefully free of persecution. Come on in. So, any person in the world can now come into the United States and apply for asylum. That’s number one. Elections have consequences, and for you, 80 million-plus, who voted for Joe Biden, you just voted for chaos. Because when these people come here, and many of them are persecuted, many of them are desperate, almost all of them are poor, the American taxpayer is going to pick it up.

Biden is a walking wrecking ball, your fucked and you will know it soon.
Independent Sentinel - Media Bias Fact Check


A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate the Independent Sentinel Right Biased and Questionable based on the use of poor sources, the promotion of propaganda and conspiracy theories as well as some false claims.
If old Joe is destroying the US it isn't working, the sky is still above us and below the Earth still exist.
I noticed your article is severely missing anything that resembles facts. It is full of half truths and scary words to emote the reader to want to think it is true.
HUn--when you push up the cost of energy--------------------------inflation sets in, businesses close, and lots of people lose their jobs. This is what ALWAYS happens. This isn't rocket science---
Energy prices fluctuate that is normal it happened during every president since it was sold, they call it the law of supply and demand and some guy who speculates the prices determines the prices due to too much or too little in inventory and the economic outlook. It has been depressed during Trump since the recession well might as well call it a Trump depression from last yer where 65% of oil wells were capped gasoline was at .97 cents and oil was at a negative number. Did you bitch when gasoline rose a dollar a gallon under Trump and when a barrel of oil went up over forty dollars?
Actually Trumps economy took off and wasn't depressed ---------energy prices stayed down from Obama's stagnation due to trump's regulation reprieve opening up so many sources for fuel---now with Biden forcing those sources to be shut up---prices will increase for energy and gas---inflation will follow--------more regulation will also at the same time push up costs of doing business--------which will force out business which means fewer jobs. Its the Carter years -------and like Carter not based on the NATURAL law of supply and demand but on corrupt lib lies.

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