Biden’s Justice: 38,000 Meals Air-Dropped to People Complicit in Hamas’ Slaughter of Jews

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
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Israel is not liking this one bit. I wonder how many homeless American veterans would love to be getting this food? Biden's foreign policy is a disaster.

And? Caught between the corrupt Palestinian Authority that Bibi didn't want to deal with, he funneled money to Qatar who then funneled it to Hamas.
You wall millions of people off in a 25 mile strip of land that is one of the most electronically surveilled on the planet.
Who else do you think they are going to turn to? It's not Israel tried. So we dropped the food. Deal with it.

Alt-right media is a cancer that needs to be excised. :)
Were the walls still stained orange from the acid from the mines when you went?
I don't remember any orange stains on the river banks, but I can remember the strip mining effect on the natural beauty of West Virginia. That was in '69.
I don't remember any orange stains on the river banks, but I can remember the strip mining effect on the natural beauty of West Virginia. That was in '69.
The mine blow out that acidified the river and turned it and cheat lake orange was in the early 90's.

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