Biden's new Domestic Terrorism War: "Nothing that could be more dangerous'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Dems label anyone opposed to neo-liberalism an insurgentVideo
Dems label anyone opposed to neo-liberalism an insurgent
Investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald sounds off 'new domestic war on terror' on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'

"Democrats led by President Biden have launched a war on domestic terrorism to "essentially criminalize any oppositional ideology to the ruling class," investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald argued Wednesday.

"There is literally nothing that could be more dangerous, and it's not fear-mongering or alarmism to say it," Greenwald told "Tucker Carlson Tonight."

Opposition to Socialist / Ruling Class ideology is now 'Domestic Terrorism'
The democrats can have their "Khmer Rouge" elements in their urban plantations, and in their MSM's propaganda.
But in the rest of the country we know communism when we see it.
Hannity had his panties in a bunch last night too. It made me smile. Sorry, when you got behind an insurrection on January 6th, you sealed your fates. Everything that comes to pass, is on your head. And you can give a lot of that blame to the guy who is now exiled to Mar-A-Lago for instigating it. No one wants to see a repeat of that day. So, I'd suggest a return to sanity and reason. Cut Trump out like a cancerous tumor. Banish the Q-Anon crazies. Disagreement is always welcome. Our country was built on it. But what happened at the Capitol wasn't disagreement. It was attempt to overturn a free and fair election. The day decades of perceived grievances exploded because of gaslighting from a cowardly fraud who said he was going to walk with you..then bravely ran away to watch the world burn.
Hannity had his panties in a bunch last night too. It made me smile. Sorry, when you got behind an insurrection on January 6th, you sealed your fates. Everything that comes to pass, is on your head. And you can give a lot of that blame to the guy who is now exiled to Mar-A-Lago for instigating it. No one wants to see a repeat of that day. So, I'd suggest a return to sanity and reason. Cut Trump out like a cancerous tumor. Banish the Q-Anon crazies. Disagreement is always welcome. Our country was built on it. But what happened at the Capitol wasn't disagreement. It was attempt to overturn a free and fair election. The day decades of perceived grievances exploded because of gaslighting from a cowardly fraud who said he was going to walk with you..then bravely ran away to watch the world burn.
1. There was no "insurrection". They carried flags not guns.
2. If the democrats push that fake narrative it shows them for the communists they are
There's a difference between opposition and terrorism. If you feel targeted that a problem with you.
The democrats can have their "Khmer Rouge" elements in their urban plantations, and in their MSM's propaganda.
But in the rest of the country we know communism when we see it.
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Vast swaths of empty space in counties that are counted red. This map is a perfect example of why the Electoral College needs to go the way of the dinosaur. You can automatically go through at least 20 states that you can stack in the red column before one vote is even cast on election day.
The democrats can have their "Khmer Rouge" elements in their urban plantations, and in their MSM's propaganda.
But in the rest of the country we know communism when we see it.
View attachment 446329

Vast swaths of empty space in counties that are counted red. This map is a perfect example of why the Electoral College needs to go the way of the dinosaur. You can automatically go through at least 20 states that you can stack in the red column before one vote is even cast on election day.
What part of "NO" don't you understand?
The EC is here to stay, otherwise the small states wouldn't matter, it was called "the great compromise".
Xiden's new EO ordered the census to count Mexicans, so your "popular vote" is total bullshit.
Have to get those ratings up. They've been flagging lately.
Hannity had his panties in a bunch last night too. It made me smile. Sorry, when you got behind an insurrection on January 6th, you sealed your fates. Everything that comes to pass, is on your head. And you can give a lot of that blame to the guy who is now exiled to Mar-A-Lago for instigating it. No one wants to see a repeat of that day. So, I'd suggest a return to sanity and reason. Cut Trump out like a cancerous tumor. Banish the Q-Anon crazies. Disagreement is always welcome. Our country was built on it. But what happened at the Capitol wasn't disagreement. It was attempt to overturn a free and fair election. The day decades of perceived grievances exploded because of gaslighting from a cowardly fraud who said he was going to walk with you..then bravely ran away to watch the world burn.
1. There was no "insurrection". They carried flags not guns.
2. If the democrats push that fake narrative it shows them for the communists they are
View attachment 446330

It was an insurrection. An attempt to interrupt a Constitutional procedure for the purpose of overturning the results of a free and fair election. Spurred on by the gaslighting fraud that lost the election. I don't care if they carried bananas...which come to think of it would have been appropriate (for the Banana Republic they were trying to turn us into). You can keep pounding this narrative until you are blue in the face. It won't change the facts of that day. The eruption of several decades of white grievance explode into a storming of the Capitol at the behest of the guy who constantly beat the "fraud" and "rigged" drum. Who needs guns when you have the sheer numbers?
Hannity had his panties in a bunch last night too. It made me smile. Sorry, when you got behind an insurrection on January 6th, you sealed your fates. Everything that comes to pass, is on your head. And you can give a lot of that blame to the guy who is now exiled to Mar-A-Lago for instigating it. No one wants to see a repeat of that day. So, I'd suggest a return to sanity and reason. Cut Trump out like a cancerous tumor. Banish the Q-Anon crazies. Disagreement is always welcome. Our country was built on it. But what happened at the Capitol wasn't disagreement. It was attempt to overturn a free and fair election. The day decades of perceived grievances exploded because of gaslighting from a cowardly fraud who said he was going to walk with you..then bravely ran away to watch the world burn.
Hannity had his panties in a bunch last night too. It made me smile. Sorry, when you got behind an insurrection on January 6th, you sealed your fates. Everything that comes to pass, is on your head. And you can give a lot of that blame to the guy who is now exiled to Mar-A-Lago for instigating it. No one wants to see a repeat of that day. So, I'd suggest a return to sanity and reason. Cut Trump out like a cancerous tumor. Banish the Q-Anon crazies. Disagreement is always welcome. Our country was built on it. But what happened at the Capitol wasn't disagreement. It was attempt to overturn a free and fair election. The day decades of perceived grievances exploded because of gaslighting from a cowardly fraud who said he was going to walk with you..then bravely ran away to watch the world burn.
1. There was no "insurrection". They carried flags not guns.
2. If the democrats push that fake narrative it shows them for the communists they are
View attachment 446330

It was an insurrection. An attempt to interrupt a Constitutional procedure for the purpose of overturning the results of a free and fair election. Spurred on by the gaslighting fraud that lost the election. I don't care if they carried bananas...which come to think of it would have been appropriate (for the Banana Republic they were trying to turn us into). You can keep pounding this narrative until you are blue in the face. It won't change the facts of that day. The eruption of several decades of white grievance explode into a storming of the Capitol at the behest of the guy who constantly beat the "fraud" and "rigged" drum. Who needs guns when you have the sheer numbers?
It was NOT an insurrection, it was a 1m man protest that spun out of control by a few thousand idiots.
It was a protest of obvious voter fraud, a stolen election that is trying to turn the US into a "banana Republic".
Xiden's inauguration even looked like a banana republic, with only a few thousand loyal troops attending.
Xiden is illegitimate, the FBI is investigating his money-laundering schemes, but I'm sure that won't go anywhere now.
Hannity had his panties in a bunch last night too. It made me smile. Sorry, when you got behind an insurrection on January 6th, you sealed your fates. Everything that comes to pass, is on your head. And you can give a lot of that blame to the guy who is now exiled to Mar-A-Lago for instigating it. No one wants to see a repeat of that day. So, I'd suggest a return to sanity and reason. Cut Trump out like a cancerous tumor. Banish the Q-Anon crazies. Disagreement is always welcome. Our country was built on it. But what happened at the Capitol wasn't disagreement. It was attempt to overturn a free and fair election. The day decades of perceived grievances exploded because of gaslighting from a cowardly fraud who said he was going to walk with you..then bravely ran away to watch the world burn.
1. There was no "insurrection". They carried flags not guns.
2. If the democrats push that fake narrative it shows them for the communists they are
View attachment 446330

It was an insurrection. An attempt to interrupt a Constitutional procedure for the purpose of overturning the results of a free and fair election. Spurred on by the gaslighting fraud that lost the election. I don't care if they carried bananas...which come to think of it would have been appropriate (for the Banana Republic they were trying to turn us into). You can keep pounding this narrative until you are blue in the face. It won't change the facts of that day. The eruption of several decades of white grievance explode into a storming of the Capitol at the behest of the guy who constantly beat the "fraud" and "rigged" drum. Who needs guns when you have the sheer numbers?
It was NOT an insurrection, it was a 1m man protest that spun out of control by a few thousand idiots.
It was a protest of obvious voter fraud, a stolen election that is trying to turn the US into a "banana Republic".
Xiden's inauguration even looked like a banana republic, with only a few thousand loyal troops attending.
Xiden is illegitimate, the FBI is investigating his money-laundering schemes, but I'm sure that won't go anywhere now.

Troops and protections that were made necessary by your "few thousand idiots" who were there because the guy who lost spurred them to be there. And those idiots threatened to do it again and expand it to include states as well. He lost. He's done. He ain't comin back. Republicans will see to that. Honestly, time to move on.

Dems label anyone opposed to neo-liberalism an insurgentVideo
Dems label anyone opposed to neo-liberalism an insurgent
Investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald sounds off 'new domestic war on terror' on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'

"Democrats led by President Biden have launched a war on domestic terrorism to "essentially criminalize any oppositional ideology to the ruling class," investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald argued Wednesday.

"There is literally nothing that could be more dangerous, and it's not fear-mongering or alarmism to say it," Greenwald told "Tucker Carlson Tonight."

Opposition to Socialist / Ruling Class ideology is now 'Domestic Terrorism'
A scenario that is not advisable in neutralizing domestic terrorism is allowing it
to flourish without accountability. Being opposed to "neo-liberalism" is not a criminal act, but acting on that opposition with violence is indeed a criminal act.
If Greenwald promotes the insurrection on Jan 6 as simply an "oppositional ideology to the ruling class", then he needs lessons on the meaning of "criminality".
A criminal is a criminal no matter how the ideology is justified.

During the Trump years, he denigrated anybody who opposed his ideology and even plotted to have ideologically opposed government officials and ex-officials arrested on trumped-up charges. Loyalty to him was the name of the game and loyalty to the people meant nothing. Let's not compare Trump to any other, because he is an asterisk in our history.
Hannity had his panties in a bunch last night too. It made me smile. Sorry, when you got behind an insurrection on January 6th, you sealed your fates. Everything that comes to pass, is on your head. And you can give a lot of that blame to the guy who is now exiled to Mar-A-Lago for instigating it. No one wants to see a repeat of that day. So, I'd suggest a return to sanity and reason. Cut Trump out like a cancerous tumor. Banish the Q-Anon crazies. Disagreement is always welcome. Our country was built on it. But what happened at the Capitol wasn't disagreement. It was attempt to overturn a free and fair election. The day decades of perceived grievances exploded because of gaslighting from a cowardly fraud who said he was going to walk with you..then bravely ran away to watch the world burn.
1. There was no "insurrection". They carried flags not guns.
2. If the democrats push that fake narrative it shows them for the communists they are
View attachment 446330

It was an insurrection. An attempt to interrupt a Constitutional procedure for the purpose of overturning the results of a free and fair election. Spurred on by the gaslighting fraud that lost the election. I don't care if they carried bananas...which come to think of it would have been appropriate (for the Banana Republic they were trying to turn us into). You can keep pounding this narrative until you are blue in the face. It won't change the facts of that day. The eruption of several decades of white grievance explode into a storming of the Capitol at the behest of the guy who constantly beat the "fraud" and "rigged" drum. Who needs guns when you have the sheer numbers?
It was NOT an insurrection, it was a 1m man protest that spun out of control by a few thousand idiots.
It was a protest of obvious voter fraud, a stolen election that is trying to turn the US into a "banana Republic".
Xiden's inauguration even looked like a banana republic, with only a few thousand loyal troops attending.
Xiden is illegitimate, the FBI is investigating his money-laundering schemes, but I'm sure that won't go anywhere now.

Troops and protections that were made necessary by your "few thousand idiots" who were there because the guy who lost spurred them to be there. And those idiots threatened to do it again and expand it to include states as well. He lost. He's done. He ain't comin back. Republicans will see to that. Honestly, time to move on.

We disagree on the 2020 election results. Here is just one article from PA showing that there are serious questions about the vote count, and NOT just by Giuliani. There are similar questions in many other states that should have been investigated before the official vote counts were certified. I don't know why the courts didn't want to referee the disputes, but it's telling that the democrat governor and Secretary of State certified the vote without any investigation.
"Republican lawmakers in Pennsylvania say an "alarming discrepancy" in the presidential vote count is two times larger than the margin of President-elect Joe Biden's victory in the state."

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