Biden’s OTHER massive scandal: The $1.5 billion China deal explained in three minutes (Video)

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
As the Garbage Party and their media sycophants continue to pretend as though President Donald Trump committed some impeachable offense with Ukraine, the real scandal involving that country belongs to former VP Joe Biden.

And his son, Hunter Biden.

Anyone who is interested in the issue and has an Internet connection has already seen the video where Biden admits that he threatened to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees to the Ukrainian government if then-President Petro Poroshenko didn’t fire a prosecutor looking into a corrupt gas company where Hunter was a $50k-a-month board member.

What’s more, presidential attorney Rudy Giuliani said this week that the Bidens managed to launder some $3 million out of Ukraine, through Cyprus and other destinations, into various bank accounts. He says he’s got the evidence.



I think this will end as:

Little Joe (Huntet) is very weak. Dope addict, parasite, empty suit.

He will end up telling all he knows rather than going to prison.

He wail rat on everyone all the way to the Surrender Monkey who Jojo involved when he told the PM to call the president about HIM, BIDEN, holding back $1 BILLION in aid!

Unless he gets “over dosed” like Marilyn Monroe.....Or the find him in a phone booth a la Seth Rich
In addition - Trump's China negotiations depend on his ability to get re-elected. I just heard CNN postulating Trump is more possible to "make a lesser deal" with China now if he needs it for the election. Maybe that is the reason China paid Hunter $1.5-billion?
The dems will quietly let Biden fade into oblivion as Warren takes over first place.
That way there is nothing competing with the Trump "scandal", except Warren's issues....

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