Biden’s pick for border chief backs building more wall


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Because walls work. And everyone knows it. Good walls make good neighbors.

Chris Magnus, police chief in Tucson, Arizona, said he has heard from agents on the ground who say the wall is an important tool in helping them defend the southern border, and who point to areas where more wall is needed. “I think there are some gaps where that could make sense,” he said.


“I think there are some gaps where that could make sense,” he said.

The Washington Times reported earlier this year on some of those gaps, including areas where the government envisioned roads for agents to use on the U.S. side of the border. The roads were built but the wall wasn’t. That’s created new smuggling routes for the cartels that control the smuggling operations.

It’s not just the wall that was halted.

The Trump administration billed its construction as a “wall system,” with lighting and cameras and sensors to help detect illegal entrants. The actual wall, meanwhile, was intended to shape where those entries took place.

Senators said the construction halt has stopped the technology from being installed, too. Sen. Rob Portman, Ohio Republican, said only about 10% of the technology was completed. Chief Magnus signaled he would be willing to complete that part of the wall project.


The gaps in the wall create big problems for an already beaten down and beleaguered border patrol. By closing those gaps, it funnels the immigrants to the checkpoints. Duh! This is common sense that has been known for decades. Of course the Democrats ridicule common sense. It's what they do.
Ask Israel...MFers work like a charm.

Biden isn't building any wall though.

He wants the squatemalan hordes to invade.
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Biden will now continue the wall as he has cover and the asshat will think he can take credit for it.

Prove me wrong
He won't continue the wall. If they build 1 mile of new or replacement wall during his entire term I will eat my shoe.
Biden is a follower not a leader. He will do as he's told. If he were a leader he would have some legislation to show for his FIFTY FUCKING YEARS

Agreed, and he will continue to be told not to build any wall, so as to maximize the number of illegals entering the United States every month

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