Biden’s second step towards Nobel Peace Prize

Well, it looks like Joe Biden is pulling off another miracle. First the vaccine distribution and now getting a cease fire in the Middle East. Good things come in threes so I can’t wait for the next one.

Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas agree to a ceasefire

Jerusalem (CNN) - Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas have agreed to a ceasefire, after more than a week of conflict left hundreds dead, most of them Palestinians. The truce signals an end to the immediate bloodshed, but will likely leave both sides further apart than ever.

The truce follows a flurry of diplomatic attempts to push for a ceasefire. US President Joe Biden and his administration had dialed up messaging on Israel over the past few days, including in Biden's fourth call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday.

Biden also spoke with Egyptian President Fattah Al Sisi, while US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke to his Israeli counterpart, Gabi Ashkenazi, and reiterated that the US expected to see a "de-escalation on the path to a ceasefire."

Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas agree to a ceasefire
I like Joe, fine, but that ain't happening. Probably (if there is one) Hamas wanting to re-arm, re-supply and dig out their tunnels where they store their rockets. It would not be the first time a ceasefire was used for this.

You've been hanging around here too long. You're starting to think like a Republican.

Well, it looks like Joe Biden is pulling off another miracle. First the vaccine distribution and now getting a cease fire in the Middle East. Good things come in threes so I can’t wait for the next one.

Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas agree to a ceasefire

Jerusalem (CNN) - Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas have agreed to a ceasefire, after more than a week of conflict left hundreds dead, most of them Palestinians. The truce signals an end to the immediate bloodshed, but will likely leave both sides further apart than ever.

The truce follows a flurry of diplomatic attempts to push for a ceasefire. US President Joe Biden and his administration had dialed up messaging on Israel over the past few days, including in Biden's fourth call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday.

Biden also spoke with Egyptian President Fattah Al Sisi, while US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke to his Israeli counterpart, Gabi Ashkenazi, and reiterated that the US expected to see a "de-escalation on the path to a ceasefire."

Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas agree to a ceasefire
That's like saying the arsonist who started the fire should get the good citizen award for pulling the fire alarm
As for the Nobel peace prize?????? obama got one for doing nothing

Well, it looks like Joe Biden is pulling off another miracle. First the vaccine distribution and now getting a cease fire in the Middle East. Good things come in threes so I can’t wait for the next one.

Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas agree to a ceasefire

Jerusalem (CNN) - Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas have agreed to a ceasefire, after more than a week of conflict left hundreds dead, most of them Palestinians. The truce signals an end to the immediate bloodshed, but will likely leave both sides further apart than ever.

The truce follows a flurry of diplomatic attempts to push for a ceasefire. US President Joe Biden and his administration had dialed up messaging on Israel over the past few days, including in Biden's fourth call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday.

Biden also spoke with Egyptian President Fattah Al Sisi, while US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke to his Israeli counterpart, Gabi Ashkenazi, and reiterated that the US expected to see a "de-escalation on the path to a ceasefire."

Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas agree to a ceasefire
If Biden gets a Nobel Peace Prize, it'll be because he or his son, bribed someone for it.
As to the Israeli-Palestinian cease fire, in case you haven't noticed, this in an ongoing repetitive occurrence (translation: over and over, and over and over again). It always starts with Hamas firing rockets into Israel, Israel notifies civilians in the area they will strike at (where the rockets originate from) the area in a specified period of time and subsequently do so. After several exchanges of hostilities, a truce is called, allowing Hamas to relocate and amass more rockets from Iran and Israel time to clean of the damage inflicted by rockets fired indiscriminately into civilian populations. So, hostilities initiated by Hamas, followed by a cease-fire, followed by a period of calm, followed by rockets fired from Hamas, followed by a response from Israel, followed by a cease-fire, followed by a period of calm, followed by rockets fired by Hamas. On and on it goes. Biden's supposed involvement won't change anything there and thus is not worthy of any prize.
As long as Iranian backed Muslims consider the Jews occupiers of the territory the Hebrews founded, there will be no peace. The core of the problem is the........QURAN. A religion founded by a thief and murderer and thus perpetuates his violence into the 21st century.
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Well, it looks like Joe Biden is pulling off another miracle. First the vaccine distribution and now getting a cease fire in the Middle East. Good things come in threes so I can’t wait for the next one.

Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas agree to a ceasefire

Jerusalem (CNN) - Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas have agreed to a ceasefire, after more than a week of conflict left hundreds dead, most of them Palestinians. The truce signals an end to the immediate bloodshed, but will likely leave both sides further apart than ever.

The truce follows a flurry of diplomatic attempts to push for a ceasefire. US President Joe Biden and his administration had dialed up messaging on Israel over the past few days, including in Biden's fourth call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday.

Biden also spoke with Egyptian President Fattah Al Sisi, while US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke to his Israeli counterpart, Gabi Ashkenazi, and reiterated that the US expected to see a "de-escalation on the path to a ceasefire."

Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas agree to a ceasefire
That's like saying the arsonist who started the fire should get the good citizen award for pulling the fire alarm
As for the Nobel peace prize?????? obama got one for doing nothing

But Obama deserved his award. I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that’s a storybook, man.
Well, it looks like Joe Biden is pulling off another miracle. First the vaccine distribution and now getting a cease fire in the Middle East. Good things come in threes so I can’t wait for the next one.

Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas agree to a ceasefire

Jerusalem (CNN) - Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas have agreed to a ceasefire, after more than a week of conflict left hundreds dead, most of them Palestinians. The truce signals an end to the immediate bloodshed, but will likely leave both sides further apart than ever.

The truce follows a flurry of diplomatic attempts to push for a ceasefire. US President Joe Biden and his administration had dialed up messaging on Israel over the past few days, including in Biden's fourth call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday.

Biden also spoke with Egyptian President Fattah Al Sisi, while US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke to his Israeli counterpart, Gabi Ashkenazi, and reiterated that the US expected to see a "de-escalation on the path to a ceasefire."

Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas agree to a ceasefire
Nothing like killing 10s of thousands of good paying union jobs, then while sitting in your basement bunker, because your aids dont want you to speak, Gaza lobs 100s of rockets at Israel and like the brown turd, do nothing, but still get that worthless Prize of Peace. The Nobel, is as fucked as the FBI, CIA and all the other 3 letters government agencies. Oh, and so are you.. Pajama boy..
Well, it looks like Joe Biden is pulling off another miracle. First the vaccine distribution and now getting a cease fire in the Middle East. Good things come in threes so I can’t wait for the next one.

Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas agree to a ceasefire

Jerusalem (CNN) - Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas have agreed to a ceasefire, after more than a week of conflict left hundreds dead, most of them Palestinians. The truce signals an end to the immediate bloodshed, but will likely leave both sides further apart than ever.

The truce follows a flurry of diplomatic attempts to push for a ceasefire. US President Joe Biden and his administration had dialed up messaging on Israel over the past few days, including in Biden's fourth call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday.

Biden also spoke with Egyptian President Fattah Al Sisi, while US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke to his Israeli counterpart, Gabi Ashkenazi, and reiterated that the US expected to see a "de-escalation on the path to a ceasefire."

Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas agree to a ceasefire
Nothing like killing 10s of thousands of good paying union jobs, then while sitting in your basement bunker, because your aids dont want you to speak, Gaza lobs 100s of rockets at Israel and like the brown turd, do nothing, but still get that worthless Prize of Peace. The Nobel, is as fucked as the FBI, CIA and all the other 3 letters government agencies. Oh, and so are you.. Pajama boy..
So what exactly do you trust?
Well, it looks like Joe Biden is pulling off another miracle. First the vaccine distribution and now getting a cease fire in the Middle East. Good things come in threes so I can’t wait for the next one.

Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas agree to a ceasefire

Jerusalem (CNN) - Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas have agreed to a ceasefire, after more than a week of conflict left hundreds dead, most of them Palestinians. The truce signals an end to the immediate bloodshed, but will likely leave both sides further apart than ever.

The truce follows a flurry of diplomatic attempts to push for a ceasefire. US President Joe Biden and his administration had dialed up messaging on Israel over the past few days, including in Biden's fourth call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday.

Biden also spoke with Egyptian President Fattah Al Sisi, while US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke to his Israeli counterpart, Gabi Ashkenazi, and reiterated that the US expected to see a "de-escalation on the path to a ceasefire."

Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas agree to a ceasefire
Nothing like killing 10s of thousands of good paying union jobs, then while sitting in your basement bunker, because your aids dont want you to speak, Gaza lobs 100s of rockets at Israel and like the brown turd, do nothing, but still get that worthless Prize of Peace. The Nobel, is as fucked as the FBI, CIA and all the other 3 letters government agencies. Oh, and so are you.. Pajama boy..
So what exactly do you trust?
A higher power that will set this country straight...again....
Well, it looks like Joe Biden is pulling off another miracle. First the vaccine distribution and now getting a cease fire in the Middle East. Good things come in threes so I can’t wait for the next one.

Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas agree to a ceasefire

Jerusalem (CNN) - Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas have agreed to a ceasefire, after more than a week of conflict left hundreds dead, most of them Palestinians. The truce signals an end to the immediate bloodshed, but will likely leave both sides further apart than ever.

The truce follows a flurry of diplomatic attempts to push for a ceasefire. US President Joe Biden and his administration had dialed up messaging on Israel over the past few days, including in Biden's fourth call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday.

Biden also spoke with Egyptian President Fattah Al Sisi, while US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke to his Israeli counterpart, Gabi Ashkenazi, and reiterated that the US expected to see a "de-escalation on the path to a ceasefire."

Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas agree to a ceasefire
Nothing like killing 10s of thousands of good paying union jobs, then while sitting in your basement bunker, because your aids dont want you to speak, Gaza lobs 100s of rockets at Israel and like the brown turd, do nothing, but still get that worthless Prize of Peace. The Nobel, is as fucked as the FBI, CIA and all the other 3 letters government agencies. Oh, and so are you.. Pajama boy..
So what exactly do you trust?
A higher power that will set this country straight...again....
Ah. So you want a religious state. I see why you want the current structure destroyed. It’s incongruent with a theocracy. Good luck.
Like the Oscars are for actors patting themselves on their backs and kissing each others butts for who was the most pompous pissant for the year...........

The Nobel Peace prize is for Democrats to make themselves feel like real people, since their whole existence is to be puppets for the most heinously corrupt greed-mongers on the planet!!
Well, it looks like Joe Biden is pulling off another miracle. First the vaccine distribution and now getting a cease fire in the Middle East. Good things come in threes so I can’t wait for the next one.

Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas agree to a ceasefire

Jerusalem (CNN) - Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas have agreed to a ceasefire, after more than a week of conflict left hundreds dead, most of them Palestinians. The truce signals an end to the immediate bloodshed, but will likely leave both sides further apart than ever.

The truce follows a flurry of diplomatic attempts to push for a ceasefire. US President Joe Biden and his administration had dialed up messaging on Israel over the past few days, including in Biden's fourth call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday.

Biden also spoke with Egyptian President Fattah Al Sisi, while US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke to his Israeli counterpart, Gabi Ashkenazi, and reiterated that the US expected to see a "de-escalation on the path to a ceasefire."

Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas agree to a ceasefire
All Chairman Xiden has to do is bomb another country like Libya and he will have the Nobel Peace Prize. I thought Obama taught him that. Oh well, dementia.

And if he bombs Israel, the UN and the rest of the left wing loons will make him king of the universe.
Biden does not deserve one at all, but you are trolling, so let be clear this is just a poor bait catching sucker fish!
Well, it looks like Joe Biden is pulling off another miracle. First the vaccine distribution and now getting a cease fire in the Middle East. Good things come in threes so I can’t wait for the next one.

Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas agree to a ceasefire

Jerusalem (CNN) - Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas have agreed to a ceasefire, after more than a week of conflict left hundreds dead, most of them Palestinians. The truce signals an end to the immediate bloodshed, but will likely leave both sides further apart than ever.

The truce follows a flurry of diplomatic attempts to push for a ceasefire. US President Joe Biden and his administration had dialed up messaging on Israel over the past few days, including in Biden's fourth call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday.

Biden also spoke with Egyptian President Fattah Al Sisi, while US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke to his Israeli counterpart, Gabi Ashkenazi, and reiterated that the US expected to see a "de-escalation on the path to a ceasefire."

Israel and Palestinian militant group Hamas agree to a ceasefire
Biden is a lying crooked pussy.

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