Biden's Summit Gets Only 200 YouTube Views.....People Aren't Buying It Sleepy Joe

Clearly the mask is virtue-signalling for him.
I am surrounded by it.
Bloomington Indiana is a highly liberal nest in the middle of an otherwise deeply conservative state.
It is not only common, but usual, to see idiots here riding bicycles while wearing a mask. Wearing them while taking a walk in the open park.
People wear buttons proclaiming they are "fully immunized".... while wearing a mask.
It is all virtue signaling.
Joe Biden's climate summit attracts...200 YouTube viewers
The President is definitely not a show-biz performer, and his Nielsen Ratings would be abysmal if he were to aspire to his own reality-tv show.

Meanwhile, as the popularly-elected President of the United States, he has maintained high approval by promoting populism -
Re-asserting global leadership in a number of urgent matters, including confronting climate change, a formidable challenge, of course, but the struggle is far preferable to ignominious surrender.

Americans approve of the return to normalcy they chose.

Screen Shot 2021-04-24 at 9.08.47 AM.png

Let me entertain you. Let me make you smile!
Let me do a few tricks!. Some old and then some new tricks. I'm very versatile!
And if you're real good, I'll make you feel good! I'd want your spirit to climb!
So let me entertain you. We'll have a real good time Yes sir!

We'll have A real good time!
Clearly the mask is virtue-signalling for him.
I am surrounded by it.
Bloomington Indiana is a highly liberal nest in the middle of an otherwise deeply conservative state.
It is not only common, but usual, to see idiots here riding bicycles while wearing a mask. Wearing them while taking a walk in the open park.
People wear buttons proclaiming they are "fully immunized".... while wearing a mask.
It is all virtue signaling.
People who are immunized and wear a mask outside are as stupid as they come.
I refuse to wear a mask outdoors and miss out on that fresh air.
And I'm not gonna take that genetic research shot they're giving everyone.
Biden says the climate is racist. AOC blames the climate on the border crisis.

The people aren't buying your nonsense Mr Fake President.

April 23, 2021
Joe Biden's climate summit attracts...200 YouTube viewers

By Monica Showalter

Joe Biden's director for intelligence just declared climate to be front and center of American foreign policy.

Biden himself calls climate "the existential crisis of our time."
And with Biden's big climate summit featuring top world leaders as it played live, with all its fancy Zoom graphics and summit pageantry, how many viewers did he draw?

That's some existential crisis of our time that you've got there, Joe, drawing that great big crowd of 200, for an event featuring China's President Xi Jinping, Russia's President Vladimir Putin, Pope Francis, Greta Thunberg, plus the Davos corporate crowd, and assorted union bigs. Whole lot of virtue-signaling there, for that viewership of 200. Sound like anyone's alarmed? A YouTube video on washing machine repair drew 53,000 viewers. A Georgia-based singing peasant group, complete with babushka scarves and a donkey, drew 3 million viewers. And Joe, at least for the time he was speaking? Probably the same 200 who attended his rallies.
Who were the 200 who sat through the YouTube to listen to pathetic Joe? Perhaps bureaucrats who had to watch as part of the job? Or was it the press whose unlucky denizens got stuck covering it?
Nobody's listening, because nobody likes garbage. Even the greenie lefties who love long speeches and droning apparently didn't bother. Polls often show that most people say they get their news and information from social media. Social media here shows the gargantuan "fail."
I'm sure it doesn't bother him at all. He's got work to do and doesn't have the time to be concerned about his social media popularity. Let Trump be the internet "influencer". Most people are starting to realize that they're nothing but narcissistic wastes of time, anyway.
poor old senile joke Obiden
One reason the popularly-elected president is maintaining majority support is his providing assistance where it is most needed.

Biden working group targets jobs for fossil fuel communities

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — Six large regions nationwide that have economies reliant on fossil fuels have been targeted for federal investment and aid to create renewable energy jobs, as detailed in a new report from President Joe Biden's administration.
The report released Friday is part of Biden’s plan to reduce America’s use of coal and other fossil fuels in order to fight climate change. The White House held a global summit this week and Biden announced he intends to cut U.S. coal and petroleum emissions in half by 2030.
The report, from a working group comprising several federal agencies, identifies $37.9 billion in currently available funding across a wide variety of departments that can help support job creation, rural infrastructure and reclaiming abandoned mine lands...
The President could have just lied like the Former Guy and claimed that he would revive coal mining and provide them with "something terrific!" healthcare, of course, but telling the truth and addressing the consequences of progress is a better approach than denying it.


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17 country leaders engaged in this zoom meeting, and ONE of them is wearing a mask (sitting in a room with no one else there) - you guessed it. Assclown Joe Biden.

Oh God, what is going to become of us, after even 1 year of this dude ?

View attachment 483306
I was just going to ask if it was true this retard wore a mask to a zoom meeting. Holy fuck. Guess it’s true.
It is known as setting a good example. He is surrounded by a lot of people, not sitting at home alone.
He’s an example of a virtue signaling unserious clown.
The Trumpsters are just talking to each other, making each other "feel" better.
I think the president of the US should draw a bit more of a crowd... Don't you?
I don't know. I suspect people are glad he's in there, trust him to do the right thing a majority of the time, and have no need to follow him like he's some kind of deity.

I didn't know about this thing. And I wouldn't have attended if I did.
People only rushed to see what trump had to say because it was usually something stupid.
MMmmm... What about the rest of the presidents?

This is kind of an anomaly...
Yes. Trump was an anomaly. The most un-presidential president, ever.
Best on Results---he was our best president Ever in my lifetime and he was able to do it even with the chinese the SS FBI and lib brown shirts antifa and blm with our corrupt swamp politicians all attacking him. Trump is absolutely amazing....
I don't know. I suspect people are glad he's in there, trust him to do the right thing a majority of the time, and have no need to follow him like he's some kind of deity.

I don't think that line of thinking was attributed to any other president during talks like this. Why this one?
Joe Biden's climate summit attracts...200 YouTube viewers
The President is definitely not a show-biz performer, and his Nielsen Ratings would be abysmal if he were to aspire to his own reality-tv show.

Meanwhile, as the popularly-elected President of the United States, he has maintained high approval by promoting populism -
Re-asserting global leadership in a number of urgent matters, including confronting climate change, a formidable challenge, of course, but the struggle is far preferable to ignominious surrender.

Americans approve of the return to normalcy they chose.

View attachment 483474
Let me entertain you. Let me make you smile!
Let me do a few tricks!. Some old and then some new tricks. I'm very versatile!
And if you're real good, I'll make you feel good! I'd want your spirit to climb!
So let me entertain you. We'll have a real good time Yes sir!

We'll have A real good time!
The Chinese just keep winning the lottery.
I don't know. I suspect people are glad he's in there, trust him to do the right thing a majority of the time, and have no need to follow him like he's some kind of deity.

I don't think that line of thinking was attributed to any other president during talks like this. Why this one?
I think that's the way most Americans think about Presidents, the last four years notwithstanding.
Joe Biden's climate summit attracts...200 YouTube viewers
The President is definitely not a show-biz performer, and his Nielsen Ratings would be abysmal if he were to aspire to his own reality-tv show.

Meanwhile, as the popularly-elected President of the United States, he has maintained high approval by promoting populism -
Re-asserting global leadership in a number of urgent matters, including confronting climate change, a formidable challenge, of course, but the struggle is far preferable to ignominious surrender.

Americans approve of the return to normalcy they chose.

View attachment 483474
Let me entertain you. Let me make you smile!
Let me do a few tricks!. Some old and then some new tricks. I'm very versatile!
And if you're real good, I'll make you feel good! I'd want your spirit to climb!
So let me entertain you. We'll have a real good time Yes sir!

We'll have A real good time!
The Chinese just keep winning the lottery.
It's sad the way every Democrat that gets into the WH has more consideration for other countries than their own. They're perfect traitors. So easily misled by our enemies.

Biden says the climate is racist. AOC blames the climate on the border crisis.

The people aren't buying your nonsense Mr Fake President.

April 23, 2021
Joe Biden's climate summit attracts...200 YouTube viewers

By Monica Showalter

Joe Biden's director for intelligence just declared climate to be front and center of American foreign policy.

Biden himself calls climate "the existential crisis of our time."
And with Biden's big climate summit featuring top world leaders as it played live, with all its fancy Zoom graphics and summit pageantry, how many viewers did he draw?

That's some existential crisis of our time that you've got there, Joe, drawing that great big crowd of 200, for an event featuring China's President Xi Jinping, Russia's President Vladimir Putin, Pope Francis, Greta Thunberg, plus the Davos corporate crowd, and assorted union bigs. Whole lot of virtue-signaling there, for that viewership of 200. Sound like anyone's alarmed? A YouTube video on washing machine repair drew 53,000 viewers. A Georgia-based singing peasant group, complete with babushka scarves and a donkey, drew 3 million viewers. And Joe, at least for the time he was speaking? Probably the same 200 who attended his rallies.

Who were the 200 who sat through the YouTube to listen to pathetic Joe? Perhaps bureaucrats who had to watch as part of the job? Or was it the press whose unlucky denizens got stuck covering it?
Nobody's listening, because nobody likes garbage. Even the greenie lefties who love long speeches and droning apparently didn't bother. Polls often show that most people say they get their news and information from social media. Social media here shows the gargantuan "fail."

And most were watching just to see him make an idiot of himself.
RESIDENT Biden, the sniffing little girl groper that can't remember where's he's at, what he's doing or what day it is. Ya, he got 80M votes. More than anyone is history... and that's what the corrupt democrat propaganda wing and their demtrash masters expect us to believe... pfft... :auiqs.jpg:
Spoken like a bitter, rejected outsider with an inadequate education. a.k.a The typical Trump supporter.

Lay down before you fall down. Then enroll in a Civics 101 course at the nearest community college.

Here's your boy. He is what he is.

Biden says the climate is racist. AOC blames the climate on the border crisis.

The people aren't buying your nonsense Mr Fake President.

April 23, 2021
Joe Biden's climate summit attracts...200 YouTube viewers

By Monica Showalter

Joe Biden's director for intelligence just declared climate to be front and center of American foreign policy.

Biden himself calls climate "the existential crisis of our time."
And with Biden's big climate summit featuring top world leaders as it played live, with all its fancy Zoom graphics and summit pageantry, how many viewers did he draw?

That's some existential crisis of our time that you've got there, Joe, drawing that great big crowd of 200, for an event featuring China's President Xi Jinping, Russia's President Vladimir Putin, Pope Francis, Greta Thunberg, plus the Davos corporate crowd, and assorted union bigs. Whole lot of virtue-signaling there, for that viewership of 200. Sound like anyone's alarmed? A YouTube video on washing machine repair drew 53,000 viewers. A Georgia-based singing peasant group, complete with babushka scarves and a donkey, drew 3 million viewers. And Joe, at least for the time he was speaking? Probably the same 200 who attended his rallies.

Who were the 200 who sat through the YouTube to listen to pathetic Joe? Perhaps bureaucrats who had to watch as part of the job? Or was it the press whose unlucky denizens got stuck covering it?
Nobody's listening, because nobody likes garbage. Even the greenie lefties who love long speeches and droning apparently didn't bother. Polls often show that most people say they get their news and information from social media. Social media here shows the gargantuan "fail."

And most were watching just to see him make an idiot of himself.

He didn't disappoint.....

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