Big Government Advocates


Gold Member
Feb 6, 2014
Big government advocates, a curious lot.
they love big government but dont seem to want:

1. a border
2. controls on illegal immigration
3. responsiblities to go along with rights
4. fair elections
5. an honest media

etc etc etc

libs know the rest
You just make up crap and act like its fact .

"Fair elections". Like the GOP wants that !!! Lol. At least come up with plausible lies .
You just make up crap and act like its fact .

"Fair elections". Like the GOP wants that !!! Lol. At least come up with plausible lies .

cant you stop crying leftard??

at least back up YOUR allegations before accusing me leftard. it's obvious why the Left doesnt want controls on voting. the examples are endless, and the excuses too
Big government advocates, a curious lot.
they love big government but dont seem to want:

1. a border
2. controls on illegal immigration
3. responsiblities to go along with rights
4. fair elections
5. an honest media

etc etc etc

libs know the rest

1. We do need borders. That takes thousands of border guards and ICE agents! ;)
2. Agree
3. True
4. We'll get everyone to vote and respect it.
5. Who says they have to be honest to have a free media???

HOnestly, if it wasn't for the idiocy of cutting everything and being a raging idiot I'd be on team republican. There's a lot of us that just won't take the idiocy anymore.
Libs are told what they want and they follow along like good little sheep.

I know what I want ;) I want investments into our infrastructure, science, r&d and educational reform.

It seems to me that the ragers on the far right are the sheep that listen to some talking head rage.

You want to pay higher taxes.

I don't buy that bullshit.

Anything right of center to you is "far right", so I'll gladly accept that label.
WE do have border . It's s stupid idea to spend billions on a fense . That does nothing for the 1/2 of illegals who come in legally . I thought te GOP was about fiscal responsibility .

GOP is busy gerrymandering and creating hurdles to free elections .
Big government advocates, a curious lot.
they love big government but dont seem to want:

1. a border
2. controls on illegal immigration
3. responsiblities to go along with rights
4. fair elections
5. an honest media

etc etc etc

libs know the rest

many of her Republican peers ― including well-to-do attendees of political conventions ― believe the free market has as much to fear from Big Business as it does from Big Government.

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