Big Money takes over San Francisco , Nuns who serve the needy face eviction


Platinum Member
Aug 9, 2012
Google, Facebook, Netflix, Yahoo..ect ect. Since the big tax break for big businesses ,the Mega rich are buying up San Francisco. Home sellers are evicting tenants for the high price of land. Lower income is moving out of the city.

Sister Mary Benedicte wants to focus on feeding the hungry lined up outside a soup kitchen in a gritty part of San Francisco.

But the city's booming economy means even seedy neighborhoods are demanding higher rents, threatening to force out an order of nuns who serve the homeless.

The sisters of Fraternite Notre Dame's Mary of Nazareth House said Tuesday that they can't afford a monthly rent increase of more than 50 percent, from $3,465 to $5,500, and they have asked their landlord for more time to find a cheaper place to serve the poor.

"Everywhere the rent is very high, and many places don't want a soup kitchen in their place," said Sister Mary Benedicte on Tuesday, in her French-accented English. "It's very, very hard to find a place for a soup kitchen where people can feel welcome and where we can set up a kitchen for a reasonable price."

Video and more of the story via links below~

Nuns Who Help Homeless Face Eviction in Costly San Francisco

Nuns in San Francisco who serve the needy face eviction


Google, Facebook, Netflix, Yahoo..ect ect. Since the big tax break for big businesses ,the Mega rich are buying up San Francisco. Home sellers are evicting tenants for the high price of land. Lower income is moving out of the city.

Sister Mary Benedicte wants to focus on feeding the hungry lined up outside a soup kitchen in a gritty part of San Francisco.

But the city's booming economy means even seedy neighborhoods are demanding higher rents, threatening to force out an order of nuns who serve the homeless.

The sisters of Fraternite Notre Dame's Mary of Nazareth House said Tuesday that they can't afford a monthly rent increase of more than 50 percent, from $3,465 to $5,500, and they have asked their landlord for more time to find a cheaper place to serve the poor.

"Everywhere the rent is very high, and many places don't want a soup kitchen in their place," said Sister Mary Benedicte on Tuesday, in her French-accented English. "It's very, very hard to find a place for a soup kitchen where people can feel welcome and where we can set up a kitchen for a reasonable price."

Video and more of the story via links below~

Nuns Who Help Homeless Face Eviction in Costly San Francisco

Nuns in San Francisco who serve the needy face eviction


This is very wrong IMHO.
It's OK. It's mostly rich white lefties who move in and displace the poor and the blacks. But since they euphemistically call it gentrification it isn't a problem. They love diversity. All different kinds of white lefties.

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