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*yawn* Are you capable of constructing a sentence without a swear word, or calling people fools? In any case, anti-corporate is by no means anti-capitalist, as corporations create monopolies at the expense of free enterprise. I don't care if someone is a millionaire or a billionaire, but I do care about corporate monopolies weakening freedom of choice and quashing innovation they don't like.You believe in false free markets, where corporate monopolies dominate a market. Free markets are markets without corporations, or the existence of government in the marketplace. I get sick of you guys spinning this nonsense that if government 'left the market alone' that corporations wouldn't simply monopolize everything as they have done in the past. A 'free market' with corporations is a contradiction in terms, god forbid you ever remove all regulation and build a rapture.Dead wrong. The two things are mutually exclusive. By definition, crony capitalism is the system were the government takes sides and slants the rules in favor of some competitors to the detriment of others. How does that fit the definition of "free market?"
You seem to be talking about government, not corporations.
yes, we get it, fool. all corporations are evil, profit is evil, working for a living is evil, being successful is evil--------------and you are a fuckin moron.