*Big Oil Owns America People!*

what's even sadder and more pathetic is left-wing nutjobs who only have theories and people who run think-tanks to cite as their authority

look out the window; then look in the mirror; the 3 monkeys are you left-wing nutjobs calling RECORD WELFARE AND FOOD STAMPS "forward progress"

and in the event you can get a left-wing loser to admit PROGRESSIVE FAILURE; they always blame it on people the consider themselves superior to.

idiots and hypocrites
Lol. What's the point in arguing, if that is what you believe, then believe it. To outsiders that argument looks pretty silly, even to 'right-wingers' in other countries. Since I don't even vote Democrat, good luck trying to pin policies I don't support or vote for on me. It is like blaming a fiction novel for reality, especially so if you believe me a 'fool' or 'loser'.

it doesnt matter who you vote for; you exhibit the same tired rants and no solutions as the left-wing nutjobs here
Will take that as a compliment, maybe a badge of honor. But truth is I don't care what you believe, and don't live anywhere near where they believe the stuff you spout.
Lol. What's the point in arguing, if that is what you believe, then believe it. To outsiders that argument looks pretty silly, even to 'right-wingers' in other countries. Since I don't even vote Democrat, good luck trying to pin policies I don't support or vote for on me. It is like blaming a fiction novel for reality, especially so if you believe me a 'fool' or 'loser'.

it doesnt matter who you vote for; you exhibit the same tired rants and no solutions as the left-wing nutjobs here
Will take that as a compliment, maybe a badge of honor. But truth is I don't care what you believe, and don't live anywhere near where they believe the stuff you spout.

ok cool; but i'm just here posting. i dont know why but it appears you think I care where you live
People a hundred years from now will be laughing at us and our oil.

(Assuming there is a hundred years from now.)
Sorry bout that,

1. *Big Oil* owns a major portion of every industry, in most cases 65% of all industries.
2. When you are as rich and powerful as *Big Oil* its easy to own that much of everything.
3. They own most of the farms and cattle, name something they own it.

Sorry bout that,

1. Anything that is important, *they own it*.
2. These *Big Oil* people have been quietly gathering up different parts of the whole apple.
3. *Big Oil* developed a huge amount of what we enjoy as everyday necessities.
4. With the profits of *OIL*.
5. We can thank *BIG OIL* but also I hate the charade, voting for puppets, politicians in reality they have very little power, each arm of government is held in check by the other arm.
6. The politicians are not really puppets, they are indeed representing a political ideal, those on the left want more free stuff, those on the right want to work for the stuff they acquire.
7. Those on the left are more or less bums, they seek a hand out, they use their place in life as a crutch be it they are black, a minority, not smart enough, basic retard, which puts their hands out.
8. Every person has the same possibilities in life, we have to weave our way through lifes choices, make the right choices and you go forward, make the wrong ones you go backwards.
9. The American public made a very, very bad choice in Obama, we have now moved back fifty years socially and culturally, in every case.
10. Best thing right now is to impeach him, and his vice, have special elections for President.
11. *BIG OIL* will still own everything either way.

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Sorry bout that,

1. They own the Ivy League Universities.
2. There is not one aspect of American life that they do not own.
3. They own the computers, and control the internet.
4. They are busy trying to stay ahead of the curve on anything of real value, and will crush anything that threatens their bottom line, which is fuel sales.
5. Fuel sales are worth billions per day, somewhere around 5 billion a day.
6. Five billion a day buys a lot of stock in other companies, enough to take over any business.
7. They can focus on two hundred businesses a day and get controlling interest in whatever they choose.
8. They can decide themselves how it plays out in the Federal Trade Commission, seeing they are the Federal Trade Commission.
9. They broke up AT&T and then put parts of it back together.
10. There isn't anything that they can not do, or control.
11. Only me, they have not bought me out, and I for one hope they try, just to verify that I am spot on on my observation.
12. *Big Oil* is a necessary evil for now, we can't make it without them now, we are addicted to what they are selling now, Americans are hooked, and to try to rid ourselves of *Big Oil* is to cut off our nose to spite our faces.
13. And all in all they are not really evil, they are like an overseer, they more or less want whats best for us pions, they need us, and they fear us, like a bunch of cave men, crawling out of some slime pits.
14. We scare the shit out of them, and theres good reason for that, for Americans are fucking stupid as fucking rocks on the most part.
15. Most here think I am just throwing around bullshit, but they know I am not.

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Petroleum was going to be made irrelevant 75 years ago so the world's number one energy crop was outlawed.


This crop can also treat and possibly cure certain types of cancer, according to the same US Federal government which still prohibits any use of the crop.
Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ®) - National Cancer Institute
Yes, pot is something compared to oil, as well as coal and natural gas because indoor marijuana production increases fossil fuel usage as opposed to being able to grow large plants outside in natural sunlight the way God intended.

Sorry bout that,

1. Guess what Volvo just made a car that gets 300 mpg, and *BIG OIL* will not let it into America.
2. *BIG OIL* and the US government won't allow it,..hummmm,.....its
3. LINK: true fucking *BIG BROTHER* is real people!

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How is life with oil "hell?"[/QUOTE]
And this from the group that screams about being self-made and independent.
They wouldn't know independence if it kicked them in the *ss:eusa_clap:

No, it's turned it into Hell that you mistake for Paradise, and cling to like grim death.

How is life with oil "hell?"
For you little man, it isn't. It's all you know, all you've ever dreamed of. You revel in it, while it lasts.
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! mommy mommy "Big Oil" owns me!!!

and i want to be owned by Big Government!!!!

Sorry bout that,

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! mommy mommy "Big Oil" owns me!!!

and i want to be owned by Big Government!!!!


1. Thats what I mean, people are stupid as rocks, *BIG OIL* owns *BIG GOVERNMENT*,
2. Failed at simple logic.:badgrin:
3. Hold my tube steak. :badgrin:

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