*Big Oil Owns America People!*

Sorry bout that,

1. Listen and hear my words, EXXON, MOBIL, CHEVRON, SHELL, VELERO, ARCO, TEXACO, SINCLAIR,...and all the International oil companies own a small share of everything in USA.
2. Follow the money and in todays world, oil is currency, those greasy arabs own a sizable piece of *ALL* things in USA, they have tons of power and influence.
3. The way things are now power is to those who have the oil and gas.
4. Got oil got power these days, power is oil and gas.
5. Governments across the world are run by *OIL*.
6. All aspects of life go through the strainer of *OIL*.
8. *True Knowledge*.
9. The bigger the oil company is the more say they have.
10. Find out which oil company is the biggest and you will find out where most of the power is.


To a certain extent your partially right.

You state follow the money. The money flows to the banks, if anyone owns the government its the banks. But the only people a bank or money can own are corrupt people so its hardly the fault of big money when they are simply created and exist by the dictates of laws, rules, regulations, and codes of the Federal Government, which kind of really means Lawyers, Lawyers who are Politicians, Judges, etc..

By your logic its the Banks, honestly. A long time ago the Rockefellers invested in banks, actually the biggest part of Rockefeller business is banking. They make a lot of money lending billions to Nations, States, stuff like that. Chase Manhattan is a Rockefeller Bank.

That is where they make the money nowadays.

The only real problem in this world is our government, we are bloated, overspending, full of pompous Democrats and Republicans who have way too much power.

Exxon, and all the other Oil Companies, are life. Without the Oil Companies we would all die. The USA's overspending overpowered government full of life-long parasites that right rules that keep them in the power is the only problem in the world.
1. Oil was inexpensive once.
2. A lot produced in sandy, desolate shit holes in the middle east.
3. Where spills did not matter.
4. Oil prices quadrupled in 1973 for some reason.
5. Zionists get you coming and going.
'Free Market' capitalism is crony capitalism, nothing new to learn there.

Dead wrong. The two things are mutually exclusive. By definition, crony capitalism is the system were the government takes sides and slants the rules in favor of some competitors to the detriment of others. How does that fit the definition of "free market?"

When the corporations screw the planet over, they will move onto the next one. Whether it is 'big oil' or 'weapons makers' running the show, it is all about short term profit, without a care in the world for poverty and inequality (in fact big oil and weapons makers earn more off an unstable world with massive inequalities than off a world in peace with plentiful resources).

You seem to be talking about government, not corporations.
Sorry bout that,

1. Think a bit harder, America should hate Islam in every way, and look around mosques are being built all over the Country, how do you think that is getting done?
2. Its those greasy arabs of the sand lands middle east building and building with their influence.
3. They have power to do it unchecked people, your rights of freedom of religion ends when theirs is established here, that is Un-American people.
4. The Muslims are coming to make you Muslims, and you as a people are powerless to stop it.
5. They have the power and the oil and you are nothing.

Sorry bout that,

1, In your stupidity you will say in your head " Islam is a religion".
2. No its not.
3. Islam is a governing movement not unlike a political party in USA.
4. Islam with their oil is Americas greatest threat, our culture is at threat, freedoms of all kinds are at threat.
5. As long at they are able to do what they want they will move from their present construction phase to their need to change American laws needs.
6. And that won't be hard either with the power of big oil trust me.

Sorry bout that,

1, In your stupidity you will say in your head " Islam is a religion".
2. No its not.
3. Islam is a governing movement not unlike a political party in USA.
4. Islam with their oil is Americas greatest threat, our culture is at threat, freedoms of all kinds are at threat.
5. As long at they are able to do what they want they will move from their present construction phase to their need to change American laws needs.
6. And that won't be hard either with the power of big oil trust me.


you are correct about Islam but wrong about oil. The world runs on oil. wind, solar, geo, bio, and all the others can never do what oil does for humanity.

As to the arabs, the USA could become self sufficient on energy if the fool in the whitehouse was not determined to destroy our economy, our culture, and our financial stability.

Obama and his libtard cronies are the problem, not oil or oil companies.
Sorry bout that,

1. Islam has an unfair advantage in America, it will be tax free, its not a religion and will shelter under tax free, the government of Saudi Arabia is a threat to our political sovereignty.
2. And yet our elected officials are blind to this threat.
3. Blind or powerless?
4. Listen and learn.

We should thank our lucky fucking stars for hydrocarbons and the companies, large and small, that bring them to market. Stupid morons.
They've made the world what it is today, and it sucks.

What an ignorant douche on full display.

Our use of energy is what makes a population of 7,170,000,000 living humans possible.

Energy is what feeds us, energy is what houses us, energy is what clothes us, heals when we're sick...... Energy IS Civilization.

It just is.

And scumbags like this come along and tell us that we have too many people in the world?

How to you propose to support Seven Billion People without our current use of energy, douchebag?

Tell us, douchebag. How?

Pixie dust?


How about magic?


Or maybe Unicorn shit?


Know what happens when 'Big Oil' gets shut down?

People die. By the Billions.

If 'Big Oil' never existed, there wouldn't be 7 Billion people on the Planet. Without 'Big Oil' I doubt the Planet could support much more than a Billion People and they'd have a life expectancy of about 35 and live in sickness and war most of their lives.

Too many people on the Planet? I can go along with that. There's a few that should depart right now. And you and your dimocrap scum pals are at the top of the list.

This is why you should never vote for dimocraps people. They're just stupid. I mean, 3rd Grade, "I wish" stupid. All they know is what they want, they have no idea how to get there.

Just like the scumbag we have in office right now.
Sorry bout that,

1. *Big Oil* does its magic right before your eyes and you can't see it, even when the trick is explained.
2. One should wonder why you can't see it?
3. You are programed to be too stupid to not see the trick even when its before your face, they control you by brain washing you through the media outlets, which they own as well.
4. Big Oil is in control people, I wish above everything else you could understand this one thing in life.
5. They own the banks Redfish, thats the easy part for your answer, of course they own the banks, they have the money so they need somewhere to put it, makes since to own the buildings that contain their money.
6. *Oil is Power* they get the government to give them money each year as a refund, how do you think they can make that happen.
7. *Big Oil* claims they pay most profits to the government, sure they can say what ever they want, they are the government.
8. Listen to me, even if they say they only get 10% profit of a gallon of gas sold, that doesn't matter when they are simple moving money around in accounts people.
9. *Big Oil* writes its own checks, they write checks to themselves to the government, they whine about this our that, then get the media to understand, juggle the percentages around to make the bought and paid for media tow the line, they own the media too people.
10. Its all too easy for them, and the arabs as well.

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'Free Market' capitalism is crony capitalism, nothing new to learn there.

Dead wrong. The two things are mutually exclusive. By definition, crony capitalism is the system were the government takes sides and slants the rules in favor of some competitors to the detriment of others. How does that fit the definition of "free market?"

When the corporations screw the planet over, they will move onto the next one. Whether it is 'big oil' or 'weapons makers' running the show, it is all about short term profit, without a care in the world for poverty and inequality (in fact big oil and weapons makers earn more off an unstable world with massive inequalities than off a world in peace with plentiful resources).

You seem to be talking about government, not corporations.
You believe in false free markets, where corporate monopolies dominate a market. Free markets are markets without corporations, or the existence of government in the marketplace. I get sick of you guys spinning this nonsense that if government 'left the market alone' that corporations wouldn't simply monopolize everything as they have done in the past. A 'free market' with corporations is a contradiction in terms, god forbid you ever remove all regulation and build a rapture.
Sorry bout that,

1. *Big Oil* does it magic right before your eyes and you can't see it, even when the trick is explained.
2. One should wonder why you can't see it?
3. You are programed to be too stupid to not see the trick even when its before your face, they control you by brain washing you through the media outlets.
4. Big Oil is in control people, I wish above everything else you could understand this one thing in life.
5. They own the banks Redfish, thats the easy part for your answer, of course they own the banks, they have the money so they need somewhere to put it, makes since to own the buildings that contain their money.
6. *Oil is Power* they get the government to give them money each year as a refund, how do you think they can make that happen.
7. *Big Oil* claims they pay most profits to the government, sure they can say what ever they want, they are the government.
8. Listen to me, even if they say they only get 10% profit of a gallon of gas sold, that doesn't matter when they are simple moving money around in accounts people.
9. *Big Oil* writes its own checks, they write checks to themselves to the government, they whine about this our that, then get the media to understand, juggle the percentages around to make the bought and paid for media tow the line, they own the media too people.
10. Its all too easy for them, and the arabs as well.


Oil is the most highly taxed commodity in the entire world today. The US government makes the most "profit" on oil and it does absolutely nothing to earn it------------want cheap energy and lobby free oil companies? get the fricken govt out of it.
'Free Market' capitalism is crony capitalism, nothing new to learn there.

Dead wrong. The two things are mutually exclusive. By definition, crony capitalism is the system were the government takes sides and slants the rules in favor of some competitors to the detriment of others. How does that fit the definition of "free market?"

When the corporations screw the planet over, they will move onto the next one. Whether it is 'big oil' or 'weapons makers' running the show, it is all about short term profit, without a care in the world for poverty and inequality (in fact big oil and weapons makers earn more off an unstable world with massive inequalities than off a world in peace with plentiful resources).

You seem to be talking about government, not corporations.
You believe in false free markets, where corporate monopolies dominate a market. Free markets are markets without corporations, or the existence of government in the marketplace. I get sick of you guys spinning this nonsense that if government 'left the market alone' that corporations wouldn't simply monopolize everything as they have done in the past. A 'free market' with corporations is a contradiction in terms, god forbid you ever remove all regulation and build a rapture.

Right out of the marxian handbook.

See people, this is the problem with not fighting a war of annihilation against your enemies.

We completely and utterly destroyed National Socialism and Fascism. We even made the political parties illegal. We even arrested and executed many of their leaders.... At least the ones we didn't kill during the war. Which was several million.

By not fighting and destroying communism PHYSICALLY in a war, we leave the diseased remnants of a sick ideology to fester, breed and grow until we have to fight it again. And again. And again.

We won't ever have to fight National Socialism again. Or Fascism. Because we killed it. Dead.

Too bad we didn't do that with communism.

Eat shit, commie scumbag
'Free Market' capitalism is crony capitalism, nothing new to learn there.

Dead wrong. The two things are mutually exclusive. By definition, crony capitalism is the system were the government takes sides and slants the rules in favor of some competitors to the detriment of others. How does that fit the definition of "free market?"

When the corporations screw the planet over, they will move onto the next one. Whether it is 'big oil' or 'weapons makers' running the show, it is all about short term profit, without a care in the world for poverty and inequality (in fact big oil and weapons makers earn more off an unstable world with massive inequalities than off a world in peace with plentiful resources).

You seem to be talking about government, not corporations.
You believe in false free markets, where corporate monopolies dominate a market. Free markets are markets without corporations, or the existence of government in the marketplace. I get sick of you guys spinning this nonsense that if government 'left the market alone' that corporations wouldn't simply monopolize everything as they have done in the past. A 'free market' with corporations is a contradiction in terms, god forbid you ever remove all regulation and build a rapture.

yes, we get it, fool. all corporations are evil, profit is evil, working for a living is evil, being successful is evil--------------and you are a fuckin moron.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. *Big Oil* does it magic right before your eyes and you can't see it, even when the trick is explained.
2. One should wonder why you can't see it?
3. You are programed to be too stupid to not see the trick even when its before your face, they control you by brain washing you through the media outlets.
4. Big Oil is in control people, I wish above everything else you could understand this one thing in life.
5. They own the banks Redfish, thats the easy part for your answer, of course they own the banks, they have the money so they need somewhere to put it, makes since to own the buildings that contain their money.
6. *Oil is Power* they get the government to give them money each year as a refund, how do you think they can make that happen.
7. *Big Oil* claims they pay most profits to the government, sure they can say what ever they want, they are the government.
8. Listen to me, even if they say they only get 10% profit of a gallon of gas sold, that doesn't matter when they are simple moving money around in accounts people.
9. *Big Oil* writes its own checks, they write checks to themselves to the government, they whine about this our that, then get the media to understand, juggle the percentages around to make the bought and paid for media tow the line, they own the media too people.
10. Its all too easy for them, and the arabs as well.


Oil is the most highly taxed commodity in the entire world today. The US government makes the most "profit" on oil and it does absolutely nothing to earn it------------want cheap energy and lobby free oil companies? get the fricken govt out of it.

1. *Big Oil* is the government.
2. They tax themselves.
3. Then get it all back with a tax refund.
4. Its the magic you can't see.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! mommy mommy Big Oil is bothering me!
Dead wrong. The two things are mutually exclusive. By definition, crony capitalism is the system were the government takes sides and slants the rules in favor of some competitors to the detriment of others. How does that fit the definition of "free market?"

You seem to be talking about government, not corporations.
You believe in false free markets, where corporate monopolies dominate a market. Free markets are markets without corporations, or the existence of government in the marketplace. I get sick of you guys spinning this nonsense that if government 'left the market alone' that corporations wouldn't simply monopolize everything as they have done in the past. A 'free market' with corporations is a contradiction in terms, god forbid you ever remove all regulation and build a rapture.

Right out of the marxian handbook.

See people, this is the problem with not fighting a war of annihilation against your enemies.

We completely and utterly destroyed National Socialism and Fascism. We even made the political parties illegal. We even arrested and executed many of their leaders.... At least the ones we didn't kill during the war. Which was several million.

By not fighting and destroying communism PHYSICALLY in a war, we leave the diseased remnants of a sick ideology to fester, breed and grow until we have to fight it again. And again. And again.

We won't ever have to fight National Socialism again. Or Fascism. Because we killed it. Dead.

Too bad we didn't do that with communism.

Eat shit, commie scumbag
So says the corporatist, capitalism didn't always have corporations. Thanks for proving you don't even know what fascism even means, as it is the fusion of state and corporate power. The rant calling me names doesn't phase me. Stigltz points out what a free market is in his basic Economics 101 textbooks, it is a system of free enterprise without monopolies by corporate entities. Advise you to read them, before equating 'anti-corporate' with communist.
we have never had a closer fusion of state and corporate power than we have now under Progressive Majority rule

the governemnt is the ultimate monopoly here; and is deciding the winners and losers in the corporate world

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