Big picture: 318GW of solar modules to be installed in next 5 years says IHS


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Big picture: 318GW of solar modules to be installed in next 5 years says IHS
Big picture 318GW of solar modules to be installed in next 5 years says IHS PV-Tech

  • Constellation_5.7-Megawatt_Project_for_Portland_General_Electric_200_150_s_c1.jpg

    According to market research firm IHS global cumulative solar PV installations will reach almost 500GW (498GW) in 2019, up from around 180GW in 2014, a 177% increase.
According to market research firm IHS global cumulative solar PV installations will reach almost 500GW (498GW) in 2019, up from around 180GW in 2014, a 177% increase.

The big picture forecast suggests around 318GW of solar modules are to be installed in next 5 years, up from around 180GW at the end of 2014, generating average annual installations of nearly 64GW.

Calculating the linear growth rate from the IHS projection, annual global PV installations would need to average around 48% over the next five years, taking estimated PV installations of 45GW for 2014.

wow, for something that doesn't work!
Do you suppose that solar might account for 4% or more of our power generation by 2020? I would say more.
Do you suppose that solar might account for 4% or more of our power generation by 2020? I would say more.

As the price drops below coal and natural gas...I wouldn't be surprised if it was 5 or 6% by that time. The free market will pretty much convince people to put it on their roofs to save money.

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