Heat to soar to record levels in next 5 years.

I thought you were done? What would the sea level be if all the ice melted in the Northern Hemisphere? What was that temperature when that last happened? Do you know? Do you? Do you?

😆 Looks like someone's frustrated, lol.
According to ODanny and multivita-man…. People all around the world, including India, will be dying in far greater numbers with more air conditioners exacerbating climate change. Less food, more storms, more heat, more drought, more floods, habitat loss, all that.

Pretty much.

But get this: I hold that opinion, and not just because of climate change. The real issue here is ecological overshoot, not climate change per se.
I don't know -- what would the real estate market in Florida and other coastal regions look like? Consider that as many insurers are leaving the Sunshine State even now, when most of the shit hasn't even begun to touch the fan.

You really are a hopeless moron -- or MORAN as you peeps like to spell it.
If you don't know then how can you act like it is an imminent? You people are long on rhetoric and short on facts.
😆 Looks like someone's frustrated, lol.
I'm sorry I frustrate you buy asking you about facts that interrupt your emotional outbursts.

So when was the last time either pole was ice free and what was the corresponding temperature and sea level?
Pretty much.

But get this: I hold that opinion, and not just because of climate change. The real issue here is ecological overshoot, not climate change per se.
When will that happen? You know... all of the climate catastrophes?
It's already happening.
Let's do some math, OK? How many feet would an ice free northern hemisphere raise sea levels by and how fast are sea levels rising? Then calculate how many years for that to happen based on the current sea level rise rate. I'll wait.
Let's do some math, OK? How many feet would an ice free northern hemisphere raise sea levels by and how fast are sea levels rising? Then calculate how many years for that to happen based on the current sea level rise rate. I'll wait.

Nah. Sorry. You don't win the internetz, lol
Nah. Sorry. You don't win the internetz, lol
Sure I have. here... let me help you out since you can't seem to find this readily available information.

So you dispute the numbers?

Where did I say that I did?

I said I have no context to work with.

I realize this is all fun and games with you, and that this is your anti-science schtick. I'm humoring you, as I am sure you are humoring me. We're equally bullshitting each other. One good turn deserves another and all that.
Where did I say that I did?

I said I have no context to work with.

I realize this is all fun and games with you, and that this is your anti-science schtick. I'm humoring you, as I am sure you are humoring me. We're equally bullshitting each other. One good turn deserves another and all that.
It's cool, bro. You don't do math or science. I get it. You do emotion.
I don't take responsibility for a single journalist's reporting today, much less 20+ years ago. Posting on the internet is free of charge, and mostly free of consequence for the poster.
Scientists said it.
Can’t be wrong, they wore white lab coats.
Of course not being able to do math or science isn't a good excuse for not being able to read a graph title and the axis titles.
Where did I say that I did?

I said I have no context to work with.

I realize this is all fun and games with you, and that this is your anti-science schtick. I'm humoring you, as I am sure you are humoring me. We're equally bullshitting each other. One good turn deserves another and all that.
It’s all fun and games.

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