Zone1 Big Roma Man

That makes no sense at all.
If I was a racist I wouldnt have dated a Mexican girl in the first place.
You're like the liberals here in the US that say Trump is a racist yet he dated a black girl.

Because you are bit slow thinker, and ignorant. You think you cannot be racist. I dont know if Trump is racist, but he could be but maybe he is not, i never talked to him, but i talked to you, you are clearly racist.
no you dont you stereotype groups over the actions of some, you judge entire groups.... everyone judges people over their actions, for example not even a woke would say if you raped or killed someone or stole something that you should not be judged and go to prison, but you do something else.

Your roma asswipe is a racist for claiming roma pride.
When I can be for white pride without being called a racist you might have a leg to stand on.
Your roma asswipe is a racist for claiming roma pride.
When I can be for white pride without being called a racist you might have a leg to stand on.

I explained you the two types of pride, the first is even in christianity a sin, im not the first type. I dont know which one are you, but i have nothing against white pride, but i said already that many who claim white pride that there is maybe a good reason to think they are racist. Maybe they are. And i dont think it is forbidden to form white pride groups, not even militias, is that forbidden? You just have to live with it that someone might think you are racist. You think bad things about me all the time, and i have to live with it, even if they are true or not. No one censored you from insulting me.
Because you are bit slow thinker, and ignorant. You think you cannot be racist. I dont know if Trump is racist, but he could be but maybe he is not, i never talked to him, but i talked to you, you are clearly racist.

I'm the slow thinker?
I managed to retire at 46 and not because I got on the government dole,I actually earned it unlike you.
You're a slug that lives off other people's money,if I did that I'd feel ashamed.
I explained you the two types of pride, the first is even in christianity a sin, im not the first type. I dont know which one are you, but i have nothing against white pride, but i said already that many who claim white pride that there is maybe a good reason to think they are racist. Maybe they are. And i dont think it is forbidden to form white pride groups, not even militias, is that forbidden? You just have to live with it that someone might think you are racist. You think bad things about me all the time, and i have to live with it, even if they are true or not. No one censored you from insulting me.

Try and form a white pride group and see what happens.
no you dont you stereotype groups over the actions of some, you judge entire groups.... everyone judges people over their actions, for example not even a woke would say if you raped or killed someone or stole something that you should not be judged and go to prison, but you do something else.

How does that work in your small brain?
I wouldnt have been engaged to a Mexican girl if I grouped them all together.
I'm the slow thinker?
I managed to retire at 46 and not because I got on the government dole,I actually earned it unlike you.
You're a slug that lives off other people's money,if I did that I'd feel ashamed.
You just said this to me, and i have to live with it, i think to be called racist if you are is certainly less a insult. You are a whiner, you cannot even admitt that you are racist, and you pretend to be the victim.
You just said this to me, and i have to live with it, i think to be called racist if you are is certainly less a insult. You are a whiner, you cannot even admitt that you are racist, and you pretend to be the victim.

I'm no victim.
No one has given me a damn thing unlike you who lives off the government dole.
You should be ashamed for being a shyster.
Your roma asswipe is a racist for claiming roma pride.
When I can be for white pride without being called a racist you might have a leg to stand on.
You said this, then you say you are not a victim, but you complain indirectly that you are because you cannot form a white pride group right? Eventhough i think there are white pride groups even a american nazi party in the usa.
Your arguments are getting weaker by the post.
When you stereotype you are doing exactly what I said you were doing.

You can also be engaged to a mexican woman but dont like blacks, you can even hate mexicans, and you can even abuse her, or be racist to her while living with her. I know a guy married to a black woman who treats her like shit and people would generally agree he is a racist. I mean you think you cannot be racist, ask someone more educated to explain you that.
You can also be engaged to a mexican woman but dont like blacks, you can even hate mexicans, and you can even abuse her, or be racist to her while living with her. I know a guy married to a black woman who treats her like shit and people would generally agree he is a racist. I mean you think you cannot be racist, ask someone more educated to explain you that.

Are you kidding me?
I'm going to abuse my fiance?
You might want to seek mental health help.
Why is it that if a white group claims white pride they're called racist?

lol they snivel if white people look after their own, meanwhile all they do is snivel all about themselves and how we should cater to them because of their race and ethnicities. None have any such record of tolerance and charity in their pasts, of course. except mass murders and thievery and the like but we're supposed to feed them and cater to their arrogant demands. Their racism is fine, but Whitey Bad Bad Bad!!! Yet they all swarm over the borders to get into Whitey Land. Hypocrites one and all.
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You dont give a shit, but im factually correct. Maybe there is a reason why someone who brings up white pride is considered racist, maybe there is a good reason for that why it is like that. I mean you are racist, i know that, not only now in this thread, but i have since a year to deal with you, and now you say that, that is a bit hypocritical that you say that, maybe it would be more legit if another white person said it who is not racist.
The title of this foolishness should be Why I Don't Give A Shit.

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