Big Sis admits under oath that she knew about fast and the furious


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
You just can't make this shit up. Big Sis Janet Napolitano under oath said she had learned about fast and the furious after the death of Brain Terry. Meaning according to her and holders testimony She knew about it before holder did. Which holder under oath said he had just learned about fast and the furious a few weeks ago.
Terry was kill Dec. 2010 Holders saying in his last testimony it was just a few weeks ago

[ame=]Daryl Issa vs Big Sis on Fast and Furious - YouTube[/ame]
I'll answer that in writing, I'll answer that in writing...

Gives her time to figure out an answer and get the timeline straight. Why would she know before Holder?
CaféAuLait;5515373 said:
I'll answer that in writing, I'll answer that in writing...

Gives her time to figure out an answer and get the timeline straight. Why would she know before Holder?

She knew about it when it happen I'm sitting here and saying WTF wake up America.
CaféAuLait;5515373 said:
I'll answer that in writing, I'll answer that in writing...

Gives her time to figure out an answer and get the timeline straight. Why would she know before Holder?

She knew about it when it happen I'm sitting here and saying WTF wake up America.

Did you see her squirming in her seat when she got caught in the lie? I will have to find the time stamp.

I found this which spells out what Issa was getting at:

In earlier questioning, Napolitano said she had held off inquiring into the relation between the controversial Fast and Furious operation and Agent Brian Terry's death because that matter is the subject of a Inspector General investigation at the Justice Department.

However, Issa noted that Terry was killed on Dec. 14 and the IG probe was requested by Attorney General Eric Holder in February, leaving what Issa said was "three months" (somewhat less, it would seem) for her to explore the matter before the internal DOJ probe was opened into the operation which allegedly allowed more than 1000 guns to flow unimpeded to Mexican drug cartels.

Darrell Issa: Janet Napolitano slow on Fast & Furious - Josh Gerstein -
CaféAuLait;5515399 said:
CaféAuLait;5515373 said:
I'll answer that in writing, I'll answer that in writing...

Gives her time to figure out an answer and get the timeline straight. Why would she know before Holder?

She knew about it when it happen I'm sitting here and saying WTF wake up America.

Did you see her squirming in her seat when she got caught in the lie? I will have to find the time stamp.

I found this which spells out what Issa was getting at:

In earlier questioning, Napolitano said she had held off inquiring into the relation between the controversial Fast and Furious operation and Agent Brian Terry's death because that matter is the subject of a Inspector General investigation at the Justice Department.

However, Issa noted that Terry was killed on Dec. 14 and the IG probe was requested by Attorney General Eric Holder in February, leaving what Issa said was "three months" (somewhat less, it would seem) for her to explore the matter before the internal DOJ probe was opened into the operation which allegedly allowed more than 1000 guns to flow unimpeded to Mexican drug cartels.

Darrell Issa: Janet Napolitano slow on Fast & Furious - Josh Gerstein -

The more and more I watch this unfold the more I see bigger things and a major cover up.
CaféAuLait;5515399 said:
She knew about it when it happen I'm sitting here and saying WTF wake up America.

Did you see her squirming in her seat when she got caught in the lie? I will have to find the time stamp.

I found this which spells out what Issa was getting at:

In earlier questioning, Napolitano said she had held off inquiring into the relation between the controversial Fast and Furious operation and Agent Brian Terry's death because that matter is the subject of a Inspector General investigation at the Justice Department.

However, Issa noted that Terry was killed on Dec. 14 and the IG probe was requested by Attorney General Eric Holder in February, leaving what Issa said was "three months" (somewhat less, it would seem) for her to explore the matter before the internal DOJ probe was opened into the operation which allegedly allowed more than 1000 guns to flow unimpeded to Mexican drug cartels.

Darrell Issa: Janet Napolitano slow on Fast & Furious - Josh Gerstein -

The more and more I watch this unfold the more I see bigger things and a major cover up.

Like Watergate, it's inevitable. Unlike Watergate at least 1 American enforcement agent was killed, hundreds (at least) of Mexicans, without any notification to our Southern neighbor of the 'plan.'

Will it be before the election? I dunno. But the truth will be out.
What I noticed was how she evaded and when pressed got the attitude that she was so important that she shouldn't have to answer Issa's questions. Too bad the Congressman ran out of time. Another 5 minutes and she would have had a melt down.
What I noticed was how she evaded and when pressed got the attitude that she was so important that she shouldn't have to answer Issa's questions. Too bad the Congressman ran out of time. Another 5 minutes and she would have had a melt down.

Theirs something that stinks about this whole thing.
They're starting to get pissed. obama claiming EP maay or may not prove his involvement of a cover-up, but it sure as hell proves to me that holder, and perhaps Napolitano have perjured themselves. I'm thinking one more scapegoat gets tossed under the bus without the desired result and holder is gone inside of a month..
Sure it looks bad, but if this drags on to late October, obama will be lucky to carry California
They're starting to get pissed. obama claiming EP maay or may not prove his involvement of a cover-up, but it sure as hell proves to me that holder, and perhaps Napolitano have perjured themselves. I'm thinking one more scapegoat gets tossed under the bus without the desired result and holder is gone inside of a month..
Sure it looks bad, but if this drags on to late October, obama will be lucky to carry California

If any state it will be Hawaii. that's just from their voting history. If I was Issa I would have told her she can get all pissy I don't care you're going to answer my questions
They're starting to get pissed. obama claiming EP maay or may not prove his involvement of a cover-up, but it sure as hell proves to me that holder, and perhaps Napolitano have perjured themselves. I'm thinking one more scapegoat gets tossed under the bus without the desired result and holder is gone inside of a month..
Sure it looks bad, but if this drags on to late October, obama will be lucky to carry California

If any state it will be Hawaii. that's just from their voting history. If I was Issa I would have told her she can get all pissy I don't care you're going to answer my questions

A simple, "Would you care for a contempt citation, as well?" would have been a classic line.
Not one email in the documents were holders

[ame=]Issa Throws Down and Owns Holder Over Fast and Furious Emails Dec 8th 2011 - YouTube[/ame]

That's what is missing
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You just can't make this shit up. Big Sis Janet Napolitano under oath said she had learned about fast and the furious after the death of Brain Terry. Meaning according to her and holders testimony She knew about it before holder did. Which holder under oath said he had just learned about fast and the furious a few weeks ago.
Terry was kill Dec. 2010 Holders saying in his last testimony it was just a few weeks ago

Daryl Issa vs Big Sis on Fast and Furious - YouTube

Thought she came across great. Thought Issa likes the sound of his own voice and is not interested in anything but pushing his agenda...
You just can't make this shit up. Big Sis Janet Napolitano under oath said she had learned about fast and the furious after the death of Brain Terry. Meaning according to her and holders testimony She knew about it before holder did. Which holder under oath said he had just learned about fast and the furious a few weeks ago.
Terry was kill Dec. 2010 Holders saying in his last testimony it was just a few weeks ago

Daryl Issa vs Big Sis on Fast and Furious - YouTube

Thought she came across great. Thought Issa likes the sound of his own voice and is not interested in anything but pushing his agenda...
So, what do YOU think she did for those three months?

I'm having a hard time figuring that out.
You just can't make this shit up. Big Sis Janet Napolitano under oath said she had learned about fast and the furious after the death of Brain Terry. Meaning according to her and holders testimony She knew about it before holder did. Which holder under oath said he had just learned about fast and the furious a few weeks ago.
Terry was kill Dec. 2010 Holders saying in his last testimony it was just a few weeks ago

Daryl Issa vs Big Sis on Fast and Furious - YouTube

Thought she came across great. Thought Issa likes the sound of his own voice and is not interested in anything but pushing his agenda...
So, what do YOU think she did for those three months?

I'm having a hard time figuring that out.

Probably plenty of stuff. How many operations are going at once? As she said, she was more interested in who killed Terry. And why wouldn't she be.

But what I find objectionable most about Issa is that he won't let her answer the question properly. You and I, and anybody with any sense of intelligence, knows that a simple 'yes' or 'no' doesn't suffice. All it will get him is a cheap political point. He tried to do the same with Holder...

I won't even go into the fact he actually spends the first three minutes making a statement, not asking a question (thus me saying he likes the sound of his own voice)...
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Quick question...........................

Why did Issa say that there was no connection to Obama this afternoon?
Thought she came across great. Thought Issa likes the sound of his own voice and is not interested in anything but pushing his agenda...
So, what do YOU think she did for those three months?

I'm having a hard time figuring that out.

Probably plenty of stuff. How many operations are going at once? As she said, she was more interested in who killed Terry. And why wouldn't she be.

But what I find objectionable most about Issa is that he won't let her answer the question properly. You and I, and anybody with any sense of intelligence, knows that a simple 'yes' or 'no' doesn't suffice. All it will get him is a cheap political point. He tried to do the same with Issa...

I won't even go into the fact he actually spends the first three minutes making a statement, not asking a question (thus me saying he likes the sound of his own voice)...
With respect to Issa, his questioning methodology is no different than any other congress critter who has been part of a congressional panel questioning witnesses. That's what they ALL do. ANYONE who is subpoenaed to testify to Congress should expect that. That's how they do it.

And, the witnesses' answers are also expected in writing. Congresscritters dream for this stuff in an election year. Otherwise, most of the fact-finding can be done in writing.

So, any [R] or any [D] would have the same methodology.

As to what JN was doing during those three months, are you not wondering why she felt no need to inform Holder? And, when an agent is killed in the line of duty - irrespective of whether that death happened as a result of the start-up of a previously failed operation or not - I have to suspend disbelief that that item is not at the top of all involved agencies' list of agenda items for the weekly briefings.

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