Biggest dem Super PAC To Sit Out '14 Midterms


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
I think I'll just post the article and read what you have to say for the most part.

Key Democratic Group Will Sit Out Midterm Elections
Priorities USA Action, the super PAC now backing Hillary Clinton, won’t spend to help Democrats in the House and Senate this year, a spokesperson confirms.

Key Democratic Group Will Sit Out Midterm Elections

The Democratic Party’s biggest super PAC, recently retooled as an early pro-Hillary Clinton effort, will sit out the midterm elections this year.

A spokesman with the group, Priorities USA Action, confirmed to BuzzFeed on Wednesday night that it would not be involved in House or Senate campaigns.

“House Majority PAC and Majority PAC are doing everything right and making a real difference. We fully support their efforts,” said the spokesman, Peter Kauffmann, referring to the main groups supporting Democratic congressional candidates.

Priorities USA, which operates under loose campaign finance rules that allow it to raise and spend unlimited sums, put $65 million behind Barack Obama in 2012.

Sources close to the group say its leaders considered helping Democrats in House and Senate races approaching this fall. The PAC’s principal financial backer, Hollywood magnate Jeffrey Katzenberg, has shown an interest in one midterm candidate in particular: Alison Lundergan Grimes, the Democrat gunning to unseat Sen. Mitch McConnell. Katzenberg, one of Obama’s biggest bundlers, raised more than $1 million for Grimes on her first trip to California last year.

Sean Sweeney, the former Obama aide who co-founded Priorities USA, said a year ago that the group would likely let others, like House Majority PAC and Majority PAC, “take the lead on House and Senate races.”

Yeah, right. I think they know they're doomed in November and don't want to waste the money.

Pay-Back's a bitch, boys and girls
My fellow Patriots... and dimocrap scum....

This is big news. Not only does it mean that dimocraps are throwing in the towel for 2014, that it isn't even worth the fight.... It tells dimocrap Senators and Congresscritters -- "Good luck, morons. Thanks for toeing the company line and maybe you'll enjoy being a scumbag, cheating lying lawyer again."

So how does a doomed dimocrap act? Will he/she/it try to turn Right and save some face? I doubt it. Abortion Barbie is now trying to tell Texans that she's for 'Open Carry'. And the populace is laughing at her.

I think this sends the message that dimocrap scum are doomed in November and no amount of money can save them. To which, I concur.

To make it worse, it tells prospective donors to other PACs and the party itself that nobody feels they have much of chance.

I was talking 10 Seats in the Senate? I'm upping that to 12 Seats.

And if this obsession with Hitlery continues (it will) I smell an impeachment trial in 2015. Late in 2015. And Congressional democrats will be scared to death of standing up for the scumbag-in-chief.

Especially after the way they've been treated by the party elite.

Think the Republican Party is in turmoil? This could be big, folks. REALLY big
Labor groups are marshaling their funds for this year's state battles in which 36 governors and a slew of state legislators are up for re-election. Big GOP wins in 2010 gave Republicans 29 governors' seats and control of both legislative chambers in more than two dozen states, helping spark a welter of legislation to limit union clout and to contain the cost of public-employee pensions as GOP officials sought to rein in budgets."We don't want to be as unprepared as in 2010," said AFL-CIO political director Michael Podhorzer. The union has moved nearly $2.4 million into super PACs and can spend millions more on outreach efforts to its members outside the campaign-finance system. "We're not leaving the federal field. It's important that Republicans not take control of the Senate," he said. "But every day, there is more damage being done at the state le
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I say don't assume this is gonna hurt them. Seems they have 2 other pacs replacing them. We can't let our guard down.
It's a Pro-Clinton PAC...of course they're going to save their money for 2016. 2014 won't be a very consequential election regardless. Even if the GOP gets a small senate majority it won't mean very much, not like congress is doing anything anyway.

The governor and state legislature races are the thing to watch in 2014.
It's a Pro-Clinton PAC...of course they're going to save their money for 2016. 2014 won't be a very consequential election regardless. Even if the GOP gets a small senate majority it won't mean very much, not like congress is doing anything anyway.

The governor and state legislature races are the thing to watch in 2014.

It will mean that Obumer will have a lot of bills sitting on his desk that never reached it before 2014. Then he'll have to explain why he refuses to sign them.
It's a Pro-Clinton PAC...of course they're going to save their money for 2016. 2014 won't be a very consequential election regardless. Even if the GOP gets a small senate majority it won't mean very much, not like congress is doing anything anyway.

The governor and state legislature races are the thing to watch in 2014.

It will mean that Obumer will have a lot of bills sitting on his desk that never reached it before 2014. Then he'll have to explain why he refuses to sign them.

No it won't. The filibuster will still be there and it's not like the House can agree on much of anything now either.
It's a Pro-Clinton PAC...of course they're going to save their money for 2016. 2014 won't be a very consequential election regardless. Even if the GOP gets a small senate majority it won't mean very much, not like congress is doing anything anyway.

The governor and state legislature races are the thing to watch in 2014.

It will mean that Obumer will have a lot of bills sitting on his desk that never reached it before 2014. Then he'll have to explain why he refuses to sign them.

A united House and Senate against a truly despicable scumbag like obama can cause him a lot of problems.

Question: Can Congress appoint a special prosecutor? Or do we have to wait until we win the White House in '16 and have an honest Attorney General, unlike the criminal who currently infests the office
It's a Pro-Clinton PAC...of course they're going to save their money for 2016. 2014 won't be a very consequential election regardless. Even if the GOP gets a small senate majority it won't mean very much, not like congress is doing anything anyway.

The governor and state legislature races are the thing to watch in 2014.

It will mean that Obumer will have a lot of bills sitting on his desk that never reached it before 2014. Then he'll have to explain why he refuses to sign them.

No it won't. The filibuster will still be there and it's not like the House can agree on much of anything now either.

Who says the filibuster will still be there? Seriously? Who says?

You? :lmao:

dimocrap scum nixed it so they could appoint a whole shitload of Judges to positions that had been empty since before Bush left office.

Think Patriots aren't above just shit-canning the whole thing? I would.

dimocraps aren't normal people, they're scum. You have to fight them like the scum they are.

You fight honorable men with honor and you fight scum like the scum they are.

Besides, the way it's going, we might end up with more than 60 seats after the Nov elections.

Way, way possible
It's a Pro-Clinton PAC...of course they're going to save their money for 2016. 2014 won't be a very consequential election regardless. Even if the GOP gets a small senate majority it won't mean very much, not like congress is doing anything anyway.

The governor and state legislature races are the thing to watch in 2014.

It will mean that Obumer will have a lot of bills sitting on his desk that never reached it before 2014. Then he'll have to explain why he refuses to sign them.

No it won't. The filibuster will still be there and it's not like the House can agree on much of anything now either.

Once Boner is gone, they'll have little trouble agreeing. Reid got rid of the filibuster. Didn't you hear?
I think I'll just post the article and read what you have to say for the most part.

Key Democratic Group Will Sit Out Midterm Elections
Priorities USA Action, the super PAC now backing Hillary Clinton, won’t spend to help Democrats in the House and Senate this year, a spokesperson confirms.

Key Democratic Group Will Sit Out Midterm Elections

The Democratic Party’s biggest super PAC, recently retooled as an early pro-Hillary Clinton effort, will sit out the midterm elections this year.

A spokesman with the group, Priorities USA Action, confirmed to BuzzFeed on Wednesday night that it would not be involved in House or Senate campaigns.

“House Majority PAC and Majority PAC are doing everything right and making a real difference. We fully support their efforts,” said the spokesman, Peter Kauffmann, referring to the main groups supporting Democratic congressional candidates.

Priorities USA, which operates under loose campaign finance rules that allow it to raise and spend unlimited sums, put $65 million behind Barack Obama in 2012.

Sources close to the group say its leaders considered helping Democrats in House and Senate races approaching this fall. The PAC’s principal financial backer, Hollywood magnate Jeffrey Katzenberg, has shown an interest in one midterm candidate in particular: Alison Lundergan Grimes, the Democrat gunning to unseat Sen. Mitch McConnell. Katzenberg, one of Obama’s biggest bundlers, raised more than $1 million for Grimes on her first trip to California last year.

Sean Sweeney, the former Obama aide who co-founded Priorities USA, said a year ago that the group would likely let others, like House Majority PAC and Majority PAC, “take the lead on House and Senate races.”

Yeah, right. I think they know they're doomed in November and don't want to waste the money.

Pay-Back's a bitch, boys and girls
There're saving their money for big show in 2016. With the decline of Tea Party, Democrats are less concerned about next two years.
It will mean that Obumer will have a lot of bills sitting on his desk that never reached it before 2014. Then he'll have to explain why he refuses to sign them.

No it won't. The filibuster will still be there and it's not like the House can agree on much of anything now either.

Who says the filibuster will still be there? Seriously? Who says?

You? :lmao:

dimocrap scum nixed it so they could appoint a whole shitload of Judges to positions that had been empty since before Bush left office.

Think Patriots aren't above just shit-canning the whole thing? I would.

dimocraps aren't normal people, they're scum. You have to fight them like the scum they are.

You fight honorable men with honor and you fight scum like the scum they are.

Besides, the way it's going, we might end up with more than 60 seats after the Nov elections.

Way, way possible

Did a democrat bang your wife or something? Man, it's gotta be something like that with your idiotic rants.
It will mean that Obumer will have a lot of bills sitting on his desk that never reached it before 2014. Then he'll have to explain why he refuses to sign them.

No it won't. The filibuster will still be there and it's not like the House can agree on much of anything now either.

Once Boner is gone, they'll have little trouble agreeing. Reid got rid of the filibuster. Didn't you hear?

For judicial apointments and executive branch nominations moron.

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