BIKERS FOR TRUMP Will Be At The Inauguration: Liberal Troublemakers Beware

I'm sure he isn't pushing for them to use the bathroom of their choice like liberals are.
Donald J. Trump said Thursday that transgender people should be allowed to use whatever bathroom they feel most comfortable with — including at Trump Tower in New York.
Did he say he wants to make laws giving them the to do so? Like Obama did in the public school system? Will withhold federal funding if the don't comply. Further more proved liberals don't really care about educating children.
Trump never had any power to make the change, but agrees with the policy...
He said he didn't care. No one really did, till liberals started demanding laws be made to protect these degenerates. If I get to choose wether to shower with a bunch of men or women. Sorry but I'm showering with the women. If liberals get their way, that will be my right. Which isn't right.
If he said he didn't care, then evidently he doesn't and thinks those degenerates should be allowed to..
Like I said he didn't mention laws about it.
Donald J. Trump said Thursday that transgender people should be allowed to use whatever bathroom they feel most comfortable with — including at Trump Tower in New York.
Did he say he wants to make laws giving them the to do so? Like Obama did in the public school system? Will withhold federal funding if the don't comply. Further more proved liberals don't really care about educating children.
Trump never had any power to make the change, but agrees with the policy...
He said he didn't care. No one really did, till liberals started demanding laws be made to protect these degenerates. If I get to choose wether to shower with a bunch of men or women. Sorry but I'm showering with the women. If liberals get their way, that will be my right. Which isn't right.
If he said he didn't care, then evidently he doesn't and thinks those degenerates should be allowed to..
Like I said he didn't mention laws about it.
But agreed with the premise of what was happening when he made the statement..
Did he say he wants to make laws giving them the to do so? Like Obama did in the public school system? Will withhold federal funding if the don't comply. Further more proved liberals don't really care about educating children.
Trump never had any power to make the change, but agrees with the policy...
He said he didn't care. No one really did, till liberals started demanding laws be made to protect these degenerates. If I get to choose wether to shower with a bunch of men or women. Sorry but I'm showering with the women. If liberals get their way, that will be my right. Which isn't right.
If he said he didn't care, then evidently he doesn't and thinks those degenerates should be allowed to..
Like I said he didn't mention laws about it.
But agreed with the premise of what was happening when he made the statement..
Like I said before you liberals made a big deal out of it, nobody really cared. Now a man can use a girls locker room thanks to liberalism. That wasn't going on before Obama started making laws for it.

Of course, the Park Service says it's given out all the permits to anti-Trump groups which count 100k to 200k people. She doesn't have any for the bikers. You think that will stop them? Not hardly.

Approximately two million bikers are planning to arrive in Washington, D.C. by January 20, 2017. The patriotic bikers are volunteering to attend President-Elect Donald Trump’s inauguration to enhance safety during the event.

Full story @ BIKERS FOR TRUMP Will Be At The Inauguration: Liberal Troublemakers Beware
I'm a Biker you shit stain longknife

Longknife on his way to Trumpsville

Are fat old biker gang wannabees supposed to scare anyone?

Now, I imagine your average Trump-cultist thinks of them as scary. Liberals, being made of sterner stuff, can only pity such wimps.
Your kind can come out in drag, represents your screwed up party to a tee.
Hmmm, Giuliani is a member of what party when he and Trump had a tranny date...
I'm sure he isn't pushing for them to use the bathroom of their choice like liberals are.
Donald J. Trump said Thursday that transgender people should be allowed to use whatever bathroom they feel most comfortable with — including at Trump Tower in New York.

One of the few sensible things he said on the campaign trail.

Republicans screaming about this issue was flat-out hilarious. Even more hilarious was North Carolina descending into economic despair because all the "makers" left their state because of NC's tantrum over scary trannies.

Of course, the Park Service says it's given out all the permits to anti-Trump groups which count 100k to 200k people. She doesn't have any for the bikers. You think that will stop them? Not hardly.

Approximately two million bikers are planning to arrive in Washington, D.C. by January 20, 2017. The patriotic bikers are volunteering to attend President-Elect Donald Trump’s inauguration to enhance safety during the event.

Full story @ BIKERS FOR TRUMP Will Be At The Inauguration: Liberal Troublemakers Beware
WWhy would any liberal in their right mind, want to waste so much as a second going anywhere near a Trump event, to be around a bunch of smelly, retarded, disgusting rednecks with lice worms under their nails? Especially when the ESPN is showing reruns of a Arnold Palmer Master's win on the same day, with a paint drying special to follow? Like get over yourselves bikers, Fresh air and reruns Trump trump any damn day of the week!!
And the bikers are still more decent and cleaner than ghetto rats like you whore.
Prove it..
Liberals love drawing lines with their red crayons.
Ah yes, the best a man can do is when he is a child..
I know Obama proved that when he threatened Syria with one, and they shoved it up his ass. And Obama liked it, because he is a pussy queer.
You seem to know a lot about being a homersexual..
Only because you liberals want us to know about it. Obama is a member of a gay bath house in chicago, you know that, right?
you are one of the lamest posters on this board. did you sneak in under the age req't because you sound like you have the sense of humor of an 11 yr old jknowgood
Libtards are scared little pussies to begin with.
Prove it..
Liberals love drawing lines with their red crayons.
Ah yes, the best a man can do is when he is a child..
I know Obama proved that when he threatened Syria with one, and they shoved it up his ass. And Obama liked it, because he is a pussy queer.
You seem to know a lot about being a homersexual..
He listens to you.

Of course, the Park Service says it's given out all the permits to anti-Trump groups which count 100k to 200k people. She doesn't have any for the bikers. You think that will stop them? Not hardly.

Approximately two million bikers are planning to arrive in Washington, D.C. by January 20, 2017. The patriotic bikers are volunteering to attend President-Elect Donald Trump’s inauguration to enhance safety during the event.

Full story @ BIKERS FOR TRUMP Will Be At The Inauguration: Liberal Troublemakers Beware
I'm a Biker you shit stain longknife

Longknife on his way to Trumpsville

lol longknife you partisan PoS

Eaglewings ;)

Of course, the Park Service says it's given out all the permits to anti-Trump groups which count 100k to 200k people. She doesn't have any for the bikers. You think that will stop them? Not hardly.

Approximately two million bikers are planning to arrive in Washington, D.C. by January 20, 2017. The patriotic bikers are volunteering to attend President-Elect Donald Trump’s inauguration to enhance safety during the event.

Full story @ BIKERS FOR TRUMP Will Be At The Inauguration: Liberal Troublemakers Beware
what a surprise, more white trash

Of course, the Park Service says it's given out all the permits to anti-Trump groups which count 100k to 200k people. She doesn't have any for the bikers. You think that will stop them? Not hardly.

Approximately two million bikers are planning to arrive in Washington, D.C. by January 20, 2017. The patriotic bikers are volunteering to attend President-Elect Donald Trump’s inauguration to enhance safety during the event.

Full story @ BIKERS FOR TRUMP Will Be At The Inauguration: Liberal Troublemakers Beware
I'm a Biker you shit stain longknife

Are fat old biker gang wannabees supposed to scare anyone?

Now, I imagine your average Trump-cultist thinks of them as scary. Liberals, being made of sterner stuff, can only pity such wimps.
Your kind can come out in drag, represents your screwed up party to a tee.
Hmmm, Giuliani is a member of what party when he and Trump had a tranny date...
I'm sure he isn't pushing for them to use the bathroom of their choice like liberals are.
Donald J. Trump said Thursday that transgender people should be allowed to use whatever bathroom they feel most comfortable with — including at Trump Tower in New York.
Did he say he wants to make laws giving them the to do so? Like Obama did in the public school system? Will withhold federal funding if the don't comply. Further more proved liberals don't really care about educating children.
Obuthole blackmailed the schools.

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