bill allowing cops to sue protestors


What good does that do if the protestor has no money?

All that will happen is they get put in jail for a few days and lose thousands of dollars in attorney fees.


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What good does that do if the protestor has no money?

All that will happen is they get put in jail for a few days and lose thousands of dollars in attorney fees.



Court ordered payments will follow them the rest of their lives. Any job they ever get will automatically have their wages garnished.
Court ordered payments will follow them the rest of their lives. Any job they ever get will automatically have their wages garnished.


They just take jobs under the table while living on social security and the system won't touch social security or welfare.


View attachment 520723

What good does that do if the protestor has no money?

All that will happen is they get put in jail for a few days and lose thousands of dollars in attorney fees.



If the attorney fees only end up on the plate of the protesters, maybe they won't be so quick to be guilty of what they are now known for anymore.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. To me, protesting is one thing, but going as far as to getting in the way of everyone else like those who block the open roads for example is a whole other subject.

New York County Passes Bill To Allow Cops To Sue Rioters


The Charolttesville Police could have sued Antifa for violence and destruction after the self-professed leader of Antifa declared on National TV that they showed up without having a permit to assemble / protest with the full intent to initiate violence, which they also bragged they did.

The police could sue Antifa & BLM. Who specifically? They culd start with the self-professed Marcxist con artist female who declared she started 'BLM' as a self-enrichment project she walked away from after buying multiple mansions and BILLIONS of dollars in real estate.

The police could sue the Mayor and council members who facilitated the take-over of entire city streets, held them hostage, murdered, extorted, etc....

The police could sue the VP for helping to bail the domestic terrorists out of jail to send them back on the streets to commit more destruction and for calling on thm to committing acts of violence after the election was over.

....and so much more.
View attachment 520723

What good does that do if the protestor has no money?

All that will happen is they get put in jail for a few days and lose thousands of dollars in attorney fees.



Civil lawsuits do not provide redress in the form of jail time. Only monetary damages and injunctive relief.

I agree that most protestors that this would apply to wouldn't be able to pay a judgment for damages, which would then result in a suspended license, and if they continued driving, possibly arrest and jail for driving while license suspended. So I guess in an indirect way you could be correct.
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Yep we must protect the slave patrol by any means necessary, because they are the defenders of white supremacy in this country and we can NEVER let that die.
WTF? 'Slave Patrol'? Obama? Is that you?

The Tx FLEEbaggers just demonstrated one of the reasons the police and minorities have so many problems with each other:

Several of the Tx fleebaggers were in the middle of the street, with race-baiters like Al Sharpton'. The police asked them to move 3 separate times because they were blocking traffic. They refused. They got arrested.

They KNEW they were braking the law...but they didn't give a damn.

The fleebaggers were told 3 times to move / stop breaking the law - they refused to comply.
They were arrested.

Every encounter with a policeman is like a challenge to 'cop' an attitude, resist, refuse to comply, and in some cases to see how far they can go before the situation explodes.
- I know you have seen the many videos of Antifa/BLM members standing in front of the police, screaming, calling them names, verbally abusing them....

Many Democrats claim they want the violence to end with police....but are not willing to change or demand others change any of the 3 listed above. It's a two-way street.

As far as your moronic name you have given the police, 'defenders of white supremacy', that sure isn't what Americans were calling them after 9/11, after firemen and police officers went into buildings and made sacrifices to save others.

BTW, I saw a poll today that shows 80% of the American people fully support the police. I guess it is only the usual minority - 20% - of violent, liberal extremist, Marxist, bed-wetters who stay silent regarding the MASSIVE black-on-black crime that consists of blacks literally slaughtering each other - women, children, babies - on the streets but refuse to talk about that and refuse that to become part of the adult discussions on the exploding violence stemming from the Democrats' massively FAILED 'Defund the police; campaign.
WTF? 'Slave Patrol'? Obama? Is that you?
Yep talking to David Duke. Unfortunately many police officers have the same mindset as the sheet wearers.
The Tx FLEEbaggers just demonstrated one of the reasons the police and minorities have so many problems with each other:

Several of the Tx fleebaggers were in the middle of the street, with race-baiters like Al Sharpton'. The police asked them to move 3 separate times because they were blocking traffic. They refused. They got arrested.
That's fine, how many of them ended up in the ICU?
They KNEW they were braking the law...but they didn't give a damn.
In many cases the Law has no respect for itself.
The fleebaggers were told 3 times to move / stop breaking the law - they refused to comply.
They were arrested.
Many folks were arrested during the CRM, what is your point?
Every encounter with a policeman is like a challenge to 'cop' an attitude, resist, refuse to comply, and in some cases to see how far they can go before the situation explodes.
- I know you have seen the many videos of Antifa/BLM members standing in front of the police, screaming, calling them names, verbally abusing them....
We have also seen many encounters where white folks are in front of the police screaming, threatening, etc. Did Trump Humpers have any respect for the Capitol Police on 1/6/21?

Many Democrats claim they want the violence to end with police....but are not willing to change or demand others change any of the 3 listed above. It's a two-way street.

Save that bullshit, we have seen case after case where the police have beaten or even murdered folks who were handcuffed and already subdued. There is a case in Miami right now where the police beat 2 men who were complying with their orders and this type of behavior by the police has gone on for centuries in this country.
As far as your moronic name you have given the police, 'defenders of white supremacy', that sure isn't what Americans were calling them after 9/11, after firemen and police officers went into buildings and made sacrifices to save others.
Alot of folks made sacrifices to save others.
BTW, I saw a poll today that shows 80% of the American people fully support the police.
I saw a poll where 80% of Americans said there needs to be police reform. I guess you missed that poll.
I guess it is only the usual minority - 20% - of violent, liberal extremist, Marxist, bed-wetters who stay silent regarding the MASSIVE black-on-black crime that consists of blacks literally slaughtering each other - women, children, babies - on the streets but refuse to talk about that and refuse that to become part of the adult discussions on the exploding violence stemming from the Democrats' massively FAILED 'Defund the police; campaign.
That's all you've got is the usual Sean Hannity talking points. Of course folks like you want the police to stay just the way they are, as long as, they are beating and killing black and brown folks you are good with it.
Yep we must protect the slave patrol by any means necessary, because they are the defenders of white supremacy in this country and we can NEVER let that die.
police are the slave patrol? maybe in your dem run city.

that tells me more about the people you elected.
Where do you think the police in the South came from Slies. Why are you afraid of the police being held accountable, every other profession is.
are you talking about the dem police in the south during the dem controlled era of jim crow?

and this is in NY

I have no problem with them being held accountable when they violate the law

this thread isn’t about that. Why don’t you think rioters should be held accountable for their actions?
are you talking about the dem police in the south during the dem controlled era of jim crow?
I am talking about the Republican police in the South today.
What does that mean?
I have no problem with them being held accountable when they violate the law

this thread isn’t about that. Why don’t you think rioters should be held accountable for their actions?
I have no problem with rioters or looters being held accountable. I am for protest that brings about change, if there was no protest we would still be in slavery or Jim Crow.

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