Bill and Melinda Gates Pledge $10 Billion in Call for Decade of Vaccines

Gates could have taken his money and bought a small island. Instead, he has used his wealth for good. He and Warren Buffet are great examples of people using their wealth to do good in the world.

buffer got it through investing, gates got it by exploitation, nothing gates does will make up for that.
I am sure his employees feel real exploited when driving around in their BMW's.

the governments paying millions for their technology because they got locked into microsoft contracts, the kids/nations around the world who can't afford computers because all manufacturers besides dell are still stuck forcing windows on every machine sold, the people in third world countries working for $1 a day or less for MS, the small business run out of business by microsoft using payoffs to politicans and hordes of lawyers, plus many more people feel and were/are exploited by microsoft. They are pretty much the most evil corporation in existence today. Once I find the file I will upload and post the link here of every lawsuit/lobbyist action/forced contract/etc that microsoft has been a part of, and after reading it I Really doubt you could lawd over bill so much.
Just because someone sued them doesn't mean they are guilty of said crime blu.

And Gates and Warren could of told the world to fuck off, but they didn't.
Bill and Melinda Gates Pledge $10 Billion in Call for Decade of Vaccines | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

DAVOS, Switzerland -- Bill and Melinda Gates announced today that their foundation will commit $10 billion over the next 10 years to help research, develop and deliver vaccines for the world’s poorest countries.
The Gateses said that increased investment in vaccines by governments and the private sector could help developing countries dramatically reduce child mortality by the end of the decade, and they called for others to help fill critical financing gaps in both research funding and childhood immunization programs.

“We must make this the decade of vaccines,” said Bill Gates. “Vaccines already save and improve millions of lives in developing countries. Innovation will make it possible to save more children than ever before.”

Bill and Melinda Gates made their announcement at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting, where they were joined by Julian Lob-Levyt, CEO of the GAVI Alliance.

“Vaccines are a miracle—with just a few doses, they can prevent deadly diseases for a lifetime,” said Melinda Gates. “We’ve made vaccines our number-one priority at the Gates Foundation because we’ve seen firsthand their incredible impact on children’s lives.”

By significantly scaling up the delivery of life-saving vaccines in developing countries to 90 percent coverage—including new vaccines to prevent severe diarrhea and pneumonia—the model suggests that we could prevent the deaths of some 7.6 million children under 5 from 2010-2019. The foundation also estimates that an additional 1.1 million children could be saved with the rapid introduction of a malaria vaccine beginning in 2014, bringing the total number of potential lives saved to 8.7 million.

If additional vaccines are developed and introduced in this decade—such as for tuberculosis—even more lives could be saved. The new funding announced today is in addition to the $4.5 billion that the Gates Foundation has already committed to vaccine research, development and delivery to date across its entire disease portfolio since its inception.

:clap2: Good for them.

Good Job!!! :) :) :) :) :) :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Here is a good recipient.

AmeriCares Disaster Relief and Humanitarian Aid Organization
Just because someone sued them doesn't mean they are guilty of said crime blu.

And Gates and Warren could of told the world to fuck off, but they didn't.

except that they lost many cases and have paid billions in fines around the world. gates is only doing charity in a vain attempt to save his soul/conscience.
10 billion is just a downpayment on what bill owes society for his inflicting us with Vista.

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