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Bill Bennett: Want To Lower The Crime Rate? Abort All African-American Babies

Kathianne said:
I disagree. Considering he is no longer in the formal political arena, rather a radio host and commentator, I think he has the right to join in a discussion that not only deals with social factors: race and poverty, but also the evils of abortion-which was his point.

BTW, it could easily be argued, it has been by many, that the left's support of abortion is causing them to lose elections and influence-they are killing their progeny.

Oh I agree on the left and abortion, he should've left the "black" out. I don't care if its pc or not, it just wasn't smart.
CALLER: I noticed the national media, you know, they talk a lot about the loss of revenue, or the inability of the government to fund Social Security, and I was curious, and I've read articles in recent months here, that the abortions that have happened since Roe v. Wade, the lost revenue from the people who have been aborted in the last 30-something years, could fund Social Security as we know it today. And the media just doesn't -- never touches this at all.

BENNETT: Assuming they're all productive citizens?

CALLER: Assuming that they are. Even if only a portion of them were, it would be an enormous amount of revenue.

BENNETT: Maybe, maybe, but we don't know what the costs would be, too. I think as -- abortion disproportionately occur among single women? No.

CALLER: I don't know the exact statistics, but quite a bit are, yeah.

BENNETT: All right, well, I mean, I just don't know. I would not argue for the pro-life position based on this, because you don't know. I mean, it cuts both -- you know, one of the arguments in this book Freakonomics that they make is that the declining crime rate, you know, they deal with this hypothesis, that one of the reasons crime is down is that abortion is up. Well --

CALLER: Well, I don't think that statistic is accurate.

BENNETT: Well, I don't think it is either, I don't think it is either, because first of all, there is just too much that you don't know. But I do know that it's true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could -- if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down. That would be an impossible, ridiculous, and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down. So these far-out, these far-reaching, extensive extrapolations are, I think, tricky.
I think he was making a comparison, a hypothetical..I don't have a problem with it at all..Maybe I'm the only one that sees it that way, I donno.
Factually, Bennett was right: fewer blacks means lower crime. There is simply no denying that blacks are responsible for a disproportionately high amount of the violent crime in America. The statistics are cold, hard and straight from the FBI's Uniform Crime Report.

Now, you can debate WHY that is. For liberals, it's evil racist whitey. For conservatives, it's black "culture." For the small but growing number of racial realists, it's black DNA, inherited lower black intelligence and evolved tendencies toward lack of impulse control (something no government policy can change).

I of course prefer the third explanation, though I could acknowledge that TINY bits may be caused by the first two.

But expressing the truth is a big no-no in America, especially when it comes to race. It's like "1984," where, instead of proclaiming love for Big Brother, we have to proclaim that the races are equal, and if they're not, it's white people's fault. To all those who said Bennett was "stupid" to say what he said, I hope you mean "politically stupid," not "factually uninformed." But man, don't you wonder about a society where stating the bald truth gets you called "stupid"? Some might call that an extremely fucked-up, dysfunctional society. A tyranny, even. You're free to cheer the war, protest the war, buy Cheez-Whiz and spread it all over your gas-guzzling Hummer, but you can't say that 2 plus 2 equals 4, or you'll be called a "racist."
William Joyce said:
Factually, Bennett was right: fewer blacks means lower crime. There is simply no denying that blacks are responsible for a disproportionately high amount of the violent crime in America. The statistics are cold, hard and straight from the FBI's Uniform Crime Report.

Now, you can debate WHY that is. For liberals, it's evil racist whitey. For conservatives, it's black "culture." For the small but growing number of racial realists, it's black DNA, inherited lower black intelligence and evolved tendencies toward lack of impulse control (something no government policy can change).

I of course prefer the third explanation, though I could acknowledge that TINY bits may be caused by the first two.

But expressing the truth is a big no-no in America, especially when it comes to race. It's like "1984," where, instead of proclaiming love for Big Brother, we have to proclaim that the races are equal, and if they're not, it's white people's fault. To all those who said Bennett was "stupid" to say what he said, I hope you mean "politically stupid," not "factually uninformed." But man, don't you wonder about a society where stating the bald truth gets you called "stupid"? Some might call that an extremely fucked-up, dysfunctional society. A tyranny, even. You're free to cheer the war, protest the war, buy Cheez-Whiz and spread it all over your gas-guzzling Hummer, but you can't say that 2 plus 2 equals 4, or you'll be called a "racist."
Except for the part in BOLD, I have to agree with you WJ.. :eek:
understand all the excitment about this...the guy is not in public office..nor is he in the running...he is just a former Federal Official who is now a RadioTalk Show host...what he said or how he said it has absolutely no bearing on how I think or react...just his hypothesis and used as sarcasim...what is the big deal...not like most people do not say stupid things in public or private for that matter! Shit we are all guilty in this arena! :blues:
I think the whole thing's being misconstrued. As far as I could tell, he wasn't picking out black people particularly, but was showing that sure, if you remove a huge portion of the population through abortion, crime will go down, but the idea of even making these conjectures is stupid. It was in response to a caller who claimed that abortion was wrong because it decreases tax revenue. The guy doesn't have a racist bone in his body and is incredibly pro-life. The idea that he'd be advocating this is ludicrous. It's like the McNabb comment Rush Limbaugh made. There's really nothing wrong with it, but a whole lot of people who don't like the guy are pretending there is in order to smear him.
OCA said:
Still it was in incredibly stupid fucking thing to say in the first place, the damage has been done.

Yes he equated blacks with crime and that's not fair to the majority of blacks who are law abiding, and whose babies, if aborted, would possibly not be criminals. Stupid is the operative word here. Guys like Bennett, who's a writer, paid public speaker and author of a best selling book, make their living by manipulating words. He knows words better than most and to use them this recklessly is idiotic for someone in his position. For one thing it's an unpleasant image, mass genocide by abortion.

The people who are defending him now probably wouldn't like it if someone said, "Let's crucify all Catholic priests to cut the pedophilia rate." Hell a lot of his defenders can't even handle it if you say, "Let's have gun control to reduce shootings." Why defend something this stupid? Let him take his medicine.
Nuc said:
Yes he equated blacks with crime and that's not fair to the majority of blacks who are law abiding, and whose babies, if aborted, would possibly not be criminals. Stupid is the operative word here. Guys like Bennett, who's a writer, paid public speaker and author of a best selling book, make their living by manipulating words. He knows words better than most and to use them this recklessly is idiotic for someone in his position. For one thing it's an unpleasant image, mass genocide by abortion.

The people who are defending him now probably wouldn't like it if someone said, "Let's crucify all Catholic priests to cut the pedophilia rate." Hell a lot of his defenders can't even handle it if you say, "Let's have gun control to reduce shootings." Why defend something this stupid? Let him take his medicine.

this is what you have been saying since you came in here.."Crucify all Catholic Priests"...become a worldly Buddah...like me! :tinfoil: for the stupid gun control comment!
Nuc said:
Because someone said black culture glorifies crime and used rap as an example. I just wanted to point out that white culture also glorifies crime.

the white culture sings folk songs and has clothing lines celebreating ken lay and his rip off of the american public? oh yea i say that next the fiddy cent and p diddy and snoopy shit.....
Nuc said:
Yes he equated blacks with crime and that's not fair to the majority of blacks who are law abiding, and whose babies, if aborted, would possibly not be criminals. Stupid is the operative word here. Guys like Bennett, who's a writer, paid public speaker and author of a best selling book, make their living by manipulating words. He knows words better than most and to use them this recklessly is idiotic for someone in his position. For one thing it's an unpleasant image, mass genocide by abortion.

The people who are defending him now probably wouldn't like it if someone said, "Let's crucify all Catholic priests to cut the pedophilia rate." Hell a lot of his defenders can't even handle it if you say, "Let's have gun control to reduce shootings." Why defend something this stupid? Let him take his medicine.

yes what he said is stupid....

i would imagine that he has reached the tipping point where he is sick of black leaders saying they should rise up and kill their opressor.....bet cha can't tell me who said that
archangel said:
this is what you have been saying since you came in here.."Crucify all Catholic Priests"...become a worldly Buddah...like me! :tinfoil: for the stupid gun control comment!

I never said crucify ALL Catholic priests. I like a lot of them. The ones who are pedophiles, maybe. I think pedophilia is the lowest of all crimes. In some ways it's worse than murder. Bennet said "all black fetuses". "All" is a dangerous word.
manu1959 said:
the white culture sings folk songs and has clothing lines celebreating ken lay and his rip off of the american public? oh yea i say that next the fiddy cent and p diddy and snoopy shit.....

Hey, I hate rap music. I wish it didn't exist. But Blacks don't have a monopoly on crime. In some ways white collar crime hurts us as much or more than the underclass kinds of crime the blacks specialize in. White people shouldn't be holier than thou about crime.
Nuc said:
Yes he equated blacks with crime and that's not fair to the majority of blacks who are law abiding, and whose babies, if aborted, would possibly not be criminals. Stupid is the operative word here. Guys like Bennett, who's a writer, paid public speaker and author of a best selling book, make their living by manipulating words. He knows words better than most and to use them this recklessly is idiotic for someone in his position. For one thing it's an unpleasant image, mass genocide by abortion.

The people who are defending him now probably wouldn't like it if someone said, "Let's crucify all Catholic priests to cut the pedophilia rate." Hell a lot of his defenders can't even handle it if you say, "Let's have gun control to reduce shootings." Why defend something this stupid? Let him take his medicine.

yes--he did equate blacks with crime and spoke the truth. I'm glad some has the balls to call a spade a spade. Too bad some people are too ignorant to understand what he meant by what he said. He could also have said " to reduce crime, kill every one who commits a crime ". That would work too. There are lots of ways to reduce crime--the point is that many of them are
simply abhorant and unacceptable too Americans. You know how Mao stopped the incredibly high rate of alcoholism, drug addiction and insanity in China ? He killed them all.
dilloduck said:
yes--he did equate blacks with crime and spoke the truth. I'm glad some has the balls to call a spade a spade. Too bad some people are too ignorant to understand what he meant by what he said. He could also have said " to reduce crime, kill every one who commits a crime ". That would work too. There are lots of ways to reduce crime--the point is that many of them are
simply abhorant and unacceptable too Americans. You know how Mao stopped the incredibly high rate of alcoholism, drug addiction and insanity in China ? He killed them all.

Look Dillo, genocide is simply never an appropriate topic of suggestion. No one will disagree that there is a crime problem in the black community. To talk genocide and mass abortion, even in jest, or as the devil's advocate, or as an extreme example is not a decent thing to do. If he want's to talk about black crime he should get together with Bill Cosby and do it. The only people who talk genocide are pigs.
Nuc said:
The only people who talk genocide are pigs.

Mother Nature is a pig? "Genocide" is a loaded word. Species come and go, and humanoids are no exception. Why are there no Neanderthals left? Some scientists say it was because they were killed off by a new kid on the block, Homo Sapiens (that's us today), in combination with their lack of brain power, which made survival more difficult in colder climates. Native Americans are a dead race walking (maybe a few thousand left; they will not survive except as artifacts propped up by modern society). Nobody mourns their passing (because Native Americans don't control the American media!)

Blacks, whites, Jews, Asians... all could perish, some, who knows? One group's planned extermination of another ain't got nothin' on the power of nature to settle these matters, which is decisive.

I don't think the genocide of blacks is the honorable course of action, but forced integration with them isn't, either.
Native Americans are a dead race walking (maybe a few thousand left; they will not survive except as artifacts propped up by modern society). Nobody mourns their passing (because Native Americans don't control the American media!)

This is very crass. Our ancestors murdered-off an entire race and this is all you can say?

I don't think the genocide of blacks is the honorable course of action, but forced integration with them isn't, either.

Honorable? If they are citizens of the US, they get the same freedoms and rights as you or I. Integration is unavoidable.

The next thing we know, you'll be quoting "Mein Kampf" and telling us about the final solution.
Hagbard Celine said:
This is very crass.

But true. I work without chasers, HC.

Honorable? If they are citizens of the US, they get the same freedoms and rights as you or I. Integration is unavoidable.

Blacks are on North American soil for one reason and one reason only: forced slavery. There was nothing "inevitable" about this: it was the result of extreme white arrogance (and you are conversing, shower now or later, with an unapologetic advocate for the white race). Today, we are experiencing extreme white apathy. Integration isn't "unavoidable," it's unnatural. The races DO NOT integrate. The segregate. Like giraffes and lions, they don't mix. It hurts blacks, it hurts whites. So let us go our separate ways and let the peace descend.

To say that blacks have the same "rights" and "freedoms" as you or I is a loaded rifle: are they entitled to equal riches, despite lack of hard work? Equal freedom from incarceration, despite higher criminal behavior? No, that's socialist crap.
William Joyce said:
Mother Nature is a pig? "Genocide" is a loaded word. Species come and go, and humanoids are no exception. Why are there no Neanderthals left? Some scientists say it was because they were killed off by a new kid on the block, Homo Sapiens (that's us today), in combination with their lack of brain power, which made survival more difficult in colder climates. Native Americans are a dead race walking (maybe a few thousand left; they will not survive except as artifacts propped up by modern society). Nobody mourns their passing (because Native Americans don't control the American media!)

Blacks, whites, Jews, Asians... all could perish, some, who knows? One group's planned extermination of another ain't got nothin' on the power of nature to settle these matters, which is decisive.

I don't think the genocide of blacks is the honorable course of action, but forced integration with them isn't, either.

Where to start? OK first off, newest scientific thought is that the Neanderthals still exist in parts of Europe and that their genes still live on in the population there.

Next problem with your theory is that blacks, whites, Jews and Asians, I hate to disillusion you, but they're not separate species.

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