Bill Maher vs. Rush Limbaugh

So this is the position nuc has settled on. He doesn't like Rush because of Rush's listeners. Ok. Whatever. Could anyone be more illogical or dense?
rtwngAvngr said:
That's another criticism against his listeners. The correct answer to my question is no, you haven't come up with anything new.

To come up with an endless litany of his stupidity means that I'd have to LISTEN TO THE FOOL!

The only time I hear him is ocassionally when I'm driving or regurgitated out of my mothers mouth. That's how I know his listeners are parrots. When she comes out with something particularly idiotic I ask her if she got it from Rush. Yes, and then she can't even explain what it means. My mom is not a dumb person, but Rush's slogans allow her to eliminate one step in the process-thinking. It's like political baby food.

As far as listening to it myself, sometimes I even agree with him, but his style disgusts me, and I can't shake the impression that he's taking you and the other parrots for a ride.

Look we know you are in love with him, but if you keep gushing about him like a giddy schoolgirl, you might have to revise your view on "Special Rights".

:gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay:
Nuc said:
To come up with an endless litany of his stupidity means that I'd have to LISTEN TO THE FOOL!

The only time I hear him is ocassionally when I'm driving or regurgitated out of my mothers mouth. That's how I know his listeners are parrots. When she comes out with something particularly idiotic I ask her if she got it from Rush. Yes, and then she can't even explain what it means. My mom is not a dumb person, but Rush's slogans allow her to eliminate one step in the process-thinking. It's like political baby food.

As far as listening to it myself, sometimes I even agree with him, but his style disgusts me, and I can't shake the impression that he's taking you and the other parrots for a ride.

Look we know you are in love with him, but if you keep gushing about him like a giddy schoolgirl, you might have to revise your view on "Special Rights".

:gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay: :gay:

I can't help it if your mom can't explain herself well. I assure you I analyze everything he says. He just happens to usually be right on. Come here anytime your mother can't explain what she remembered hearing. I can probably remember what it was and relate it to you in the context in which it was originally given. I assure you, I'm no parrot. Most Rush listeners are not parrots. That's left wing spin. Probably your mother isn't a parrot either, she just can't get it out when her impudent little bitch ass son is being aggressive towards her.
Kathianne, do you have anything nice to say like, "Ok, maybe there's a COUPLE limbaugh listeners who aren't parrots."
rtwngAvngr said:
Kathianne, do you have anything nice to say like, "Ok, maybe there's a COUPLE limbaugh listeners who aren't parrots."

Sure. I never said I didn't listen to him. :laugh: There are things he says that are spot on, BUT he is playing to his audience. Ratings is what drives him, not necessarily the message. If you listen, you can hear it on certain issues.
Kathianne said:
Sure. I never said I didn't listen to him. :laugh: There are things he says that are spot on, BUT he is playing to his audience. Ratings is what drives him, not necessarily the message. If you listen, you can hear it on certain issues.

All media play to their audience.

On which issue do you think his pandering is apparent the most?
rtwngAvngr said:
All media play to their audience.

On which issue do you think his pandering is apparent the most?

Jason, for the most part, I rarely think of Rush, he has zippo effect on my thinking. I don't think he chooses certain areas to be disengenuous about. I find him bombastic and insincere, which is well within my rights.

I am not going to call you names or give you titles. I'm done playing with this 'issue', which it never was for me. Seriously I'm much more concerned about the suicide bomber in OK.
rtwngAvngr said:
All media play to their audience.

On which issue do you think his pandering is apparent the most?

It's his style RW----people don't like his style. The pompous persona that he assumes to submit his conservative message just flat pisses people off. Like when he says " talent on loan from God ", it just rubs people the wrong way.
dilloduck said:
It's his style RW----people don't like his style. The pompous persona that he assumes to submit his conservative message just flat pisses people off. Like when he says " talent on loan from God ", it just rubs people the wrong way.

Actually a lot of people do. He's like the number one talk show ever. People are just jealous. It's the age old, you're arrogant, you're just jealous dynamic. Some people have no sense of humor, or don't do funny!
Kathianne said:
Jason, for the most part, I rarely think of Rush, he has zippo effect on my thinking. I don't think he chooses certain areas to be disengenuous about. I find him bombastic and insincere, which is well within my rights.

I am not going to call you names or give you titles. I'm done playing with this 'issue', which it never was for me. Seriously I'm much more concerned about the suicide bomber in OK.

SO it's not his pandering on certain issues, it's his style, and you're DONE and above it all. How convenient. I'll just continue on with my petty issues while you get back to important work. You can't shame me off the issue kat!

You have no valid cricism of Rush; you're as mindless as a lib. He strikes me as totally sincere in everything he says, I can give you link after link of example. Until you can tell me one thing he's even disingenuous about, consider yourself defeated in this thread.
I think we all openly admit now it all boils down to adhominem attacks on the man. Many try to use this emotionally based dislike to refute his ideas logically. This is, I'm afraid, not a good tactic in debating.
acludem said:
The ACLU would argue that individuals have the right to put a nativity scene in front of their homes and that the government shouldn't interfere with such displays, it's only when the government wants to display a nativity scene or allow one to be placed on public property that we have a problem - this would violate the separation of church and state because it would mean that the government is endorsing the story of Jesus' birth and divinity - something I'm sure most Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, and even some Christians etc. might have a problem with.


But it's ok for the government to fund the display of art which depicts a religious figure being urinated on? No "separation" worries there, ey?
Kathianne just doesn't do 'the Rush issue' unless it's to compare him to Jesse Jackson. lol!
acludem said:
The ACLU would argue that individuals have the right to put a nativity scene in front of their homes and that the government shouldn't interfere with such displays, it's only when the government wants to display a nativity scene or allow one to be placed on public property that we have a problem - this would violate the separation of church and state because it would mean that the government is endorsing the story of Jesus' birth and divinity - something I'm sure most Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, and even some Christians etc. might have a problem with.


Wrong--it means nothing of the sort. It means that the government has allowed a religion to borrow it's property for a display. Do Jews, Buddhhists or Muslims ask to borrow gov property for religious displays once a year? Probably not but if they did I would have NO problem with it. Admit it--you just need to take down Christians to accomplish your secularists goals.
Hitler, being a secularist too, would be proud of you.
I find it very interesting that the ACLU fights to PREVENT Christian displays instead of fighting for the display of other religious displays.

That, speaks volumes.
GotZoom said:
I find it very interesting that the ACLU fights to PREVENT Christian displays instead of fighting for the display of other religious displays.

That, speaks volumes.

I think the answer for that is ACLU's defense of atheists. That's not me personally, religious displays don't really have much of a conversion effect on me, but that's what I've heard the ACLU argue before.
The ClayTaurus said:
I think the answer for that is ACLU's defense of atheists. That's not me personally, religious displays don't really have much of a conversion effect on me, but that's what I've heard the ACLU argue before.

Of all people, Atheists should have the least concern about religious displays. If you do not believe in any God, religious diplays should be no more than an idle curiosity to you. It's like looking at a display of big-eyed aliens from outer space. I don't believe they exist, so why should their depiction on public property bother me? If others believe they exist, what harm does that bring to me? The only rationale for objecting, then, is that it somehow bothers me that other people believe. And if that bothers me, I am probably religion-phobic.
Abbey Normal said:
Of all people, Athiets should have the least concern about religious displays. If you do not believe in any God, religious diplays should be no more than an idle curiosity to you. It's like looking at a display about big-eyed brainy aliens from outer space. I don't believe they exist, so why should their depiction on pubic property bother me? If others believe they exist, what harm does that bring to me? The only rationale for objecting, then, is that it somehow bothers me that other people believe. And if that bothers me, I am probably religion-phobic.

That's an excellent point. Would you be ok with allowing anyone to request a religous display on public grounds? Would you mind your nativity being next to an Islamic display? There's no hostility in that post, it's an honest question. Apologies if you've answered it before.
The ClayTaurus said:
That's an excellent point. Would you be ok with allowing anyone to request a religous display on public grounds? Would you mind your nativity being next to an Islamic display? There's no hostility in that post, it's an honest question. Apologies if you've answered it before.

Wouldn't bother me. Might look kind of goofy, 24 displays on the grounds of City Hall..but hey....diversity is good right?

Don't tell me I can't do something, when everyone else can do the same thing I can't.

That is the main problem.
The ClayTaurus said:
That's an excellent point. Would you be ok with allowing anyone to request a religous display on public grounds? Would you mind your nativity being next to an Islamic display? There's no hostility in that post, it's an honest question. Apologies if you've answered it before.

If it's a peaceful display, no problem. I don't want to see statues of Mohammed beheading infidels.

But the truth is, the ACLU would not challenge a Muslim display, unless they felt they needed to, to give the false appearance of equanimity. What the ACLU really cannot stand, and devotes much of it's resources to removing from our society, is Christianity.

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