Bill Maher: Why Putin invaded Ukraine under Biden, not Trump, is 'worth asking'

There are a lot of theories going around but Putin being scared of Trump is baseless. There is nothing you can point to that suggests Trump could have or would have brought the world together to oppose Russia. More likely he would have abandoned NATO.
Trump wouldn’t have needed to bring the world together because Putin wouldn’t have invaded Ukraine. Consider dead Russians in Syria.
If that were the case, why the hell didn't Putin take Ukraine during Trump? He would have taken the Ukraine unopposed, as he is with Brandon, and split NATO to boot.
Why do you expect he would have rational reasons for doing this? Nothing about it makes a lick of sense. For all we know the ghost of Ivan the Terrible visits him at night and whispers in his ear.
When stating the obvious makes you some sort of rebellious counterculture hero, your society is fucked.
It is a good question.

The HBO host pushed a different viewpoint that those previously expressed by MSNBC's Chuck Todd and the Washington Post's Eugene Robinson​

Of course it is "worth asking".

The difference between curious intellectuals and goofy morons is that the curious intellectuals then consider the advice of experts and the evidence.

Goofy morons just answer with, "that's all you need to know." And then try to prop up this pile of shit with, "cuz Trump is so tough"
Putin is wrong, but that is just stupid. WTF do you think was the raison-de-etat of NATO?
To defend western Europe from Soviet expansion. NATO exists in it's current form only because Putin apparently missed the cold war.
So, the question is asked.

Trump's own security advisor has told us Putin was maximizing his benefit of having a puppet president in Trump.

Members of his administration have agreed he extorted Ukrane for personal benefit.

Russias own media considered Trump to be Putins puppet (as supported by example after example of Trumps bootlicking) and lauded the triumph of the Russian intelligence apparatus for helping him to get elected and for their apparent influence on Trump.

Our own intelligence agencies found themselves suspecting Trump to be a Russian asset.

Trump tried to remove Russian sanctions and tried to give Putin back his spy houses for nothing.

But let's ignore all of that and go with the first emotion that fizzles into our colons.

Because MAGA
Bingo! NATO didn't fold while Yeltsin was president. Now you figure it out.
Russia never stopped being a potential threat. They still have their nukes pointed at us and their boomers never stopped stalking our coasts. Nice friends you have there.
Russia never stopped being a potential threat. They still have their nukes pointed at us and their boomers never stopped stalking our coasts. Nice friends you have there.
I am no friend of Russia's, but to be fair, the same thing could be said of us.

Your dogma is that of the Cold War, as is Putin's.
The best answer is that Biden allowed the situation to be created in which Russia's security was challenged.

It's not certain but it's very likely that Trump wouldn't have challenged Russia nearly as soon.

However, the challenge to Russia from America was coming sooner or later. There would have been too much pressure on Trump by the Pentagon, for Trump to hold off indefinitely.
You really believe that?
I am no friend of Russia's, but to be fair, the same thing could be said of us.

Your dogma is that of the Cold War, as is Putin's.
And only one country of those two invaded European countries 3 times in 15 years.

See if you can figure out which.
I am no friend of Russia's, but to be fair, the same thing could be said of us.

Your dogma is that of the Cold War, as is Putin's.
The cold war was justified in that Russia was and still is a threat to the West. There's no need for all that but authoritarians always need an enemy to blame for their inability to run a decent country.

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