Bill O'Reilly is an insane nut!


Senior Member
Aug 28, 2003
Aiken, SC
I try hard to like him, I really do. And I can, for a while. Then he comes up with something like this...

"I believe that the secularists are trying to suppress the Mel Gibson movie because they don't want millions and millions of people to see it and become interested in Jesus again, and his moral code, because they don't want a moral code. So they're for legalization of drugs, homosexual marriages, everything else. And they, you know, two gay guys making out in front of a four-year old? That's okay, no moral judgement. A guy smokes a joint and blows it in the face of your little kid? Okay, no moral judgement. And I've seen it happen!"

What I wanna know is, where is this guy who has so much excess pot that he's just blowing it into kids' faces? :)

Every religious movie that's not 100% super-fluff is going to court much controversy. Anyone remember "Last Temptation of Christ"? Or, how about "Dogma". Heck, Kevin Smith and Miramax recieved death threats over that movie, a movie that had (gasp) a woman playing God, and says that (gasp!) Jesus was black, (GASP!) Jesus had siblings, and (GASP GASP!) it's more important to have strong independent belief or love of God than to be 100% wrapped up in religion, because nobody ever went to war because of their personal ideas on God, but plenty of wars have been fought over religion (I realize that last one didn't make much sense, but if you've seen the movie, you know what I'm talking about, if you haven't, go see it now, it's great). Of course, the same movie also had a giant monster made out of crap, but the Catholic League was convinced that it was going to destroy the world of religion. Of course, they stopped protesting it once Disney sold it to an independent studio. Hmmmmm....
Are you kidding! Bill O'Reilly is my HERO!!! that man RULES!!! a TRUE debator who will go all the way. And, he is a man that don't take well, or let's see, no get to the point without dancing around. Sorry Dan, have to disagree with you on this one. I love watching O'Reilly.
Hey dan,

Did you watch the entire segment? That was not the focus. Bill only asked his guest if the hollywood crowd would support Mel Gibson's right to free speech the way they support Richard Dryfus and gang, when they defend NABLA rights, sick bastards. ANOTHER actor/fool who's movies will go right in my garbage.
I really like O'Reilly too.

He's got common sense & he hammers some of the hapless Libs he somehow gets on his program. I don't know what they're thinking, because he really hammers them hard - and they keep showing up for more punishment!

He was instrumental in forcing United Way to spend the 9/11 charity fund the way it was advertised. They ended up collecting millions & millions of dollars, and when they had that incredible lump sum of money in their control they decided to spend a large portion on other little projects around the globe, such as teaching sexual tolerance in Africa, paying for phone bills, etc. They had promised to spend every cent of the 9/11 charity monies collected ONLY on the families & victims of 9/11 and then tried to quietly siphon off millions to pet projects.

No one else wanted to tackle them & force them to spend the money the way it was supposed to have. O'Reilly took them on & shamed them into doing the right thing.

I've read two of his books, he's really got some great points & I admire his clarity on issues - he has a talent for cutting through all the bullshit and summing it up in a way that anyone can understand.

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