Bill O'Reilly To Atheist David Silverman: 'You Are A (_o_)


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Bill O'Reilly To Atheist David Silverman: 'You Are A Fascist!' (VIDEO)



"You're an atheist, a non-believer, and I respect that, that's fine. I don't look down on you," O'Reilly said. "But why are you messing around with Christmas? Just leave it alone."

Silverman said his organization was "not messing around with anything" but trying to stop "the government from preferring one religion over the other."

O'Reilly argued that "Christianity is not a religion, [but] a philosophy." Silverman said that the "Winter Solstice has been celebrated since the dawn of time" but the U.S. government "shouldn't take sides" by referring to the federal holiday as Christmas.

O'Reilly encouraged Silverman to celebrate the Winter Solstice. "If you wanted to go up to Albany and put up a 'Happy Winter Solstice' sign on [Gov.] Andrew Cuomo's office door, I got no problem with it," O'Reilly said.

"Yeah, I think you would have a problem," Silverman said.

Bill O'Reilly To Atheist David Silverman: 'You Are A Fascist!' (VIDEO)
I saw that, live. "Chirstianity is not a religion," says Belicose Bill and, therefore, the government should be free to shove it down everyone's throat. Not quite sure The Founders would agree with him there.

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