Bill Would Require US National Soccer Teams Stand for National Anthem

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Leftists, however, believe in black inferiority. You believe blacks can't succeed without the help of white leftists.
You can feel guilty for things you never did if you like.
Leftists recognize the crimes of the white race in North America and believe they require reparations:

Five Truths About Black History

"The first slaves arrived here in 1619. Between 1619 and 1865, Virginia passed more than 130 slave statutes to regulate the ownership of Black people.

"A 1662 law made all children of enslaved mothers slaves, regardless of the father’s race or status, so that rape by white slave-masters couldn’t create a free child.

"A 1667 law codified that slaves who converted to Christianity were still slaves.

"A 1669 law allowed slaves to be killed for resisting authority."
How much you gonna pay?

Oh, right -- that's for the other white people to do, the ones who aren't Down for the Struggle.

Meanwhile, your link left out the fact that there would have been no slaves in America had Africans not sold them.

You can hate yourself for being white if you want. Nobody gives a shit if you want to grovel to people you never harmed.

Just don't expect normal people to join you on your knees, Skippy.
not really a problem. the way you morons handle the pandemic in your ridiculous country, the world cup 2026 will be in canada and mexico, and you and your team will not be allowed to travel.
Too much MAGA maybe?

E.U. Plans to Bar Most U.S. Travelers When Bloc Reopens
Why are you celebrating this decision when you opposed Trump barring travelers from other nations coming to the US?

Trick question. You don't actually know why.
You just did. You said after 1945. Why are you asking me about wars that were fought before I was born? You’re a troll.
What makes you think your birth changes anything about US history?

Since 1945 the US military has killed, maimed, and displaced millions of innocent civilians from Korea to Iraq, AND the star-spangled terror continues to this day.

Does that make you proud or disgusted?

Are you still whining because we resisted the Soviets and finally put them on the ash heap of history?
A spot on a national team is an honor, not a right, not one given for talent alone but also based on not only everything our country stands for but also the continuous struggle to be better...the best we can be
As someone who has watched and lived through the struggle for human rights in the US for all of my 73 years, I can tell you we haven't gotten better because of those who blindly went along with white supremacy and its apologists.

Athletic ability should be the sole determinant for representing a country, not a willingness to go along with Whitey.

1968 Olympics Black Power salute - Wikipedia

Socialists have indoctrinated leftist sheep in believing America is a horrible place, that we should tear this country down and restart...but millions dream of coming here, strive, and sacrifice to come here.

Leftists have no appreciation for this country.

Tell you what, Protestors should go to China, North Korea, or Russia and try to protest, loot, destroy, burn, and tear down statues...

Or try kneeling, giving a racist salute, or insulting one of those nations while on their national teams.

When Iraqi athletes LOST in the Olympics Hussein's twisted sons tortured and killed them.


Naw, it's just you Cult45 fuck wits we can do without.
Well, guys, I guess we need to leave America. Tumbleweed is all butthurt.
Palestine was a name given to Judea by the Romans. There was no such thing as a Palestinian until 1964 when, Arafat, an Egyptian, called the people Palestinians
Yada, yada, yada.

Israel exists today because rich Brits needed "a little, loyal Jewish state" at the headwaters of the Suez Canal a little over a century ago.

That's where your racist, murderous state came from

Balfour Declaration letter written

"On November 2, Balfour sent his letter to Lord Rothschild, a prominent Zionist and a friend of Chaim Weizmann, stating that: 'His Majesty’s Government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.'

"The influence of the Balfour Declaration on the course of post-war events was immediate: According to the 'mandate' system created by the Versailles Treaty of 1919,

"Britain was entrusted with the administration of Palestine, with the understanding that it would work on behalf of both its Jewish and Arab inhabitants."
Palestine was a name given to Judea by Romans
You post drivel from false sources. Judea was renamed Palestine by the Romans. That is not disputable and you don’t know your history and this was 500 yrs before Islam. You lose, Islamist troll.
Point out the "false source."
What happened in Palestine thousands of years ago matters less than events that occurred in the last century:

Balfour Declaration letter written

"On November 2, Balfour sent his letter to Lord Rothschild, a prominent Zionist and a friend of Chaim Weizmann, stating that: 'His Majesty’s Government view with favor the establishment in Palestine:cool: of a national home for the Jewish people.'

"The influence of the Balfour Declaration on the course of post-war events was immediate: According to the 'mandate' system created by the Versailles Treaty of 1919, Britain was entrusted with the administration of Palestine:eek:, with the understanding that it would work on behalf of both its Jewish and Arab inhabitants."
Such as ISIS? No. Why do you spit on our soldiers graves?
I've never confused ISIS fighters with innocent civilians unlike multiple members of the US Armed Forces who have killed millions from Korea to Kandahar. Why do you believe our soldiers should kill for Wall Street?
They don't. Why do you believe Communism hasn't killed a hundred million people?
You post drivel from false sources. Judea was renamed Palestine by the Romans. That is not disputable and you don’t know your history and this was 500 yrs before Islam. You lose, Islamist troll.
Point out the "false source."
What happened in Palestine thousands of years ago matters less than events that occurred in the last century:

Balfour Declaration letter written

"On November 2, Balfour sent his letter to Lord Rothschild, a prominent Zionist and a friend of Chaim Weizmann, stating that: 'His Majesty’s Government view with favor the establishment in Palestine:cool: of a national home for the Jewish people.'

"The influence of the Balfour Declaration on the course of post-war events was immediate: According to the 'mandate' system created by the Versailles Treaty of 1919, Britain was entrusted with the administration of Palestine:eek:, with the understanding that it would work on behalf of both its Jewish and Arab inhabitants."
Palestine is a name given to Judea by the Romans as an insult after they conquered Judea. Because the Philistines were the Hebrews arch enemy. This was 500 years before Islam was founded. No one was called a “Palestinian” until 1964. I will keep repeating this until you acknowledge it.
Ain't nothing more American than restricting someone's freedom of speech.
Wrong. They are representing the United States. If they have a problem with it, they shouldn’t be on the team. They can “protest” all they want in their own personal time when not wearing the US team uniform.
Who says it's protesting? First amendment doesn't stop when you join a team.
Such as ISIS? No. Why do you spit on our soldiers graves?
I've never confused ISIS fighters with innocent civilians unlike multiple members of the US Armed Forces who have killed millions from Korea to Kandahar. Why do you believe our soldiers should kill for Wall Street?
They don't. Why do you believe Communism hasn't killed a hundred million people?

communism didn't kill anyone

facism hasn't killed anyone

guns don't kill.......PEOPLE kill!

ignorant, fear filled PEOPLE, BRAINWASHED by (religion, fascism, communism, insert your dangerous ideology here) , do all of the killing.


to give an example....

let's say there is a leader.....lets call him.....ronald frump....
and he leads a party.......let's call it.....republicrats!

and he tells his followers "the only good democrat is a dead democrat"

and his followers...being ignorant fear filled morons....

take it to heart and start killing democrats....

who is the MURDERER?

the republicrats?
frumps followers?
You just did. You said after 1945. Why are you asking me about wars that were fought before I was born? You’re a troll.
What makes you think your birth changes anything about US history?

Since 1945 the US military has killed, maimed, and displaced millions of innocent civilians from Korea to Iraq, AND the star-spangled terror continues to this day.

Does that make you proud or disgusted?
You are left leaning Prog. Woody Wilson started us on this journey. He and his wife also gave Progs an incredible boost.

"What the bill does

"A new bill would suspend federal taxpayer funding for the 2022 and 2026 soccer World Cups, unless the U.S. Soccer Federation repeals its policies allowing players to kneel during the national anthem.

"The 2026 World Cup is scheduled to be held across multiple locations in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

"As far as GovTrack Insider can tell, this is the first legislation introduced regarding the 'kneeling for the national anthem' controversy."

What does it say about a "free country" that mandate$ patrioti$m?
Government money comes with strings attached.
You just did. You said after 1945. Why are you asking me about wars that were fought before I was born? You’re a troll.
What makes you think your birth changes anything about US history?

Since 1945 the US military has killed, maimed, and displaced millions of innocent civilians from Korea to Iraq, AND the star-spangled terror continues to this day.

Does that make you proud or disgusted?

Are you still whining because we resisted the Soviets and finally put them on the ash heap of history?
Comrade George wept bitter, bitter tears when the Wall came down.
Ain't nothing more American than restricting someone's freedom of speech.
Most Americans alive today have no memories of how free speech was treated during the "War to End All Wars."

"Rose Pastor Stokes, an activist and writer, was prosecuted under the Espionage Act of 1917, in part, for writing to a newspaper: 'I am for the people and the government is for the profiteers.'

"The Act criminalized attempting to cause insubordination to the war effort, willfully attempting to cause insurrection and obstructing the recruiting or enlistment of potential volunteers."

Free Speech During Wartime.
You can blame that goosestepping Woodrow Wilson for that. He was a Democrat.
Such as ISIS? No. Why do you spit on our soldiers graves?
I've never confused ISIS fighters with innocent civilians unlike multiple members of the US Armed Forces who have killed millions from Korea to Kandahar. Why do you believe our soldiers should kill for Wall Street?
They don't. Why do you believe Communism hasn't killed a hundred million people?

communism didn't kill anyone

facism hasn't killed anyone

guns don't kill.......PEOPLE kill!

ignorant, fear filled PEOPLE, BRAINWASHED by (religion, fascism, communism, insert your dangerous ideology here) , do all of the killing.


to give an example....

let's say there is a leader.....lets call him.....ronald frump....
and he leads a party.......let's call it.....republicrats!

and he tells his followers "the only good democrat is a dead democrat"

and his followers...being ignorant fear filled morons....

take it to heart and start killing democrats....

who is the MURDERER?

the republicrats?
frumps followers?
Or you could just be stupid.

"What the bill does

"A new bill would suspend federal taxpayer funding for the 2022 and 2026 soccer World Cups, unless the U.S. Soccer Federation repeals its policies allowing players to kneel during the national anthem.

"The 2026 World Cup is scheduled to be held across multiple locations in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

"As far as GovTrack Insider can tell, this is the first legislation introduced regarding the 'kneeling for the national anthem' controversy."

What does it say about a "free country" that mandate$ patrioti$m?
Government money comes with strings attached.

But they can't run counter to the Constitution.

Could Democrats threaten funding for something unless everyone turned in their guns?
Ain't nothing more American than restricting someone's freedom of speech.
Wrong. They are representing the United States. If they have a problem with it, they shouldn’t be on the team. They can “protest” all they want in their own personal time when not wearing the US team uniform.
Who says it's protesting? First amendment doesn't stop when you join a team.
Sure it does. The team owner decides what you can say on the field.
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