"Billionaire Class" is the enemy


VIP Member
Nov 25, 2014
Bernie Sanders is really smart to continue using the term "Billionaire Class" when describing the enemy.
It not only draws a clear "Us" vs. "Them," but also says to all other candidates, "prove you aren't serving the billionaires," all without actually bashing the individual candidates (who people like as individuals).
Actually I can't tell that he is not right.
Bernie Sanders is really smart to continue using the term "Billionaire Class" when describing the enemy.
It not only draws a clear "Us" vs. "Them," but also says to all other candidates, "prove you aren't serving the billionaires," all without actually bashing the individual candidates (who people like as individuals).
Actually I can't tell that he is not right.
Well, OK then
Bernie Sanders is really smart to continue using the term "Billionaire Class" when describing the enemy.
It not only draws a clear "Us" vs. "Them," but also says to all other candidates, "prove you aren't serving the billionaires," all without actually bashing the individual candidates (who people like as individuals).
Actually I can't tell that he is not right.

Dear suplex3000
Isn't that like blaming immigration violations on "all immigrants as a CLASS"
Or blaming all the criminal violations on "all the POOR people as a CLASS"

To be fair and follow DUE PROCESS, wouldn't this require distinguishing
the CRIMINALS (whether very rich or very poor) who are actually abusing govt and Taxpayer resources?

Are you REALLY into blaming a whole CLASS of people
because of the crimes and abuses of just the GUILTY PARTIES.
We all know that richer you get, the farther you get from Jebus, let us kneel and pray...
Bernie Sanders is really smart to continue using the term "Billionaire Class" when describing the enemy.
It not only draws a clear "Us" vs. "Them," but also says to all other candidates, "prove you aren't serving the billionaires," all without actually bashing the individual candidates (who people like as individuals).
And it completely removes any necessity for Bernie to show that the "billionaire class" has done anything to deserve being treated as criminals.

All Bernie has to do is repeat "billionaires" every now and then, and wait for his subjects to break out the pitchforks.
Bernie votes with Democrats 98% of the time. Pretty sure billionaires aren't the enemies of Bernie and Progressives. they've all gotten RICHER ON THE PROGRESSIVE WATCH, and richer FASTER then they were getting under Republicans

but the poor???
now they've gotten POORER UNDER PROGRESSIVES, and poorer faster then they were getting under Republicans

somebody is lying to themselves
Does that include Obama's buddies Warren Buffett, Oprah, the Gates, and most of all Obama's puppet-master George Soros???
he can probably get away with that because his base doesn't know any of them except for Opie Oprah:eusa_doh:
yet ystem forou'll go and vote for the MILLIONAIR class when you vote Democrat. so how smart how you?

EIGHT out ten RICHEST in congress=DEMOCRATS
The 10 Richest Members of Congress in 2014
The 10 Richest Members of Congress in 2014 The Fiscal Times

How sad a party has to use CLASS ENVY and Class Warfare to win in elections.

Interesting the only woman on the list is at the bottom with 37-38 million,
but this was made as a Microsoft executive. We could use these contacts
and resources, including the member with the health care related business
and the others who made millions in investments, to set up a Democratically
run universal health care system for just subscribing members to opt into.

I noticed in the comments Pelosi didn't make the list but was cited at 196 million.
Is that correct?

If so, maybe she and Obama can afford to pay for my health insurance
that is scheduled to go up from 30 to 300 a month when my job ends that provides it.
If Obama and Pelosi passed the ACA mandates REQUIRING me to buy insurance
(which Obama "promised" I could keep) then they should help pay the costs of it.

If I never consented to those terms changing on taxes,
then whoever changed the terms should pay the difference.

Whoever the bill represents should pay for it.
And if nobody agrees to pay for it, it should be voided if nobody really supports it.

The ones who do can just pay to support only those members who AGREE to be under those terms.

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