Bin Laden & Zawahiri: Proud Members Of The "Moderate" Muslim Brotherhood...


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
Yea don't be too quick to believe the International Press hype about The Muslim Brotherhood being "Moderate." Are Bin Laden & Zawahiri "Moderates?" They were both proud members of The Muslim Brotherhood. What more do people need to know? Mubarak kept them under wraps but many are unfortunately mistaking that for them being "Moderate." They will no longer be kept under wraps and they will now become very powerful. The U.S. Government will surely regret this intervening and creating this new Egyptian Government. Disastrous Blow Back will be the result. The Muslim Brotherhood are not "Moderates." Don't believe the hype.
Do you have any evidence to prove that Osama Bin Laden was ever a member of the Muslim Brotherhood?
Bin Laden and the Muslim Brotherhood: Bin Laden grew up in the 1960s and 1970s, a period of great turmoil throughout the Middle East. Raised in a strict Islamic environment (like most of his peers), bin Laden was exposed at school to the ideas of his Muslim Brotherhood teachers. The Muslim Brotherhood, often considered the forerunner to contemporary Islamist terrorist groups, was founded in Egypt in the late 1920s, when Egypt was under British occupation. The group saw Islamic rule as necessary to counter Western influence. They advocated violence to achieve Egyptian independence.

Bin Laden paid attention to Muslim Brotherhood members in after-school sessions. In these sessions, they taught Islam both as a religion and as a political system that could be achieved through violence. By most accounts, bin Laden was a serious, studious youth who increasingly turned to religious ideas and texts in his teens, but there are no satisfactory explanations for his turn to unwavering extremism.

Osama bin Laden -- Influences on Osama bin Laden
Either way,the Egyptians will just blame that "Mean Ole America" again when their new Government becomes a disaster. We shouldn't be intervening this way. A more powerful Muslim Brotherhood will be bad for most parties concerned. We shouldn't be involved with creating Egypt's new Government. When things go to shot again over there,who do you think the Egyptians are going to blame? Don't kid yourself and believe they'll blame themselves. That's just not how it works in nations we meddle with. They'll just blame "Evil America."

These nations just take our cash & weapons while smiling to our face. But on the streets it's all about that "Evil America" stuff. We're just a convenient Fall-Guy for all of these miserable failed nations. Aggressive Foreign Interventionism is simply a Lose/Lose proposition for us. Time for real changes in our Foreign Policy. But don't hold your breathe waiting for that to happen though. Republican/Democrat?? Is there really any difference. Nothing changes.
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Bin Laden's #2 Zawahiri was a full-fledged Member of The Muslim Brotherhood. Bin Laden's ties are a bit more difficult to pin down though. This rush to legitimize The Muslim Brotherhood by the International Press and the current U.S. Administration is very disturbing and will likely backfire on the U.S. at some point. There will be a price to pay for such meddling. Haven't we learned anything? It's very sad.
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Also,the Muslim Brotherhood does not support peace with Israel. Things really could get crazy over there. Legitimizing and cheerleading for The Muslim Brotherhood really is misguided and short-sighted. In the long run it could prove to be fatal for so many over there.
Also,the Muslim Brotherhood does not support peace with Israel. Things really could get crazy over there. Legitimizing and cheerleading for The Muslim Brotherhood really is misguided and short-sighted. In the long run it could prove to be fatal for so many over there.

If the Muslim Brotherhood take Egypt, they will basically turn into another Gaza except 10 times worse, they will get blocked by sanctions just like Iraq in the 90s. Egyptians will long for the days of Mubarak.
Muslim Brotherhood in 1970s Saudi Arabia does not equal Muslim Brotherhood in 2011 Cairo.

Pretending otherwise is blatant intellectual dishonesty, because there is adequate information documenting the differences online.

Here's a good start:

The short version: The Muslim Brotherhood was, indeed, once a violent Islamist group, and al-Qaeda’s second-in-command, Ayman al-Zawahri, started out in the MB. He quit the MB because they he saw them as wussy cowards who couldn’t build a decent bomb if their lives depended on it (or something like that). These days, al-Qaeda hates and condemns the MB for having renounced violence and for even participating in Egyptian elections. After decades of being harassed, squelched and tortured by Egyptian authorities, the MB is so browbeaten and weak, it didn’t even have the nerve to support the Cairo street protests at first, for fear of being accused of starting the whole thing.

Sue Myrick flips over Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood | theCLog

This article is from 2006. The split between Al Qaeda is public, long-lasting, and well-documented:

The Jamestown Foundation: Al-Qaeda & the Muslim Brotherhood: United by Strategy, Divided by Tactics
This perceived notion that the Muslim Brotherhood is "Moderate" and weak is just plain misguided and short-sighted. Mubarak kept them under wraps and did weaken them significantly but those days appear to be over. They now have new life and appear to be poised to seize a lot of new power. This new power will end the delusions of them being so "Moderate" and weak. Those days are over. The U.S. Government should have nothing to do with helping them seize this new power. This U.S. meddling will definitely come back to haunt the American People,and probably the Egyptian People too.
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This perceived notion that the Muslim Brotherhood is "Moderate" and weak is just plain misguided and short-sighted. Mubarak kept them under wraps and did weaken them significantly but those days appear to be over. They now have new life and appear to be poised to seize a lot of new power. This new power will end the delusions of them being so "Moderate" and weak. Those days are over. The U.S. Government should have nothing to do with helping them seize this new power. This U.S. meddling will definitely come back to haunt the American People,and probably the Egyptian People too.

Your post is a strawman. The claim in the OP was that there was a strong, CURRENT link between the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda. This claim is false.
This perceived notion that the Muslim Brotherhood is "Moderate" and weak is just plain misguided and short-sighted. Mubarak kept them under wraps and did weaken them significantly but those days appear to be over. They now have new life and appear to be poised to seize a lot of new power. This new power will end the delusions of them being so "Moderate" and weak. Those days are over. The U.S. Government should have nothing to do with helping them seize this new power. This U.S. meddling will definitely come back to haunt the American People,and probably the Egyptian People too.

Your post is a strawman. The claim in the OP was that there was a strong, CURRENT link between the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda. This claim is false.

Who said that? in the OP it says Al-Zawahiri and Bin Laden started out with the Brotherhood but I don't see anyone saying Al Qaeda and the Brotherhood are connected now.
Who said that? in the OP it says Al-Zawahiri and Bin Laden started out with the Brotherhood but I don't see anyone saying Al Qaeda and the Brotherhood are connected now.

It is clearly implied in the thread title:

Bin Laden & Zawahiri: Proud Members Of The "Moderate" Muslim Brotherhood...
Who said that? in the OP it says Al-Zawahiri and Bin Laden started out with the Brotherhood but I don't see anyone saying Al Qaeda and the Brotherhood are connected now.

It is clearly implied in the thread title:

Bin Laden & Zawahiri: Proud Members Of The "Moderate" Muslim Brotherhood...

Zawahiri was a member and Bin Laden subscribed to their teachings.
Also,one of the 911 Terrorists Mohammad Atta,was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood as well. So i really i would hold off on those celebrations. The Radicals could be making some very significant gains in the Middle East. The mess in the Middle East could be a much bigger mess in the near future. The once exiled Radicals are returning in droves to Egypt & Tunisia. This will likely become a real problem. Stay tuned i guess.

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