Bird feeders

They leave gifts. Shiny things. And they have excellent memory and facial recognition.
they do? LOL i heard that.
They do that for the women birds.. they build pretty houses and gather shiny colorful goodies. CUTE!
I may spend some time on this. It would really be cool.

I did it in the winter.
When it was cold and they were desperate for food. Took a long time. I had to stand real still. LOL once One brave did the landing- they all copied.
But if its summer- chances are they have food. and they may ignore you.
I have a hummingbird feeder up this year but all I'm getting is bees so far. I hope the hummingbirds show up this year.
really- i wanted to try one. maybe they have flowers.
I've had a few buzz me- look me in the face- and helicopter off. very cute birds.

I have a hummingbird feeder up this year but all I'm getting is bees so far. I hope the hummingbirds show up this year.
I've had mine up for several years. I get a large female and a juvenile every year. No colorful males.
do you have to buy special sugar water? i dont know
Just mix table sugar and water, 4 parts water, one part sugar, bring to a boil, cool, place in feeder. Keep it fresh, especially in hot weather. I make a quart or so of the mixture at a time and store it in the refrigerator.
Just mix table sugar and water, 4 parts water, one part sugar, bring to a boil, cool, place in feeder. Keep it fresh, especially in hot weather. I make a quart or so of the mixture at a time and store it in the refrigerator.
i may get bored and go to true value and see what i can buy. THANKS!
The Canadian Jay or Gray Jay is a wild bird that occasionally will eat from your hand. They come into campsites looking for anything they can grab that's not put away.
We were feeding a pair scraps of Doritos and by the time they left, their beaks were covered in orange cheese
The only birds besides my chickens that I've gotten to eat from my hand were a pair of crows. They loved them some stale, moldy bread; and moldy shredded cheese. For a while it seemed like everytime I left the house; boom! They were just there...
Yes, they do. Well worth it.

I started out with just a couple of small feeders and three years later, it's never unusual to see a couple dozen birds at a time -- finches, starlings, grackles, robins, blue jays, doves, sparrows, woodpeckers, orioles and even one cardinal -- I can't even count them because some of the species I am not at all familiar with. I am buying seed in five ten and twenty pound bags, OFTEN.

It's so much fun!

really- i wanted to try one. maybe they have flowers.
I've had a few buzz me- look me in the face- and helicopter off. very cute birds.

The feeders are easy. You don't have to use the red crap they furnish with the feeder. Use 1/2 cup of sugar to two cups water. What I do is boil the mix for a minute to kill bacteria and when it cools pour it in the feeder.
The feeders are easy. You don't have to use the red crap they furnish with the feeder. Use 1/2 cup of sugar to two cups water. What I do is boil the mix for a minute to kill bacteria and when it cools pour it in the feeder.
We have the suction cup feeder on the picture window and can watch the hummies while sitting on the couch.
One little bugger is always the bully of the feeder.
We have the suction cup feeder on the picture window and can watch the hummies while sitting on the couch.
One little bugger is always the bully of the feeder.

In Washington, we had Anna's hummers that lived there all year and my late husband LOVED sitting in the living room watching them. We had four feeders outside the picture window and sometimes as many as 20 birds at once.

Then in spring, the Rufous hummers showed up and bullied everybody else.

Fun to watch!


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