It's Daylight up here, Already. 4:48 AM

I LOVE this time of year!

The sun is not shining yet, but it is light enough to get around and see where you are going.

All the birds are chirping, waiting for Matt to put the bird feeders back out!

We have to bring them in at night because the raccoons always tear them down at night to get to the sunflower seeds! They've broken two of them so far, so now we bring them in.

I feel your pain.....I could have guided bear hunts off my deck!

This time of year I just toss some feed on the ground a couple times a day. Not so much because of the bear but the damn Crackles will eat-out a feeder in a day.


It's funny, the Cardinals are always waiting in the morning and evening when I toss some feed out.
Birds woke me up at 5:10 AM and I had to get up to take a leak anyway, and went back to bed, they usually start chirping before 4:30 and are usually done before 5:30 AM, I laid in bed until 5:45 and am now wide awake. I have large Arbor Vitae's next to my house (10-12 footers) and the birds bed down in them at night, I can really hear them in the mornings and at dusk.
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I think we in the Downeast part of Maine have the first sunrise in the USA on the Summer Solstice! I will see daylight at around 3:45 am to 4 am.

we have very long days this time of year. Longer days than in Florida near my parents and sister!

at the Winter Solstice, we only have around 8 hours a day of sunlight! It is downright depressing!

I went to St Petersburg in August, it was light for a long time there.
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I feel your pain.....I could have guided bear hunts off my deck!

This time of year I just toss some feed on the ground a couple times a day. Not so much because of the bear but the damn Crackles will eat-out a feeder in a day.


It's funny, the Cardinals are always waiting in the morning and evening when I toss some feed out.
the common Grackle, not crackle are early risers here as well, along with the crows, and as you...the Cardinals are early risers too.

the Cardinals don't like to be around all of those other birds fighting for food! So they get here early...we've only had a male and female single couple....I think they live year round here and don't migrate South in winter, because I've spotted them in the winter at the feeder. The blue jays and chickadee are year round as well, the chickadees are our State bird in Maine.

This time of year, with all the visitors we fill two bird feeders 3 times a day, and the racoon and skunk get the remains of the third filling we dump on the ground and then bring the feeders in.

The skunks and raccoons hang out together. Shocker for us! But they go in to hibernation and disappear at the same time, and then come out in the spring together, walking together with each other to get to the food and share the food....who knew? They must share an underground cavern in the winter??I

We both love watching all the different animals, and their habits and mannerisms!
It's daylight...4:28 Am! The birds are chirping! No sun yet but you can see enough to get around outside!

It's 50 degrees, and only an expected high of 66F today,

But tomorrow we have a heat wave coming in with a high of 86F!!!
It's daylight...4:28 Am! The birds are chirping! No sun yet but you can see enough to get around outside!

It's 50 degrees, and only an expected high of 66F today,

But tomorrow we have a heat wave coming in with a high of 86F!!!
its only going to be 100F today out here....
its only going to be 100F today out here....
It's just too hot where you are Harry! You're in Vegas now, right? I used to go to Vegas once a year for the WSA, western (shoe) show of America.... All I gotta say is thank the good Lord for Air Conditioning....

and add thanking Him for Maine too!
It's just too hot where you are Harry! You're in Vegas now, right? I used to go to Vegas once a year for the WSA, western (shoe) show of America.... All I gotta say is thank the good Lord for Air Conditioning....

and add thanking Him for Maine too!
im quite used to it.....when it hits 110 plus is when it is hot.....
I think we in the Downeast part of Maine have the first sunrise in the USA on the Summer Solstice! I will see daylight at around 3:45 am to 4 am.

we have very long days this time of year. Longer days than in Florida near my parents and sister!

at the Winter Solstice, we only have around 8 hours a day of sunlight! It is downright depressing!

One of the things I am really looking forward to when we move to Panama is the amount of daylight to night pretty much staying the same all year.
im quite used to it.....when it hits 110 plus is when it is hot.....
Every winter for the last three years we've been spending 3 to 4 months in the winter in Florida with my older sister and parents.... It's lovely that time of year! One of those winters we stayed in Florida through March and boy oh boy, Matt and I regretted it. We were melting in some of the 90° days, they were already getting in March!!! It's a sweaty, humid heat in Florida, vs the dry heat in Vegas....
It's just too hot where you are Harry! You're in Vegas now, right? I used to go to Vegas once a year for the WSA, western (shoe) show of America.... All I gotta say is thank the good Lord for Air Conditioning....

and add thanking Him for Maine too!

It's not that bad when you live here. I was down in Scottsdale last week and joined up with a group that gets together to run a couple of times a week. We did a 6:30 PM 5K run along the Salt River and it was just under 110 degrees.
It's not that bad when you live here. I was down in Scottsdale last week and joined up with a group that gets together to run a couple of times a week. We did a 6:30 PM 5K run along the Salt River and it was just under 110 degrees.

You do get used to it and it is eaiser to deal with than heat with high humidity.

When I was stationed in Yuma I got to where I could run at noon year round.
Every winter for the last three years we've been spending 3 to 4 months in the winter in Florida with my older sister and parents.... It's lovely that time of year! One of those winters we stayed in Florida through March and boy oh boy, Matt and I regretted it. We were melting in some of the 90° days, they were already getting in March!!! It's a sweaty, humid heat in Florida, vs the dry heat in Vegas....
what a choice....being totally uncomfortable or burning up .....
yea i have lived in that stuff sucks...

We moved from Okinawa to Yuma. Oki was high humidity and hot. I would get up at 5am to run and it still sucked as the humidity was worse before the same burned some off.

It took a while to get used to Yuma dry heat, but once I did, I could run at noon and it was better than early morning in the humidity.
I LOVE this time of year!

The sun is not shining yet, but it is light enough to get around and see where you are going.

All the birds are chirping, waiting for Matt to put the bird feeders back out!

We have to bring them in at night because the raccoons always tear them down at night to get to the sunflower seeds! They've broken two of them so far, so now we bring them in.

In the sumner , the sun is higher in the sky because it’s arc is at maximum peek

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