Birther Who Interrupted 'Natural Born Citizen' Clause Reading In Congress Facing Jail


May 29, 2010
This is sad news. During the Constitutional reading back in January after the new congress was sworn in Theresa Cao shouted out 'except Obama' when the natural born citizen clause of Article 2 Section 1 was being read. She was escorted out and arrested. Now she is facing jail as her court day was held yesterday. What gets me is that why didn't they just escort her off instead of arresting her. You see, Code Pink and Cindy Sheehan always interrupted Congress but let someone like Mrs Cao challenge Obama or call his Natural Born Citizenship into question over his eligibility in the peoples capitol, you go to jail. Now we have Lt Col Terry Lakin in prison at Leavenworth for asking Obama to prove his natural born citizenship and now Cao is the next political victim.

(Mar. 16, 2011) — On March 14, 2011, Theresa Cao, who shouted “Except Obama! Except Obama!” from the U.S. Capitol Gallery during the reading of the U.S. Constitution, had a pre-trial hearing at the Superior Court on Indiana Ave. NW in Washington, DC. Ms. Cao had considered dismissing her public defender, Ms. April L. Downs, but had a conversation with her at the hearing in which Ms. Downs reportedly agreed to represent Ms. Cao on the basis of her “constitutional rights.”

“I would have to sign a paper indicating my criminal responsibility…if I signed a form, I would be implicating myself in criminal activity,” Cao said. She has decided not to accept either offer.

She reported that her previous legal counsel, The Rutherford Institute, urged her to take a “guilty” plea.

Click link for more reading

YouTube - Birther Theresa Cao interrupts...
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So your theory is they arrested her because somehow having her locked up is going to sweet the birth certificate issues under the rug?
So your theory is they arrested her because somehow having her locked up is going to sweet the birth certificate issues under the rug?

No, It's showing hypocrisy because CODE Pink and crazy Cindy Sheehan interrupted Congress many times and were never arrested.This lady is the second person that has been arrested for questioning Obama's eligibility.
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Even the Capitol Police have a liberal bias!

There is nothing the diabolical rightwing mind can not conceive.
I think you are seeing shadows where there are none. And pointing out hypocrisy is pointless. No one pays attention to where they have double standards, just where everyone else does.
Now we have Lt Col Terry Lakin in prison at Leavenworth for asking Obama to prove his natural born citizenship and now Cao is the next political victim.

BWAHAHAHAHAHA No, Terry Lakin is in prison because he disobeyed an order by refusing to show up for deployment.

'Birther' Lt. Col. Terry Lakin to be court-martialed for refusing order to deploy to Afghanistan - New York Daily News

An Army doc who refuses to go to Afghanistan until President Obama produces a birth certificate will face court-martial.

Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, a decorated military man who has become a part of the fringe "birther" movement - which believes President Obama was not born in the United States - could face a dishonorable discharge for failing to obey orders,

MSNBC reported

on Tuesday.

The 18-year veteran came out in support of the largely discredited conspiracy theorists at the end of March, proclaiming he would "disobey" his "illegal" orders to deploy.

"I believe all servicemen and women and the American people, deserve the truth about President Obama's constitutional eligibility to the office of the presidency and the commander in chief," he said in a video statement posted on YouTube on March 30.
Now we have Lt Col Terry Lakin in prison at Leavenworth for asking Obama to prove his natural born citizenship and now Cao is the next political victim.

BWAHAHAHAHAHA No, Terry Lakin is in prison because he disobeyed an order by refusing to show up for deployment.

'Birther' Lt. Col. Terry Lakin to be court-martialed for refusing order to deploy to Afghanistan - New York Daily News

An Army doc who refuses to go to Afghanistan until President Obama produces a birth certificate will face court-martial.

Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, a decorated military man who has become a part of the fringe "birther" movement - which believes President Obama was not born in the United States - could face a dishonorable discharge for failing to obey orders,

MSNBC reported

on Tuesday.

The 18-year veteran came out in support of the largely discredited conspiracy theorists at the end of March, proclaiming he would "disobey" his "illegal" orders to deploy.

"I believe all servicemen and women and the American people, deserve the truth about President Obama's constitutional eligibility to the office of the presidency and the commander in chief," he said in a video statement posted on YouTube on March 30.

So you believe in upholding Article 2 Section 1?
Obviously a plan by Obama to throw all birthers in jail...

I would look over my shoulder US ArmyRetired

You may be next
Now we have Lt Col Terry Lakin in prison at Leavenworth for asking Obama to prove his natural born citizenship and now Cao is the next political victim.

BWAHAHAHAHAHA No, Terry Lakin is in prison because he disobeyed an order by refusing to show up for deployment.

'Birther' Lt. Col. Terry Lakin to be court-martialed for refusing order to deploy to Afghanistan - New York Daily News

An Army doc who refuses to go to Afghanistan until President Obama produces a birth certificate will face court-martial.

Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, a decorated military man who has become a part of the fringe "birther" movement - which believes President Obama was not born in the United States - could face a dishonorable discharge for failing to obey orders,

MSNBC reported

on Tuesday.

The 18-year veteran came out in support of the largely discredited conspiracy theorists at the end of March, proclaiming he would "disobey" his "illegal" orders to deploy.

"I believe all servicemen and women and the American people, deserve the truth about President Obama's constitutional eligibility to the office of the presidency and the commander in chief," he said in a video statement posted on YouTube on March 30.

So you believe in upholding Article 2 Section 1?

All of you liberals who have never seen Obama's legitimate birth certificate ( and you know you haven't ) had better know that this has gone viral throughout the military.
BWAHAHAHAHAHA No, Terry Lakin is in prison because he disobeyed an order by refusing to show up for deployment.

So you believe in upholding Article 2 Section 1?

All of you liberals who have never seen Obama's legitimate birth certificate ( and you know you haven't ) had better know that this has gone viral throughout the military.

All of you birthers who think you have the right to personally view anybody's BC (and you know you don't have that right) had better know that you're on the losing side. I couldn't care less if this has gone viral in the military. If you are in the military and refuse an order, you are subject to punishment. In this case, he got jail time. I'm sure anybody else in the military who thought they could also pull this shit just got a whiff of reality.
Now we have Lt Col Terry Lakin in prison at Leavenworth for asking Obama to prove his natural born citizenship and now Cao is the next political victim.

BWAHAHAHAHAHA No, Terry Lakin is in prison because he disobeyed an order by refusing to show up for deployment.

'Birther' Lt. Col. Terry Lakin to be court-martialed for refusing order to deploy to Afghanistan - New York Daily News

An Army doc who refuses to go to Afghanistan until President Obama produces a birth certificate will face court-martial.

Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, a decorated military man who has become a part of the fringe "birther" movement - which believes President Obama was not born in the United States - could face a dishonorable discharge for failing to obey orders,

MSNBC reported

on Tuesday.

The 18-year veteran came out in support of the largely discredited conspiracy theorists at the end of March, proclaiming he would "disobey" his "illegal" orders to deploy.

"I believe all servicemen and women and the American people, deserve the truth about President Obama's constitutional eligibility to the office of the presidency and the commander in chief," he said in a video statement posted on YouTube on March 30.

So you believe in upholding Article 2 Section 1?

I believe that Obama has already proven he's a natural born citizen (otherwise, he wouldn't be POTUS). I believe that this birther fool got what he deserves. And I believe that you're now trying to change the subject after I called you out on your lie.
I think you are seeing shadows where there are none. And pointing out hypocrisy is pointless. No one pays attention to where they have double standards, just where everyone else does.

That really is beside the point. I realize that the intent of the OP is somewhat aimed at the bithers but take that out of the equation and we are still ending up with wrong. It is simply wrong to imprison someone for exercising their right to speak. She should have been removed from the proceedings as she was and then released from there. Why go through the trouble and cost of arresting someone that really did nothing wrong. This is not a matter of covering anything up, it is a matter of congressmen believing they are all powerful and deserving of some vaunted respect from the general populous. They don't get that and they work for us. If someone want to yell out in session, so be it. They can simply be kicked out. No harm done.
BWAHAHAHAHAHA No, Terry Lakin is in prison because he disobeyed an order by refusing to show up for deployment.

So you believe in upholding Article 2 Section 1?

I believe that Obama has already proven he's a natural born citizen (otherwise, he wouldn't be POTUS). I believe that this birther fool got what he deserves. And I believe that you're now trying to change the subject after I called you out on your lie.

Are you really saying that it was okay because it was a birther and not someone who aligns to your political ideology? Abuse of power go both ways.
This is sad news. During the Constitutional reading back in January after the new congress was sworn in Theresa Cao shouted out 'except Obama' when the natural born citizen clause of Article 2 Section 1 was being read. She was escorted out and arrested. Now she is facing jail as her court day was held yesterday. What gets me is that why didn't they just escort her off instead of arresting her. You see, Code Pink and Cindy Sheehan always interrupted Congress but let someone like Mrs Cao challenge Obama or call his Natural Born Citizenship into question over his eligibility in the peoples capitol, you go to jail. Now we have Lt Col Terry Lakin in prison at Leavenworth for asking Obama to prove his natural born citizenship and now Cao is the next political victim.

Update on Theresa Cao's Kangaroo Court Trial: National Call to Action; Time to Issue the Charge of Treason Against Barack Hussein Obama | Birther Report: Obama Release Your Records

(Mar. 16, 2011) — On March 14, 2011, Theresa Cao, who shouted “Except Obama! Except Obama!” from the U.S. Capitol Gallery during the reading of the U.S. Constitution, had a pre-trial hearing at the Superior Court on Indiana Ave. NW in Washington, DC. Ms. Cao had considered dismissing her public defender, Ms. April L. Downs, but had a conversation with her at the hearing in which Ms. Downs reportedly agreed to represent Ms. Cao on the basis of her “constitutional rights.”

“I would have to sign a paper indicating my criminal responsibility…if I signed a form, I would be implicating myself in criminal activity,” Cao said. She has decided not to accept either offer.

She reported that her previous legal counsel, The Rutherford Institute, urged her to take a “guilty” plea.

Click link for more reading

YouTube - Birther Theresa Cao interrupts...

Yep and it's assholes like YOU that defend these Nazi motherfuckers under the guise of defending the citizens freedom .
You shine your shoes and yell YES SIR like good little slaves while they run over your fellow citizens.
As an aside, no one has mentioned the "Constitutional reading" that kicked off the Congressional year. I call bull shit on that one.
Wow, this is over kill.

Did she talk outta turn? Yes.
Is that contempt of Congress? Probably. (I'm not into the law that much to fully understand, but she did not get a warning)
Is this something worth a trial? Hell no.
Is it worth sending her to jail? It's not worth a trial, so this is just cruelty.

Now is the time for some leadership from DC and squash this. One of the SPeakers should come forward.
If they put her in jail I might just give the whole birther thing a second look.

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