Birther's about to get knocked out in 2011! Retards cry the blues..........


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
Now Obama has a witness to his birth, who is a democrat, and who is going to have birthers for breakfast in 2011!!!! Now I hope ol' Sarge don't quit posting here out of embarrassment............ I see the Retards looking like fools next year!!! LMAO!!! :lol::lol:

HONOLULU — Frustrated by what he sees as a never-ending campaign to undermine President Obama, Hawaii's new governor says he plans to use his post to counter conspiracy theorists who continue to claim the president was not born in the United States.

Neil Abercrombie, a Democrat who took office Dec. 6, has known Obama since the president was growing up in Hawaii. Abercrombie knew Obama's father, also named Barack, and mother, Stanley Ann Dunham.

That long-standing relationship is a major reason Abercrombie, 72, takes umbrage at the persistent effort by Obama's most ardent foes to assert he was born in Kenya, which, if true, would constitutionally bar him from holding the office of president.

"Now that I'm governor, I'm going to do something about that," Abercrombie vowed during an interview in his office. Abercrombie, who spent 19 years representing Hawaii's 1st District as one of the more liberal members of Congress, acknowledged he has not determined a specific remedy.

"What bothers me is that some people who should know better are trying to use this for political reasons," he said. "Maybe I'm the only one in the country that could look you right in the eye right now and tell you, 'I was here when that baby was born,' " he added.One of Abercrombie's aides said the governor is voicing the frustration of many Hawaiians who continue to be troubled by the claims, which they see as emblematic of the view that Hawaiians are not Americans in the same way as those who live in the continental United States.
Another guy who fornicated with Obama's whore of a mother doesn't exactly a great witness make.

Actually, this is so good it could be a Christmas present, don't you think? LMAO!! :lol::lol:

Yeah, da boy probably saw a lot of Obamy's mammy...........:lol:
Now Obama has a witness to his birth, who is a democrat, and who is going to have birthers for breakfast in 2011!!!! Now I hope ol' Sarge don't quit posting here out of embarrassment............ I see the Retards looking like fools next year!!! LMAO!!! :lol::lol:

HONOLULU — Frustrated by what he sees as a never-ending campaign to undermine President Obama, Hawaii's new governor says he plans to use his post to counter conspiracy theorists who continue to claim the president was not born in the United States.

Neil Abercrombie, a Democrat who took office Dec. 6, has known Obama since the president was growing up in Hawaii. Abercrombie knew Obama's father, also named Barack, and mother, Stanley Ann Dunham.

That long-standing relationship is a major reason Abercrombie, 72, takes umbrage at the persistent effort by Obama's most ardent foes to assert he was born in Kenya, which, if true, would constitutionally bar him from holding the office of president.

"Now that I'm governor, I'm going to do something about that," Abercrombie vowed during an interview in his office. Abercrombie, who spent 19 years representing Hawaii's 1st District as one of the more liberal members of Congress, acknowledged he has not determined a specific remedy.

"What bothers me is that some people who should know better are trying to use this for political reasons," he said. "Maybe I'm the only one in the country that could look you right in the eye right now and tell you, 'I was here when that baby was born,' " he added.One of Abercrombie's aides said the governor is voicing the frustration of many Hawaiians who continue to be troubled by the claims, which they see as emblematic of the view that Hawaiians are not Americans in the same way as those who live in the continental United States.

Birthers?.....Umm, genius?....this is no longer an issue. Stow it.
Lets see if Albercrombie can name the hospital where Obama was born with proof, since not one hospital in Hawaii has officially claimed he was born in any one of them. That's one step how he can remedy the situation. Also Albercrombie says "Maybe I'm the only one in the country that could look you right in the eye right now and tell you, 'I was here when that baby was born,". He says here. Where is here? Hawaii. So. Even if Obama was born in Hawaii, Albercromie needs to know that you can be born in the USA and still not be a natural born citizen. Obama's dad was a british national and that alone made Obama just a citizen but not a NBC. His own website during the campaign confirmed this.
Why did he have a fascination with Obama's mama's junk?

What a perv....
Now Obama has a witness to his birth, who is a democrat, and who is going to have birthers for breakfast in 2011!!!! Now I hope ol' Sarge don't quit posting here out of embarrassment............ I see the Retards looking like fools next year!!! LMAO!!! :lol::lol:

HONOLULU — Frustrated by what he sees as a never-ending campaign to undermine President Obama, Hawaii's new governor says he plans to use his post to counter conspiracy theorists who continue to claim the president was not born in the United States.

Neil Abercrombie, a Democrat who took office Dec. 6, has known Obama since the president was growing up in Hawaii. Abercrombie knew Obama's father, also named Barack, and mother, Stanley Ann Dunham.

That long-standing relationship is a major reason Abercrombie, 72, takes umbrage at the persistent effort by Obama's most ardent foes to assert he was born in Kenya, which, if true, would constitutionally bar him from holding the office of president.

"Now that I'm governor, I'm going to do something about that," Abercrombie vowed during an interview in his office. Abercrombie, who spent 19 years representing Hawaii's 1st District as one of the more liberal members of Congress, acknowledged he has not determined a specific remedy.

"What bothers me is that some people who should know better are trying to use this for political reasons," he said. "Maybe I'm the only one in the country that could look you right in the eye right now and tell you, 'I was here when that baby was born,' " he added.One of Abercrombie's aides said the governor is voicing the frustration of many Hawaiians who continue to be troubled by the claims, which they see as emblematic of the view that Hawaiians are not Americans in the same way as those who live in the continental United States.

Thing is, birthers are already pretty much discredited. There's no real need for him to push the issue.
Now Obama has a witness to his birth, who is a democrat, and who is going to have birthers for breakfast in 2011!!!! Now I hope ol' Sarge don't quit posting here out of embarrassment............ I see the Retards looking like fools next year!!! LMAO!!! :lol::lol:

HONOLULU — Frustrated by what he sees as a never-ending campaign to undermine President Obama, Hawaii's new governor says he plans to use his post to counter conspiracy theorists who continue to claim the president was not born in the United States.

Neil Abercrombie, a Democrat who took office Dec. 6, has known Obama since the president was growing up in Hawaii. Abercrombie knew Obama's father, also named Barack, and mother, Stanley Ann Dunham.

That long-standing relationship is a major reason Abercrombie, 72, takes umbrage at the persistent effort by Obama's most ardent foes to assert he was born in Kenya, which, if true, would constitutionally bar him from holding the office of president.

"Now that I'm governor, I'm going to do something about that," Abercrombie vowed during an interview in his office. Abercrombie, who spent 19 years representing Hawaii's 1st District as one of the more liberal members of Congress, acknowledged he has not determined a specific remedy.

"What bothers me is that some people who should know better are trying to use this for political reasons," he said. "Maybe I'm the only one in the country that could look you right in the eye right now and tell you, 'I was here when that baby was born,' " he added.One of Abercrombie's aides said the governor is voicing the frustration of many Hawaiians who continue to be troubled by the claims, which they see as emblematic of the view that Hawaiians are not Americans in the same way as those who live in the continental United States.

Birthers?.....Umm, genius?....this is no longer an issue. Stow it.

Ahhh come on, ya guys spent two years on this, so time for pay back, and like they say, paybacks are a bitch!! LOL! You know it is going to get air time.........:lol::lol:
Lets see if Albercrombie can name the hospital where Obama was born with proof, since not one hospital in Hawaii has officially claimed he was born in any one of them. That's one step how he can remedy the situation. Also Albercrombie says "Maybe I'm the only one in the country that could look you right in the eye right now and tell you, 'I was here when that baby was born,". He says here. Where is here? Hawaii. So. Even if Obama was born in Hawaii, Albercromie needs to know that you can be born in the USA and still not be a natural born citizen. Obama's dad was a british national and that alone made Obama just a citizen but not a NBC. His own website during the campaign confirmed this.

It rests on where Obama was born as a natural citizen of his mother. Not where daddy was roaming around at. You see, I can plant a Russian seed in a single American mother and the child is natural born. And do recall, this is America, not Britian.
Now Obama has a witness to his birth, who is a democrat, and who is going to have birthers for breakfast in 2011!!!! Now I hope ol' Sarge don't quit posting here out of embarrassment............ I see the Retards looking like fools next year!!! LMAO!!! :lol::lol:

HONOLULU — Frustrated by what he sees as a never-ending campaign to undermine President Obama, Hawaii's new governor says he plans to use his post to counter conspiracy theorists who continue to claim the president was not born in the United States.

Neil Abercrombie, a Democrat who took office Dec. 6, has known Obama since the president was growing up in Hawaii. Abercrombie knew Obama's father, also named Barack, and mother, Stanley Ann Dunham.

That long-standing relationship is a major reason Abercrombie, 72, takes umbrage at the persistent effort by Obama's most ardent foes to assert he was born in Kenya, which, if true, would constitutionally bar him from holding the office of president.

"Now that I'm governor, I'm going to do something about that," Abercrombie vowed during an interview in his office. Abercrombie, who spent 19 years representing Hawaii's 1st District as one of the more liberal members of Congress, acknowledged he has not determined a specific remedy.

"What bothers me is that some people who should know better are trying to use this for political reasons," he said. "Maybe I'm the only one in the country that could look you right in the eye right now and tell you, 'I was here when that baby was born,' " he added.One of Abercrombie's aides said the governor is voicing the frustration of many Hawaiians who continue to be troubled by the claims, which they see as emblematic of the view that Hawaiians are not Americans in the same way as those who live in the continental United States.

Thing is, birthers are already pretty much discredited. There's no real need for him to push the issue.

Why of course you push to show up the right, to clear up the minds of the millions of voters FOXVIEWS has misled. Yes indeed, when people see Obama is beyond doubt a US citizen, they will shame the right in the voters booth come 2012. In fact I would not doubt you see this issue in Oct.-Nov. 2012.
SHOW ME A BIRTH CERTIFICATE! Eye witnesses have been known to lie. Especially liberal eye witnesses.
These birth certificate threads are always a good way to weed out the full blown idiots. Show your true colors birthers.

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