Birx May Replace Fauci as Conronavirus Spokesperson

Yep, she will say whatever Trump tells her to say and will never question it...not even once.

That is who we need right now...someone that will lie for the president to the American people

We cannot let the truth get out

How do you know he's telling the truth? At a time like this, you don't tell the American people that it's possible 100,000 Americans could die. That's the last thing we need. If he has some factual evidence of something, that's fine. But he should keep his defeatist predictions to himself.

Someone needs to counter balance the sunshine and rainbows bullshit coming from Trump.

So we need somebody to spread panic while Trump is trying to calm people down? Are the shelves at your grocery store not empty enough or something?

What we need is a straight shooter, and that’s who Fauci is. This article is bullshit, Fauci isn’t going anywhere.

I've always had my doubts about him. He was on Laura's show a couple of times. She questioned him about the use of hydroxychloriquine. It's like he didn't want to answer. He kept repeating crap about clinical studies. Well.......we don't have clinical studies, and it's been prescribed for other things the last couple of decades. In most of the patients that were put on hydoroxychloroquine and azithromycin, they had amazing recoveries from COVID-19.

It just seems like he's too pessimistic; almost like he's hoping this will be a tragedy.

He's not pessimistic, he's realistic. His reluctance is give out false hope on hydroxychloriquine shows that he is NOT an alarmist, and is going strictly with science. Whatever success has been shown with the drug, it is a treatment with a LOT of really nasty, long term side effects, including blindness, and permanent kidney damage.

It's not something that should be glad handed out without a LOT of testing.

A lot of testing? We've been using it for decades to combat malaria. It's given to people who travel overseas. Can you show me any drug that doesn't have possible side effects? Grab any high dose over the counter aspirin bottle out of your medicine cabinet and read the warnings on it.

I am well aware that every drug has a side effect. What you have to decide is whether the trade off between the benefit and the side effect is worth it. I don't consider blindness and kidney failure a very good trade off.

The drug is not frequently used in the United States, malaria not being a real consideration for the population.
Trump and Fauci have that good cop, bad cop act going pretty well and so I hope he sticks around until this all passes.
Well.......TDS does make people like you think that way about us. It's a perfect example how people react to spoon fed propaganda.

I just go by the things you people post on forums like this..maybe this is all just lies from you all but down deep inside you know the truth
'That TDS is real and you have it...........YUP........if Trump walked on water today.....they would say he can't swim tomorrow.............

NO ONE TRUSTS THE MEDIA.....they don't trust the gov't the people are ignoring this shit..........and it will take it's course..........

1957 or 1968 possible scenarios adjusted for population.............or maybe one of those vaccines are gonna work.......EARLY

Just might have to beat the living crap out of the crats who say we need to test it for a year or more before using it...........and if anyone who isn't dead yet needs the vaccine please come by and get your shot.......LOL

We don't need it in a year...........and whomever makes it first that passes...............they are gonna be rich as hell..........NEVER UNDERESTIMATE the POWER OF I'M GONNA BE RICH.

That is the GREED we need right now...........and you know it.

The old "greed is good" line. Greed is why some companies are holding back needed medical supplies, waiting for a better bid.

Greed is one of the 7 deadly sins. For good reason.

So what company is holding out medical supplies for a higher bid? Didn't hear that story yet.

Governors being interviewed on TV are talking about the bidding wars they're getting into. One of the governors, not sure which one, said that he doesn't believe medical supplies exist until they arrive in his state, even if they have "confirmed" orders, because someone comes along and offers more money and steals them out from under him.
Yep, she will say whatever Trump tells her to say and will never question it...not even once.

That is who we need right now...someone that will lie for the president to the American people

We cannot let the truth get out

How do you know he's telling the truth? At a time like this, you don't tell the American people that it's possible 100,000 Americans could die. That's the last thing we need. If he has some factual evidence of something, that's fine. But he should keep his defeatist predictions to himself.

Someone needs to counter balance the sunshine and rainbows bullshit coming from Trump.

So we need somebody to spread panic while Trump is trying to calm people down? Are the shelves at your grocery store not empty enough or something?

What we need is a straight shooter, and that’s who Fauci is. This article is bullshit, Fauci isn’t going anywhere.

I've always had my doubts about him. He was on Laura's show a couple of times. She questioned him about the use of hydroxychloriquine. It's like he didn't want to answer. He kept repeating crap about clinical studies. Well.......we don't have clinical studies, and it's been prescribed for other things the last couple of decades. In most of the patients that were put on hydoroxychloroquine and azithromycin, they had amazing recoveries from COVID-19.

It just seems like he's too pessimistic; almost like he's hoping this will be a tragedy.

He's not pessimistic, he's realistic. His reluctance is give out false hope on hydroxychloriquine shows that he is NOT an alarmist, and is going strictly with science. Whatever success has been shown with the drug, it is a treatment with a LOT of really nasty, long term side effects, including blindness, and permanent kidney damage.

It's not something that should be glad handed out without a LOT of testing.

A lot of testing? We've been using it for decades to combat malaria. It's given to people who travel overseas. Can you show me any drug that doesn't have possible side effects? Grab any high dose over the counter aspirin bottle out of your medicine cabinet and read the warnings on it.

I am well aware that every drug has a side effect. What you have to decide is whether the trade off between the benefit and the side effect is worth it. I don't consider blindness and kidney failure a very good trade off.

The drug is not frequently used in the United States, malaria not being a real consideration for the population.

But they often prescribe it for people going overseas, and it's worked pretty well. Our FDA sets tough standards in order for any drug to get their approval.

The risks are decided on between the doctor and patient. I'm sure there are accompanying conditions that lead to blindness or kidney failure. If your doctor thinks you are at risk for those two things, then the only way he or she should prescribe it is if everything else has failed, and it looks like you are going to become a statistic if something isn't done.
Trump and Fauci have that good cop, bad cop act going pretty well and so I hope he sticks around until this all passes.

Whether he's the spokesman or not, I'm sure he'll still be on the team. This story though is trying to create a conflict that isn't there. That's how you sell papers and get people to your internet site.
Well.......TDS does make people like you think that way about us. It's a perfect example how people react to spoon fed propaganda.

I just go by the things you people post on forums like this..maybe this is all just lies from you all but down deep inside you know the truth
'That TDS is real and you have it...........YUP........if Trump walked on water today.....they would say he can't swim tomorrow.............

NO ONE TRUSTS THE MEDIA.....they don't trust the gov't the people are ignoring this shit..........and it will take it's course..........

1957 or 1968 possible scenarios adjusted for population.............or maybe one of those vaccines are gonna work.......EARLY

Just might have to beat the living crap out of the crats who say we need to test it for a year or more before using it...........and if anyone who isn't dead yet needs the vaccine please come by and get your shot.......LOL

We don't need it in a year...........and whomever makes it first that passes...............they are gonna be rich as hell..........NEVER UNDERESTIMATE the POWER OF I'M GONNA BE RICH.

That is the GREED we need right now...........and you know it.
".if Trump walked on water today" Only a kool aid drinker could imagine it.
"NEVER UNDERESTIMATE the POWER OF I'M GONNA BE RICH. That is the GREED we need right now"
Beware of snake oil salesmen. Often you get snake bit standing next to a huckster, looking for a fast buck. Hopefully you are self quarantining or should be. Sounds like you might be kind of a sick old dude, already.
Up yours...........I say it like it is......don't care if it offends you..........Reality sometimes sucks and it sometimes hurts feelings.....

I knew when I saw the sad face you would do this kind of post........

He walks on water saying is MOCKING TDS..........which we here every day......for 3 years.....Sarcasm to the left..........Don't like it change the channel or stop the TDS........I really don't care.

Greed............I'm not greedy.......but I don't underestimate it........but I knew by stating it the leftist would get ticked by it............Oh well.......You took the bait........and yes it was bait.

They will do this and make the vaccine because it will MAKE THEM RICH...........That is REALITY......a Reality you don't want to face or accept............

The problem isn't that Trump can walk on water - he can't. It's that you fools think he CAN. That's the true Trump Derangement Syndrome. You think Trump is telling the truth when he's lying, and you think others are lying when they are tellling the truth. You can't be more deranged than that.

It's called a "Cult of Personality". You need to be deprogrammed. Seriously.
Yep, she will say whatever Trump tells her to say and will never question it...not even once.

That is who we need right now...someone that will lie for the president to the American people

We cannot let the truth get out

How do you know he's telling the truth? At a time like this, you don't tell the American people that it's possible 100,000 Americans could die. That's the last thing we need. If he has some factual evidence of something, that's fine. But he should keep his defeatist predictions to himself.

Someone needs to counter balance the sunshine and rainbows bullshit coming from Trump.

So we need somebody to spread panic while Trump is trying to calm people down? Are the shelves at your grocery store not empty enough or something?

What we need is a straight shooter, and that’s who Fauci is. This article is bullshit, Fauci isn’t going anywhere.

I've always had my doubts about him. He was on Laura's show a couple of times. She questioned him about the use of hydroxychloriquine. It's like he didn't want to answer. He kept repeating crap about clinical studies. Well.......we don't have clinical studies, and it's been prescribed for other things the last couple of decades. In most of the patients that were put on hydoroxychloroquine and azithromycin, they had amazing recoveries from COVID-19.

It just seems like he's too pessimistic; almost like he's hoping this will be a tragedy.

He's not pessimistic, he's realistic. His reluctance is give out false hope on hydroxychloriquine shows that he is NOT an alarmist, and is going strictly with science. Whatever success has been shown with the drug, it is a treatment with a LOT of really nasty, long term side effects, including blindness, and permanent kidney damage.

It's not something that should be glad handed out without a LOT of testing.

A lot of testing? We've been using it for decades to combat malaria. It's given to people who travel overseas. Can you show me any drug that doesn't have possible side effects? Grab any high dose over the counter aspirin bottle out of your medicine cabinet and read the warnings on it.

I am well aware that every drug has a side effect. What you have to decide is whether the trade off between the benefit and the side effect is worth it. I don't consider blindness and kidney failure a very good trade off.

The drug is not frequently used in the United States, malaria not being a real consideration for the population.

But they often prescribe it for people going overseas, and it's worked pretty well. Our FDA sets tough standards in order for any drug to get their approval.

The risks are decided on between the doctor and patient. I'm sure there are accompanying conditions that lead to blindness or kidney failure. If your doctor thinks you are at risk for those two things, then the only way he or she should prescribe it is if everything else has failed, and it looks like you are going to become a statistic if something isn't done.

Yeah, they use it for people going to JUNGLE countries, where malaria is prevalent. How many patients per year? Certainly not millions.
Well.......TDS does make people like you think that way about us. It's a perfect example how people react to spoon fed propaganda.

I just go by the things you people post on forums like this..maybe this is all just lies from you all but down deep inside you know the truth
'That TDS is real and you have it...........YUP........if Trump walked on water today.....they would say he can't swim tomorrow.............

NO ONE TRUSTS THE MEDIA.....they don't trust the gov't the people are ignoring this shit..........and it will take it's course..........

1957 or 1968 possible scenarios adjusted for population.............or maybe one of those vaccines are gonna work.......EARLY

Just might have to beat the living crap out of the crats who say we need to test it for a year or more before using it...........and if anyone who isn't dead yet needs the vaccine please come by and get your shot.......LOL

We don't need it in a year...........and whomever makes it first that passes...............they are gonna be rich as hell..........NEVER UNDERESTIMATE the POWER OF I'M GONNA BE RICH.

That is the GREED we need right now...........and you know it.
".if Trump walked on water today" Only a kool aid drinker could imagine it.
"NEVER UNDERESTIMATE the POWER OF I'M GONNA BE RICH. That is the GREED we need right now"
Beware of snake oil salesmen. Often you get snake bit standing next to a huckster, looking for a fast buck. Hopefully you are self quarantining or should be. Sounds like you might be kind of a sick old dude, already.
Up yours...........I say it like it is......don't care if it offends you..........Reality sometimes sucks and it sometimes hurts feelings.....

I knew when I saw the sad face you would do this kind of post........

He walks on water saying is MOCKING TDS..........which we here every day......for 3 years.....Sarcasm to the left..........Don't like it change the channel or stop the TDS........I really don't care.

Greed............I'm not greedy.......but I don't underestimate it........but I knew by stating it the leftist would get ticked by it............Oh well.......You took the bait........and yes it was bait.

They will do this and make the vaccine because it will MAKE THEM RICH...........That is REALITY......a Reality you don't want to face or accept............

The problem isn't that Trump can walk on water - he can't. It's that you fools think he CAN. That's the true Trump Derangement Syndrome. You think Trump is telling the truth when he's lying, and you think others are lying when they are tellling the truth. You can't be more deranged than that.

It's called a "Cult of Personality". You need to be deprogrammed. Seriously.
You need to take a long walk off a short bridge......seriously,.

For 3 years nothing but whining and BS accusations....Lies from the Media and you go AWE SHUCKS....oh well.

Hope about yall STFU
Yep, she will say whatever Trump tells her to say and will never question it...not even once.

That is who we need right now...someone that will lie for the president to the American people

We cannot let the truth get out

How do you know he's telling the truth? At a time like this, you don't tell the American people that it's possible 100,000 Americans could die. That's the last thing we need. If he has some factual evidence of something, that's fine. But he should keep his defeatist predictions to himself.

Someone needs to counter balance the sunshine and rainbows bullshit coming from Trump.

So we need somebody to spread panic while Trump is trying to calm people down? Are the shelves at your grocery store not empty enough or something?

What we need is a straight shooter, and that’s who Fauci is. This article is bullshit, Fauci isn’t going anywhere.

I've always had my doubts about him. He was on Laura's show a couple of times. She questioned him about the use of hydroxychloriquine. It's like he didn't want to answer. He kept repeating crap about clinical studies. Well.......we don't have clinical studies, and it's been prescribed for other things the last couple of decades. In most of the patients that were put on hydoroxychloroquine and azithromycin, they had amazing recoveries from COVID-19.

It just seems like he's too pessimistic; almost like he's hoping this will be a tragedy.

He's not pessimistic, he's realistic. His reluctance is give out false hope on hydroxychloriquine shows that he is NOT an alarmist, and is going strictly with science. Whatever success has been shown with the drug, it is a treatment with a LOT of really nasty, long term side effects, including blindness, and permanent kidney damage.

It's not something that should be glad handed out without a LOT of testing.

A lot of testing? We've been using it for decades to combat malaria. It's given to people who travel overseas. Can you show me any drug that doesn't have possible side effects? Grab any high dose over the counter aspirin bottle out of your medicine cabinet and read the warnings on it.

I am well aware that every drug has a side effect. What you have to decide is whether the trade off between the benefit and the side effect is worth it. I don't consider blindness and kidney failure a very good trade off.

The drug is not frequently used in the United States, malaria not being a real consideration for the population.

But they often prescribe it for people going overseas, and it's worked pretty well. Our FDA sets tough standards in order for any drug to get their approval.

The risks are decided on between the doctor and patient. I'm sure there are accompanying conditions that lead to blindness or kidney failure. If your doctor thinks you are at risk for those two things, then the only way he or she should prescribe it is if everything else has failed, and it looks like you are going to become a statistic if something isn't done.

Yeah, they use it for people going to JUNGLE countries, where malaria is prevalent. How many patients per year? Certainly not millions.

So what do you suppose will happen when they come out with a vaccine for COVID-19? They can't test it on millions of people first. And actually, it's that way with every new drug.
Well.......TDS does make people like you think that way about us. It's a perfect example how people react to spoon fed propaganda.

I just go by the things you people post on forums like this..maybe this is all just lies from you all but down deep inside you know the truth
'That TDS is real and you have it...........YUP........if Trump walked on water today.....they would say he can't swim tomorrow.............

NO ONE TRUSTS THE MEDIA.....they don't trust the gov't the people are ignoring this shit..........and it will take it's course..........

1957 or 1968 possible scenarios adjusted for population.............or maybe one of those vaccines are gonna work.......EARLY

Just might have to beat the living crap out of the crats who say we need to test it for a year or more before using it...........and if anyone who isn't dead yet needs the vaccine please come by and get your shot.......LOL

We don't need it in a year...........and whomever makes it first that passes...............they are gonna be rich as hell..........NEVER UNDERESTIMATE the POWER OF I'M GONNA BE RICH.

That is the GREED we need right now...........and you know it.

The old "greed is good" line. Greed is why some companies are holding back needed medical supplies, waiting for a better bid.

Greed is one of the 7 deadly sins. For good reason.

So what company is holding out medical supplies for a higher bid? Didn't hear that story yet.

Governors being interviewed on TV are talking about the bidding wars they're getting into. One of the governors, not sure which one, said that he doesn't believe medical supplies exist until they arrive in his state, even if they have "confirmed" orders, because someone comes along and offers more money and steals them out from under him.

Have a link on that by any chance?
Wasn't Blix the actress who told Reagan they mistakenly cut off his legs? She did it with a lot of compassion.
Well.......TDS does make people like you think that way about us. It's a perfect example how people react to spoon fed propaganda.

I just go by the things you people post on forums like this..maybe this is all just lies from you all but down deep inside you know the truth
'That TDS is real and you have it...........YUP........if Trump walked on water today.....they would say he can't swim tomorrow.............

NO ONE TRUSTS THE MEDIA.....they don't trust the gov't the people are ignoring this shit..........and it will take it's course..........

1957 or 1968 possible scenarios adjusted for population.............or maybe one of those vaccines are gonna work.......EARLY

Just might have to beat the living crap out of the crats who say we need to test it for a year or more before using it...........and if anyone who isn't dead yet needs the vaccine please come by and get your shot.......LOL

We don't need it in a year...........and whomever makes it first that passes...............they are gonna be rich as hell..........NEVER UNDERESTIMATE the POWER OF I'M GONNA BE RICH.

That is the GREED we need right now...........and you know it.

The old "greed is good" line. Greed is why some companies are holding back needed medical supplies, waiting for a better bid.

Greed is one of the 7 deadly sins. For good reason.

So what company is holding out medical supplies for a higher bid? Didn't hear that story yet.

Governors being interviewed on TV are talking about the bidding wars they're getting into. One of the governors, not sure which one, said that he doesn't believe medical supplies exist until they arrive in his state, even if they have "confirmed" orders, because someone comes along and offers more money and steals them out from under him.

Have a link on that by any chance?

Found it:

GW was the worst, Obama 2nd. As bad as Trump is, he has been better than those two...but he still has time to screw up some more

Trump is easily the worst. Ever. He has done nothing. He will be known as the Do-Nothing president.

Obamacare was infinitely better than what you have now. The US is one of the worst health care systems in the world.....unless you're rich...
Well.......TDS does make people like you think that way about us. It's a perfect example how people react to spoon fed propaganda.

I just go by the things you people post on forums like this..maybe this is all just lies from you all but down deep inside you know the truth
'That TDS is real and you have it...........YUP........if Trump walked on water today.....they would say he can't swim tomorrow.............

NO ONE TRUSTS THE MEDIA.....they don't trust the gov't the people are ignoring this shit..........and it will take it's course..........

1957 or 1968 possible scenarios adjusted for population.............or maybe one of those vaccines are gonna work.......EARLY

Just might have to beat the living crap out of the crats who say we need to test it for a year or more before using it...........and if anyone who isn't dead yet needs the vaccine please come by and get your shot.......LOL

We don't need it in a year...........and whomever makes it first that passes...............they are gonna be rich as hell..........NEVER UNDERESTIMATE the POWER OF I'M GONNA BE RICH.

That is the GREED we need right now...........and you know it.

The old "greed is good" line. Greed is why some companies are holding back needed medical supplies, waiting for a better bid.

Greed is one of the 7 deadly sins. For good reason.

So what company is holding out medical supplies for a higher bid? Didn't hear that story yet.

Governors being interviewed on TV are talking about the bidding wars they're getting into. One of the governors, not sure which one, said that he doesn't believe medical supplies exist until they arrive in his state, even if they have "confirmed" orders, because someone comes along and offers more money and steals them out from under him.

Have a link on that by any chance?

Found it:

Thanks......I think. Your link said nothing about a bidding war. What it did say is his state got 17% of the stockpile. Given the fact we have 50 states, it sounds like a very generous amount.
I agree with this. Further scaring the living shit out of society accomplishes nothing. I’m not for rose colored sunglasses, but there is no utility to making these predictions.
What's the "utility" in telling the public that we'd be able to "open up the country" by Easter!?!?

To provide hope for a change instead of this constant birage of Armageddon. Easter was ambitious & as the facts bore out, not realistic, but setting a goal is not a bad play. Part of the President’s job is to rally the country.
Yep, she will say whatever Trump tells her to say and will never question it...not even once.

That is who we need right now...someone that will lie for the president to the American people

We cannot let the truth get out

How do you know he's telling the truth? At a time like this, you don't tell the American people that it's possible 100,000 Americans could die. That's the last thing we need. If he has some factual evidence of something, that's fine. But he should keep his defeatist predictions to himself.

I agree with this. Further scaring the living shit out of society accomplishes nothing. I’m not for rose colored sunglasses, but there is no utility to making these predictions.

It's less that it accomplishes nothing than it is making things worse. I think putting the country into a bogus panic will do exactly that.

agreed. The media is working OT to heighten the panic unnecessarily.
Keep lying to yourself....the. hold in chief doesnt like people that tell the truth...he hurt his ego. He likes loyal sheep.
But you were just fine with the Kenyan picking his own people.

That is their stance. Only Democrat Presidents can fire people like the FBI director, get rid of ambassadors, choose who works in the White House and so on. If Trump does it, it's because he needs "yes" men and shouldn't be allowed.
He claimed to hire the best...yet he hires and fires more than Mcdonalds. Quit lying 5o yourself he is not Jesus.

I never said he was. All you leftists cry like babies every time Trump replaces somebody. When a commie President does the same thing, not a peep from the peanut gallery. Trump got rid of ambassador Voinovich, and you on the left were stomping your feet; that was until we pointed out that DumBama fired all the ambassadors before he even entered the White House.
I have told you many times I'm not a lefty or a democrat...I am independent and I call bullshit on both sides. The biggest shit and bullshit is on the right (racism, hypocrisy, white supremacy, idiocy, bullying....)
Trump promised to hire the best, and we all saw th4 circus or hiring and firing throughout the three years.
Keep lying to yourself....the. hold in chief doesnt like people that tell the truth...he hurt his ego. He likes loyal sheep.
But you were just fine with the Kenyan picking his own people.

That is their stance. Only Democrat Presidents can fire people like the FBI director, get rid of ambassadors, choose who works in the White House and so on. If Trump does it, it's because he needs "yes" men and shouldn't be allowed.
He claimed to hire the best...yet he hires and fires more than Mcdonalds. Quit lying 5o yourself he is not Jesus.

I never said he was. All you leftists cry like babies every time Trump replaces somebody. When a commie President does the same thing, not a peep from the peanut gallery. Trump got rid of ambassador Voinovich, and you on the left were stomping your feet; that was until we pointed out that DumBama fired all the ambassadors before he even entered the White House.
I have told you many times I'm not a lefty or a democrat...I am independent and I call bullshit on both sides. The biggest shit and bullshit is on the right (racism, hypocrisy, white supremacy, idiocy, bullying....)
Trump promised to hire the best, and we all saw th4 circus or hiring and firing throughout the three years.

Part of getting the best is to rid yourself of those who aren't. Trial and error. And I love the way you people on the left can't admit to who you are. You consistently take a leftist position, consistently oppose anybody on the right, constantly oppose conservatism or conservative values, and then proclaim yourself as one in the middle.

To put it another way, what if I told you I was an Independent given my posts? Would you believe me? Of course not. I usually side with Republicans, usually side with conservatism, usually side with the Constitution. Stating otherwise would prove me as a liar.

Unlike you, I'm proud to proclaim myself as a Republican, even more proud to proclaim myself as a conservative. And unlike you, I'm not embarrassed to say what I really am.

On the other hand, if I were a liberal, I would probably do the same as you are doing.

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