Birx May Replace Fauci as Conronavirus Spokesperson

Keep lying to yourself....the. hold in chief doesnt like people that tell the truth...he hurt his ego. He likes loyal sheep.
But you were just fine with the Kenyan picking his own people.

That is their stance. Only Democrat Presidents can fire people like the FBI director, get rid of ambassadors, choose who works in the White House and so on. If Trump does it, it's because he needs "yes" men and shouldn't be allowed.
He claimed to hire the best...yet he hires and fires more than Mcdonalds. Quit lying 5o yourself he is not Jesus.

I never said he was. All you leftists cry like babies every time Trump replaces somebody. When a commie President does the same thing, not a peep from the peanut gallery. Trump got rid of ambassador Voinovich, and you on the left were stomping your feet; that was until we pointed out that DumBama fired all the ambassadors before he even entered the White House.
I have told you many times I'm not a lefty or a democrat...I am independent and I call bullshit on both sides. The biggest shit and bullshit is on the right (racism, hypocrisy, white supremacy, idiocy, bullying....)
Trump promised to hire the best, and we all saw th4 circus or hiring and firing throughout the three years.

Part of getting the best is to rid yourself of those who aren't. Trial and error. And I love the way you people on the left can't admit to who you are. You consistently take a leftist position, consistently oppose anybody on the right, constantly oppose conservatism or conservative values, and then proclaim yourself as one in the middle.

To put it another way, what if I told you I was an Independent given my posts? Would you believe me? Of course not. I usually side with Republicans, usually side with conservatism, usually side with the Constitution. Stating otherwise would prove me as a liar.

Unlike you, I'm proud to proclaim myself as a Republican, even more proud to proclaim myself as a conservative. And unlike you, I'm not embarrassed to say what I really am.

On the other hand, if I were a liberal, I would probably do the same as you are doing.
I'm against abortion, dont agree with same sex marriage, against big government ( except for safety net, healthcare for all), religion and god has a big role in my life. But I cant the cons in the US they are the biggest hypocrites and dumb founded I've ever came across and I have traveled this world and met different people, countries....I find the cons in this country the biggest tteat to humanity....because they are dumb, easily brainwashed armed and dangerous.
---Dr. Anthony Fauci, the highly respected infectious disease expert, did not attend Monday’s briefing – and his absence did not go unnoticed---

So where was he? Is he on his way out?

The problem isn't that Trump can walk on water - he can't. It's that you fools think he CAN. That's the true Trump Derangement Syndrome. You think Trump is telling the truth when he's lying, and you think others are lying when they are tellling the truth. You can't be more deranged than that.

It's called a "Cult of Personality". You need to be deprogrammed. Seriously.
I miss the days of objective debate. The only debating that we have these days is backing of partisan agenda
Watching today's press conference was painful. Fauci really does need to go.

If he did, the MSM would have a party with that. He doesn't need to go, but needs to stay off the stage. He is a brilliant man, and we need all the minds we can get right now.
Yep, she will say whatever Trump tells her to say and will never question it...not even once.

That is who we need right now...someone that will lie for the president to the American people

We cannot let the truth get out

How is that going to work, fire the one Reagan appointed to be replaced by the one Obama appointed.

It could be possible Brix won't take the job. I wouldn't... What Trump look like firing the two top people America trusts to do the job...
This just in: Trump replaces Fauci with the Trumpsters' preferred spokesperson:

This just in: Trump replaces Fauci with the Trumpsters' preferred spokesperson:


It seems a bit too much effort to have a moustache...

At this stage when Trump assigns someone you just goto there wiki page and in there is a reason they are not used by other top GOP Politicians...

Example: Stephen Miller remember the emails (‘His beliefs are appalling’: email scandal sparks calls for Stephen Miller to resign)
Everyone knew Stephen Miller had this stuff in his past. He used to wear the badge of troll with pride and even his own family are ashamed of him.

This is not ideology it is just a lack of actual talent. Actually I would be far more scared before if they weren't so incompetent, unfortunately the bonus of them being incompetent is very dangerous when we need a government.
Here is a far right wing talk radio guy in california who also has a doctorate in biology sciences, who interviews an expert in this particular field of epidemiology. They kick around the subject of hydroxychloroquine, trump, Dr. Fauci, etc. Pretty interesting and complicated but seems these two aren't for using this hydroxy drug except in extreme conditions is my take. Anyway, the subject starts around 18 minutes into the show.


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