Bishop Romney's Base

Obviously 2/3 of the board here gets it. Or are you all rich, too?

A New York City donor a few cars back, who also would not give her name, said Romney needed to do a better job connecting. “I don’t think the common person is getting it,” she said from the passenger seat of a Range Rover stamped with East Hampton beach permits. “Nobody understands why Obama is hurting them.“We’ve got the message,” she added. “But my college kid, the baby sitters, the nails ladies — everybody who’s got the right to vote — they don’t understand what’s going on. I just think if you’re lower income — one, you’re not as educated, two, they don’t understand how it works, they don’t understand how the systems work, they don’t understand the impact.”

Romney’s Hamptons soiree: Madam Range Rover and “the nails ladies” -

You people are ridicules, Like Anyone "connected" with Obama when he ran. Yeah, his life was so much like normal peoples right?

Maybe if you guys would stop spreading LIES about Bain More People would connect with Romney.


Please tell me the last time we did not have a Rich president? You calling Obama's 14 Million not Rich?


It's not about being rich; it's about feeling superior to everyone else and making certain everyone knows that is how you feel. My father was talking to me the other day about the election and he brought up the cookie incident when Romney refused to try a cookie presented to him by a local baker. Romney said the cookies might not be safe to eat. Talk about an insult and not getting it, these are the types of things that make Romney out of touch. Kerry had the same problem in 2004; this time Romney has that problem.
Except nobody knows Mitten's actual worth, because he's so happy with all his offshore havens. :thup:

That's a good point not made often enough. Maybe under a Romney Presidency, America will be a more friendly place for the rich people of the world to hold, keep, invest and or hide their wealth from greedy moochers?

I also agree with the person who noted all the hoi polloi employed by that nice rich lady in the cool car. (nice of her to answer questions for the LAT too right?)

However, I agree most of all with the person who posted the pics of the hot girls. I meekly add that the Salon article mentioned Bentleys, Porsches and BMW's (also a Ferrari) and that the internet may have pictures of hot women with those cars as well. Just sayin'.
Oh those evil richies :lol:

It really has nothing to do with anyone being evil. It just shows that there is a major disconnect between Romney and most of America. It has nothing to do with envy at all.

Whether Obama is at fault or not for the economy doesn't matter at all. The fact is that any sitting president with such a struggling economy would be trailing badly in the polls to a respectable challenger at this point in the race. Obama? He is ahead in the polls, and there is a significant reason for that, and a big part of it is this disconnect we are talking about. Hell, Romney lost me, and I supported him in 2008.

The whole "class envy" thing is just a ploy to throw people off the facts. Obama is wealthy too and I don't envy him either.

Mittens is the perfect GObP candidate for our time. The R wants to increase taxes on the middle class and decrease taxes on the one percent. No one in their right mind would say that's a good idea. Even if you WANT to believe it would help our economy, we have a long history that PROVES it does not work.

Norquist said it - all they want is someone who will rubber stamp what they want and then leave on yet another vacation.

That's Etch A Sketch and the rw's are falling for it.
And, ONE stinking tax return last April?

STOOPID rw's are falling for that too.

(Obama has released 12.)
Obviously 2/3 of the board here gets it. Or are you all rich, too?

A New York City donor a few cars back, who also would not give her name, said Romney needed to do a better job connecting. “I don’t think the common person is getting it,” she said from the passenger seat of a Range Rover stamped with East Hampton beach permits. “Nobody understands why Obama is hurting them.“We’ve got the message,” she added. “But my college kid, the baby sitters, the nails ladies — everybody who’s got the right to vote — they don’t understand what’s going on. I just think if you’re lower income — one, you’re not as educated, two, they don’t understand how it works, they don’t understand how the systems work, they don’t understand the impact.”

Romney’s Hamptons soiree: Madam Range Rover and “the nails ladies” -

You know............I've never made over 38,000/year, so by just about anyone's definition I'm not rich. Additionally, as a U.S. Navy retiree, I am entitled to a vote.

Interestingly enough, I kinda think that paying attention to what is going on NOW, as well as learning the TRUTH about how the politicians (on both sides) are screwing over the American people, as well as serving 20 plus years in military service to this country entitles me to be able to vote, no matter what some rich asshole says.

I think personally that military service to this country trumps wealth.
And, ONE stinking tax return last April?

STOOPID rw's are falling for that too.

(Obama has released 12.)

Romney doesn't really want to release his tax returns and let everyone know how much money he REALLY makes.

Wanna know why? It's simple actually.............he's not scared of the American public, he's scared of the Mormon Church because he's been under tithing.

Mormons are required to attend a Tithing Settlement with the Bishop each year. A member is questioned in a one-on-one interview with the Bishop to ensure the member is paying a full 10%. Those members who are not paying a full 10% loose their temple recommends and are prevented from entering the Temple.

Mormons who loose their temple recommends are in serious jeopardy of loosing their Celestial blessings. A Mormon who does not pay tithing cannot enter the temple. If a member cannot get into the temple, the member cannot learn the secret handshake, secret password, secret "new name" and special “sealings”. Without these, the member will be unable to pass Joseph Smith and the angels who guard the entrance to the Celestial Kingdom.

Mormons are commanded that tithing must come first before anything else. Utah has the highest rate of bankruptcies in the United States. Mormons often are told "I cannot pay my bills until I've paid my tithing." Mormons will even pay their tithing rather than give the money to a relative who is on the verge of eviction. Mormon published magazines (Ensign, New Era) constantly stress that tithing must always be paid.

Recently, Mormon Senator Orrin Hatch passed legislation that allowed members to pay a full tithe even while they were in bankruptcy court. (See S. 4044).

Mormons are told: "if a destitute family is faced with the decision of paying their tithing or eating, they should pay their tithing." (Lynn Robbins, General Conference, April 2005).

Mormons who have not paid tithing will be denied a temple recommend and will be considered "unworthy". However; Mormons who pay "back-tithing" (some as much as $5000 or more) are instantly found to be worthy and can receive their temple recommends back once the money has been paid. The Mormon Church uses this as an extortion method when it comes to temple marriages. Parents or family members who have not paid tithing are required to pay back tithing - sometimes in the thousands of dollars - which must be paid before a temple recommend can be issued in order to see their own children married.

Mormons are further threatened that if they do not pay a full tithe, they will be burned with fire when Jesus Christ comes again. Mormons see Tithing as "fire insurance".

The Mormon Curtain - MORMON TITHING
You can count on radical left wingers to vote for the stoner rather than the successful businessman every time.
It's the freaking greatest Country in the world and all the left wingers do is complain while they enjoy the stuff that successful businesses produce. The hypocrisy is stunning but what can you expect from the dumbed down libs who were educated by union workers?

Oh goody, here's someone who actually believes the one percent creates jobs.

So, tell us all, if they really do create the jobs, where are the jobs? Why are the only jobs we have seen the product of PRESIDENT OBAMA??

Yo, whitehall, I'm sure you wouldn't ignore this on purpose so you must have missed it.

Could you please post PROOF that what you wrote is true?

Obviously 2/3 of the board here gets it. Or are you all rich, too?

A New York City donor a few cars back, who also would not give her name, said Romney needed to do a better job connecting. “I don’t think the common person is getting it,” she said from the passenger seat of a Range Rover stamped with East Hampton beach permits. “Nobody understands why Obama is hurting them.“We’ve got the message,” she added. “But my college kid, the baby sitters, the nails ladies — everybody who’s got the right to vote — they don’t understand what’s going on. I just think if you’re lower income — one, you’re not as educated, two, they don’t understand how it works, they don’t understand how the systems work, they don’t understand the impact.”
Romney’s Hamptons soiree: Madam Range Rover and “the nails ladies” -

"Let them eat cake."
People gotta quit buying the lie. In a capitalist economy (as we have), it's the DEMAND that creates the supply. If you don't have a demand for your product, or it's too expensive, you'll go out of business.

The 1 percent can only buy so much stuff. Yeah, they may make 3,000 times more money than you, but do they also have 3,000 cars?

The REAL job creators are the middle class, because those are the people who create the largest demand for goods and services.

Vulture capitalists like Romney? Not a job creator at all. Don't believe? Look at his jobs record while governor of MA.
The line of Range Rovers, BMWs, Porsche roadsters and one gleaming cherry red Ferrari began queuing outside of Revlon Chairman Ronald Perelman's estate off Montauk Highway long before Romney arrived, as campaign aides and staffers in white polo shirts emblazoned with the logo of Perelman's property -- the Creeks -- checked off names under tight security.

A New York City donor a few cars back, who also would not give her name, said Romney needed to do a better job connecting. "I don't think the common person is getting it," she said from the passenger seat of a Range Rover stamped with East Hampton beach permits. "Nobody understands why Obama is hurting them.

"We've got the message," she added. "But my college kid, the baby sitters, the nails ladies -- everybody who's got the right to vote -- they don't understand what's going on. I just think if you're lower income -- one, you're not as educated, two, they don't understand how it works, they don't understand how the systems work, they don't understand the impact."

A woman in a blue chiffon dress poked her head out of a black Range Rover here on Sunday afternoon and yelled to an aide to Mitt Romney. "Is there a V.I.P. entrance? We are V.I.P." ....

A few cars back, Ted Conklin, the owner of the American Hotel in Sag Harbor, long a favorite of the Hamptons' well-off and well-known, could barely contain his displeasure with Mr. Obama. "He is a socialist. His idea is find a problem that doesn't exist and get government to intervene," Mr. Conklin said from inside a gold Mercedes, as his wife, Carol Simmons, nodded in agreement.

Ms. Simmons paused to highlight what she said was her husband's generous spirit. "Tell them who's on your yacht this weekend! Tell him!"

Over Mr. Conklin's objections, Ms. Simmons disclosed that a major executive from Miramax was on Mr. Conklin's 75-foot yacht, because, she said, there were no rooms left at the hotel.

yea, good job, now lets head over for the upchucking coverage of obamas gala soiree with Anna Wintour, someone who feels your pain:rolleyes:

Obama Visits New York for Star-Studded Fund-Raisers

President Obama swept through New York on Thursday evening for a pair of high-dollar, high-wattage fund-raisers where some of the city’s top fashion luminaries lent their cash and their star power to his re-election campaign.

Under heavy security and the close scrutiny of celebrity news outfits like “Inside Edition,” the president and the first lady arrived at the West Village town house of the actress Sarah Jessica Parker for a $40,000-per-plate dinner co-hosted by Anna Wintour, the editor of Vogue and one of the Obama campaign’s highest-profile donation bundlers.

The event drew not just big names in fashion design like Michael Kors, Kenneth Cole and Millard Drexler, but also stars of film and music like Meryl Streep and Aretha Franklin.

Ms. Franklin left the event early and stopped to chat with a group of reporters and photographers who were being kept at bay in a holding pen across the street from Ms. Parker’s home. Asked what the president said to her, Ms. Franklin exclaimed, “Whoa! The Queen of Soul!”

Inside the house, Mr. Obama delivered a standard speech, taking Republicans to task for what he said was an expensive distortion campaign. Summing up their attacks, he said, “ ‘It’s the fault of the guy in the White House.’ ”

“It’s an elegant message,” he added. “It happens to be wrong.”

Then he fielded questions, with Ms. Wintour moderating. “Anna is going to moderate,” he said of the no-nonsense editor, “to make sure I don’t call on the wrong person.”

The stop at the home of Ms. Parker and her husband, the actor Matthew Broderick, was just part of the president’s short, schedule-packed dash through New York. After landing at Kennedy Airport, he boarded a helicopter for the short flight to Lower Manhattan, where he visited ground zero and the construction site at 1 World Trade Center.

He and Mrs. Obama signed one of the building’s beams and were joined by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey.

After the visit to the Parker-Broderick home, Mr. Obama headed uptown to the Plaza for a second star-studded fund-raiser. Mariah Carey was on hand for a performance.

do you ever think for yourself, or is that to painful? :eusa_eh:
What in this article is your imagined "gotcha"?

Perhaps you should have bolded it. :lol:

the 'gotcha' is the tone and description of events in the article(s), fawning on one hand, pejorative laden on the other....hello.
Obviously 2/3 of the board here gets it. Or are you all rich, too?

Romney’s Hamptons soiree: Madam Range Rover and “the nails ladies” -

You people are ridicules, Like Anyone "connected" with Obama when he ran. Yeah, his life was so much like normal peoples right?

Maybe if you guys would stop spreading LIES about Bain More People would connect with Romney.


Please tell me the last time we did not have a Rich president? You calling Obama's 14 Million not Rich?


It's not about being rich; it's about feeling superior to everyone else and making certain everyone knows that is how you feel. My father was talking to me the other day about the election and he brought up the cookie incident when Romney refused to try a cookie presented to him by a local baker. Romney said the cookies might not be safe to eat. Talk about an insult and not getting it, these are the types of things that make Romney out of touch. Kerry had the same problem in 2004; this time Romney has that problem.

you mean like this;

"And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

I am sorry your dad wasn't at that evil rich person soiree......
And, ONE stinking tax return last April?

STOOPID rw's are falling for that too.

(Obama has released 12.)

Romney doesn't really want to release his tax returns and let everyone know how much money he REALLY makes.

Wanna know why? It's simple actually.............he's not scared of the American public, he's scared of the Mormon Church because he's been under tithing.

Mormons are required to attend a Tithing Settlement with the Bishop each year. A member is questioned in a one-on-one interview with the Bishop to ensure the member is paying a full 10%. Those members who are not paying a full 10% loose their temple recommends and are prevented from entering the Temple.

Mormons who loose their temple recommends are in serious jeopardy of loosing their Celestial blessings. A Mormon who does not pay tithing cannot enter the temple. If a member cannot get into the temple, the member cannot learn the secret handshake, secret password, secret "new name" and special “sealings”. Without these, the member will be unable to pass Joseph Smith and the angels who guard the entrance to the Celestial Kingdom.

Mormons are commanded that tithing must come first before anything else. Utah has the highest rate of bankruptcies in the United States. Mormons often are told "I cannot pay my bills until I've paid my tithing." Mormons will even pay their tithing rather than give the money to a relative who is on the verge of eviction. Mormon published magazines (Ensign, New Era) constantly stress that tithing must always be paid.

Recently, Mormon Senator Orrin Hatch passed legislation that allowed members to pay a full tithe even while they were in bankruptcy court. (See S. 4044).

Mormons are told: "if a destitute family is faced with the decision of paying their tithing or eating, they should pay their tithing." (Lynn Robbins, General Conference, April 2005).

Mormons who have not paid tithing will be denied a temple recommend and will be considered "unworthy". However; Mormons who pay "back-tithing" (some as much as $5000 or more) are instantly found to be worthy and can receive their temple recommends back once the money has been paid. The Mormon Church uses this as an extortion method when it comes to temple marriages. Parents or family members who have not paid tithing are required to pay back tithing - sometimes in the thousands of dollars - which must be paid before a temple recommend can be issued in order to see their own children married.

Mormons are further threatened that if they do not pay a full tithe, they will be burned with fire when Jesus Christ comes again. Mormons see Tithing as "fire insurance".

The Mormon Curtain - MORMON TITHING

What a racket mormonism is (as well as other religions). Most, maybe all, his charitable donations (aka tax dodges) have been to the morm church. But, yes, they've always got their hands out for more.

Good site, btw. Thanks.
And, ONE stinking tax return last April?

STOOPID rw's are falling for that too.

(Obama has released 12.)

Romney doesn't really want to release his tax returns and let everyone know how much money he REALLY makes.

Wanna know why? It's simple actually.............he's not scared of the American public, he's scared of the Mormon Church because he's been under tithing.

Mormons are required to attend a Tithing Settlement with the Bishop each year. A member is questioned in a one-on-one interview with the Bishop to ensure the member is paying a full 10%. Those members who are not paying a full 10% loose their temple recommends and are prevented from entering the Temple.

Mormons who loose their temple recommends are in serious jeopardy of loosing their Celestial blessings. A Mormon who does not pay tithing cannot enter the temple. If a member cannot get into the temple, the member cannot learn the secret handshake, secret password, secret "new name" and special “sealings”. Without these, the member will be unable to pass Joseph Smith and the angels who guard the entrance to the Celestial Kingdom.

Mormons are commanded that tithing must come first before anything else. Utah has the highest rate of bankruptcies in the United States. Mormons often are told "I cannot pay my bills until I've paid my tithing." Mormons will even pay their tithing rather than give the money to a relative who is on the verge of eviction. Mormon published magazines (Ensign, New Era) constantly stress that tithing must always be paid.

Recently, Mormon Senator Orrin Hatch passed legislation that allowed members to pay a full tithe even while they were in bankruptcy court. (See S. 4044).

Mormons are told: "if a destitute family is faced with the decision of paying their tithing or eating, they should pay their tithing." (Lynn Robbins, General Conference, April 2005).

Mormons who have not paid tithing will be denied a temple recommend and will be considered "unworthy". However; Mormons who pay "back-tithing" (some as much as $5000 or more) are instantly found to be worthy and can receive their temple recommends back once the money has been paid. The Mormon Church uses this as an extortion method when it comes to temple marriages. Parents or family members who have not paid tithing are required to pay back tithing - sometimes in the thousands of dollars - which must be paid before a temple recommend can be issued in order to see their own children married.

Mormons are further threatened that if they do not pay a full tithe, they will be burned with fire when Jesus Christ comes again. Mormons see Tithing as "fire insurance".

The Mormon Curtain - MORMON TITHING

What a racket mormonism is (as well as other religions). Most, maybe all, his charitable donations (aka tax dodges) have been to the morm church. But, yes, they've always got their hands out for more.

Good site, btw. Thanks.

Actually, according to what he's released on his tax return, 70 percent of his "charitable" donations WERE to the Mormon church.

I don't really see it as "charity" if it's required by his church, and shouldn't be allowed as a charitable deduction, as it's really a bill from the Mormon church.
I don't need to "connect" with Mr. Romney.... we're not going on a date. You thinkm I connected with Bush? Obama?

This is dumb.

We are talking to people who want the government involved in every intimate action in our lives. I can understand why they want to connect with the President. They want to be screwed by someone they like.

Of course, I dont think Romney is going to be trying to screw anyone.

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