Black Behaving like Saints Thread


Apr 22, 2007
With all the blacks behaving badly threads (and there are many of them), here is one where they are going beyond what good people do.

In this story, a store's auto-locks malfunctioned on a Sunday. The lights turned on and it appears to be open, yet their was no workers in the store. A few black football players came to the store to make a purchase. They couldn't find the clerk so they walked to the surveillance camera, counted out that money, left it on the counter and left the store.

They could have easily just taken the items, like many people of all races would have done, but they choose differently.

Good kids, Great Story

New Jersey football players rewarded after paying for items at store with no clerk | Fox News
I grew up in a county in Maryland where there were zero blacks. My sister graduated and moved to DC to work. This was during the Civil Rights era. So we went to visit my sister. I had never been to a big city. I had never met a black person. I had 20 bucks. My life savings. Back then it would be like a hundred today. Was planning on doing some big time shopping. Went to a playground. There were black kids there. I played with them. The white kids shunned me. I had the 20 in my pocket. After a while someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around. It was a black kid. You dropped this he said and handed me my 20. It's not about color. It's about how you treat people.
In the military you see many good Afro-American soldiers and officers who take great pride in being leaders and do a good job.
Afro Americans have fought in many wars since the Revolution even at the risk of being social outcast after service.
In the military you see many good Afro-American soldiers and officers who take great pride in being leaders and do a good job.
Afro Americans have fought in many wars since the Revolution even at the risk of being social outcast after service.

When I worked in sales you saw some great Black salesman, workers, executives etc. Liberalism is destorying the black community!
In the military you see many good Afro-American soldiers and officers who take great pride in being leaders and do a good job.
Afro Americans have fought in many wars since the Revolution even at the risk of being social outcast after service.

They did not get treated well either. Two years after my DC experience I spent the summer with my brother at Ft. Campbell, Ky. He had just finished his first tour in Viet Nam. All the kids in the housing area were younger than me. Except 2 brothers who were black. So we started hanging out and none of the white kids spoke to me for the rest of the summer. Like I said I was very naïve in race matters. They invited me to Sunday dinner and I went. Then we went for a Sunday afternoon drive in their big old station wagon. We would pull up to a light and I'd look over and the white's were staring at as if looks could kill. I said holy crap why are these people looking at me like that. The dad who was a staff sergeant in the 101st Airborne when it was really airborne turned and said, son this is the south. You are a white person in a car full of blacks. It doesn't go over very well here. I went home at the end of August. The 101st deployed to Viet Nam in September and their dad was killed several months later. I have kept in touch with the family all these years.
In the military you see many good Afro-American soldiers and officers who take great pride in being leaders and do a good job.
Afro Americans have fought in many wars since the Revolution even at the risk of being social outcast after service.

I will never, ever understand that. I am a black vet but can't imagine fighting for a country that shunned you.

I know Viet Nam vets had it rough coming back, but imagine being a black vet coming back from Viet Nam and living in the south even. Wow.

I swear I cant understand where their minds were but god bless em.
Wonder what the odds are those fine young men learned at home to do the right thing?

Sure their folks are proud of them as are lots of others.
Back when the kids were little, I had to make a K Mart run. It was winter and there had been ice and snow. The roads were clear but not the parking lot of the store. I got out of my car, and as soon as my feet hit the ice I was down on my butt. I black guy two rows down saw me fall and came over to help me up.

I have worked with many black social workers. They are out there trying to make a difference. Snookie, Sallow, JoeB, and Luddly are just not amongst them.
In the military you see many good Afro-American soldiers and officers who take great pride in being leaders and do a good job.
Afro Americans have fought in many wars since the Revolution even at the risk of being social outcast after service.

When I worked in sales you saw some great Black salesman, workers, executives etc. Liberalism is destorying the black community!

Yes, it is.
Destroying the black community? Well, not all of it but a good segment of it is destroyed and no one I've heard of has a solution for it.

Think about what that segment consists of today. From young school aged kids of the current generation plus all of the others from previous generations going back decades now who literally are incapable of ever holding anything but the most menial jobs because they're unqualified to do anything else. They can't communicate verbally with the outside world, can barely write, read, or comprehend at all, and know nothing about socialization with people unlike them. How many millions they are is anyone's guess, but they're out there and they aren't going aware near upward mobility of any kind without them basically starting over from scratch, regardless of age, teaching them what should have been learned in their homes and schools originally.

Kudos and good luck to anyone who wants to try to fix that part of black 'culture.'
In the military you see many good Afro-American soldiers and officers who take great pride in being leaders and do a good job.
Afro Americans have fought in many wars since the Revolution even at the risk of being social outcast after service.

They did not get treated well either. Two years after my DC experience I spent the summer with my brother at Ft. Campbell, Ky. He had just finished his first tour in Viet Nam. All the kids in the housing area were younger than me. Except 2 brothers who were black. So we started hanging out and none of the white kids spoke to me for the rest of the summer. Like I said I was very naïve in race matters. They invited me to Sunday dinner and I went. Then we went for a Sunday afternoon drive in their big old station wagon. We would pull up to a light and I'd look over and the white's were staring at as if looks could kill. I said holy crap why are these people looking at me like that. The dad who was a staff sergeant in the 101st Airborne when it was really airborne turned and said, son this is the south. You are a white person in a car full of blacks. It doesn't go over very well here. I went home at the end of August. The 101st deployed to Viet Nam in September and their dad was killed several months later. I have kept in touch with the family all these years.

My son's first post was the 101st Airborne at Campbell :)

Back in the mid 70's my ex was in the Airforce and we were stationed at Columbus AFS in Miss. That was my first real experience living among blacks. I was not raised to be prejiduce against anyone, and so it didn't bother me at all. At first I was a little taken aback because I saw that when I met up with some blacks, they would actually act like they were scared of ME (I'm only about 5'1" tall, 105 lbs!), but then others would just soon push me off the sidewalk as they walked by. These were people that were residents. We got to be friends with a few blacks that were in the military and we used to have a great time with them. So just like whites, there's good and bad.
In the military you see many good Afro-American soldiers and officers who take great pride in being leaders and do a good job.
Afro Americans have fought in many wars since the Revolution even at the risk of being social outcast after service.

I will never, ever understand that. I am a black vet but can't imagine fighting for a country that shunned you.

I know Viet Nam vets had it rough coming back, but imagine being a black vet coming back from Viet Nam and living in the south even. Wow.

I swear I cant understand where their minds were but god bless em.

That is because you, as a liberal cock sucker, hates this country and don't see it the light other Americans do. You think this country is a source of evil not good! That is why you can't understand someone loving their country!
In the military you see many good Afro-American soldiers and officers who take great pride in being leaders and do a good job.
Afro Americans have fought in many wars since the Revolution even at the risk of being social outcast after service.

I will never, ever understand that. I am a black vet but can't imagine fighting for a country that shunned you.

I know Viet Nam vets had it rough coming back, but imagine being a black vet coming back from Viet Nam and living in the south even. Wow.

I swear I cant understand where their minds were but god bless em.

That is because you, as a liberal cock sucker, hates this country and don't see it the light other Americans do. You think this country is a source of evil not good! That is why you can't understand someone loving their country!

Hey stupid, plenty of liberals served in viet nam. Did you?
They are out there trying to make a difference. Snookie, Sallow, JoeB, and Luddly are just not amongst them.

Are you sure they are all Black? Swallow looks hispanic from his pic. I would bet dollars to doughtnuts that Luddly is a white liberal government working leech! I am not familiar with JoeB or Snookie!
charles ramsey....

i dont judge people on looks....i judge people on their acts or lack of actions

True, but don't be naive to think there isn't a problem within the Black community with uncontrollable youth!

Ramsey was a good guy, best part about him is when he turned down the reward and gave it to the three victims. A guy in his economic situation could have used $25K, but he decided to help the 3 victims one more time.

How you been Bones? Been a while!
Back when the kids were little, I had to make a K Mart run. It was winter and there had been ice and snow. The roads were clear but not the parking lot of the store. I got out of my car, and as soon as my feet hit the ice I was down on my butt. I black guy two rows down saw me fall and came over to help me up.

I have worked with many black social workers. They are out there trying to make a difference. Snookie, Sallow, JoeB, and Luddly are just not amongst them.

There goes sunshine with the "I have black friends" quote. Thank you little missy.

I don't see YOU posting anything nice on the thread for good white people. You are a racist pig.

Compare and contrast the two threads. They make it abundantly clear who really wants peace between the races and who really does not.
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I will never, ever understand that. I am a black vet but can't imagine fighting for a country that shunned you.

I know Viet Nam vets had it rough coming back, but imagine being a black vet coming back from Viet Nam and living in the south even. Wow.

I swear I cant understand where their minds were but god bless em.

That is because you, as a liberal cock sucker, hates this country and don't see it the light other Americans do. You think this country is a source of evil not good! That is why you can't understand someone loving their country!

Hey stupid, plenty of liberals served in viet nam. Did you?

Yes I did, I served in the 101st Airborne. I tossed a gernade into a school filled with children and my commander said "that counts as only kill because it's children." There must have been a dozen or so gook kids in that school, so I was screwed out of at least 14 kills to my count. God damn bureaucracy!
That is because you, as a liberal cock sucker, hates this country and don't see it the light other Americans do. You think this country is a source of evil not good! That is why you can't understand someone loving their country!

Hey stupid, plenty of liberals served in viet nam. Did you?

Yes I did, I served in the 101st Airborne. I tossed a gernade into a school filled with children and my commander said "that counts as only kill because it's children." There must have been a dozen or so gook kids in that school, so I was screwed out of at least 14 kills to my count. God damn bureaucracy!

FYI Snookers! I was born in 1978! I was too young to even fight in Desert Storm!

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