Black church leaders: Gay marriage ‘not a civil rights issue’


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Black church leaders: Gay marriage ‘not a civil rights issue’

5/31/12 Videography by Sarah Hofmann

The Daily Caller attended a meeting Wednesday morning held by the Congressional Black Caucus and the Conference of National Black Churches.

At the event, TheDC asked attendees if they thought it was fair to compare the fight to legalize same sex marriage with the civil rights struggles of the 1960s.

VIDEO: Black church leaders: Gay marriage ‘not a civil rights issue’ – Patriot Update
Does this have anything to do with why the Obama administration plans to talk to all the leaders of black churches? I know they want them to write campaign ads for Obama into their weekly sermons, but maybe they'll address this as well.
Black church leaders: Gay marriage ‘not a civil rights issue’

5/31/12 Videography by Sarah Hofmann

The Daily Caller attended a meeting Wednesday morning held by the Congressional Black Caucus and the Conference of National Black Churches.

At the event, TheDC asked attendees if they thought it was fair to compare the fight to legalize same sex marriage with the civil rights struggles of the 1960s.

VIDEO: Black church leaders: Gay marriage ‘not a civil rights issue’ – Patriot Update

black church leaders are as free to be wrong as anyone else.
What Would Che Think of Same-Sex Marriage?

By Jack Cashill


Indeed, in 1969, the New York Daily News headlined its coverage of the watershed Stonewall rebellion, "Homo Nest Raided, Queen Bees Are Stinging Mad." Even the usually insurrection-friendly Village Voice dismissed Stonewall as the "Great Faggot Rebellion."V

These responses represented something of a progressive norm. As testament to the same, Cuban leaders were then attempting to purge their country of homosexuality, which they believed to be as much a by-product of capitalism as homelessness or hedge funds. Poster boy Che Guevara was particularly keen on "reeducating" gay and effeminate men and dispatched thousands, without charge or trial, to concentration camps.

Cuba's proud persecution of gays notwithstanding, many of the same people who are today hectoring imaginary homophobes were then sneaking off to Cuba -- Poster girl Bernardine Dohrn comes to mind -- and singing the praises of this brutally gay-bashing revolution.


Read more: Articles: What Would Che Think of Same-Sex Marriage?
Black church leaders: Gay marriage ‘not a civil rights issue’

As already correctly noted: as Americans they’re entitled to their opinion; it is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant, however.
Black church leaders: Gay marriage ‘not a civil rights issue’

5/31/12 Videography by Sarah Hofmann

The Daily Caller attended a meeting Wednesday morning held by the Congressional Black Caucus and the Conference of National Black Churches.

At the event, TheDC asked attendees if they thought it was fair to compare the fight to legalize same sex marriage with the civil rights struggles of the 1960s.

VIDEO: Black church leaders: Gay marriage ‘not a civil rights issue’ – Patriot Update

They weren't too keen on women's lib either.

This is history repeating itself....many are too wrapped up in themselves and their struggle to see the struggle of others having any significance.
I endorse this move...:eusa_clap:

Democratic Party to add gay marriage to platform

The Democratic Party has added new language endorsing gay marriage in its platform draft, the Washington Blade reports. Sen. Harry Reid said in May that he believed the party would alter its platform in favor of gay marriage, after President Obama spoke out that month in favor of same-sex couples' right to marry

Democratic Party to add gay marriage to platform | The Ticket - Yahoo! News
Black church leaders: Gay marriage ‘not a civil rights issue’

5/31/12 Videography by Sarah Hofmann

The Daily Caller attended a meeting Wednesday morning held by the Congressional Black Caucus and the Conference of National Black Churches.

At the event, TheDC asked attendees if they thought it was fair to compare the fight to legalize same sex marriage with the civil rights struggles of the 1960s.

VIDEO: Black church leaders: Gay marriage ‘not a civil rights issue’ – Patriot Update

They weren't too keen on women's lib either.

This is history repeating itself....many are too wrapped up in themselves and their struggle to see the struggle of others having any significance.

Or its the fact that thier religion sees homosexuality as immoral, as opposed to racism, which is not condoned in the bible.

While politically liberal a strong majority of blacks trend socially conservative, due to thier southern roots. While I dont think this will cause them, as a voting block, to trend to Romeny, it may reduce the overall numbers of those voting. For Democrats, this is not a good thing.
Black church leaders: Gay marriage ‘not a civil rights issue’

5/31/12 Videography by Sarah Hofmann

The Daily Caller attended a meeting Wednesday morning held by the Congressional Black Caucus and the Conference of National Black Churches.

At the event, TheDC asked attendees if they thought it was fair to compare the fight to legalize same sex marriage with the civil rights struggles of the 1960s.

VIDEO: Black church leaders: Gay marriage ‘not a civil rights issue’ – Patriot Update

black church leaders are as free to be wrong as anyone else.

So they're haters ?
Black church leaders: Gay marriage ‘not a civil rights issue’

5/31/12 Videography by Sarah Hofmann

The Daily Caller attended a meeting Wednesday morning held by the Congressional Black Caucus and the Conference of National Black Churches.

At the event, TheDC asked attendees if they thought it was fair to compare the fight to legalize same sex marriage with the civil rights struggles of the 1960s.

VIDEO: Black church leaders: Gay marriage ‘not a civil rights issue’ – Patriot Update

Figures. Anything related to the rights of blacks is automatically a civil right, but when it comes to the rights of others, they don't give a shit.
Black church leaders: Gay marriage ‘not a civil rights issue’

5/31/12 Videography by Sarah Hofmann

The Daily Caller attended a meeting Wednesday morning held by the Congressional Black Caucus and the Conference of National Black Churches.

At the event, TheDC asked attendees if they thought it was fair to compare the fight to legalize same sex marriage with the civil rights struggles of the 1960s.

VIDEO: Black church leaders: Gay marriage ‘not a civil rights issue’ – Patriot Update

black church leaders are as free to be wrong as anyone else.

Yes they are. It is disappointing, but others who were notoriously wronged got past those circumstances to be complete assholes to others as well.

There is some recent (within the last 100 years) political history to explain the social conservatism of some black churches, and it has to do with the civil rights movement itself, perversely enough. The church was the seat of black political activism, both because the church offered some limited sanctuary from persecution, and also because the church deflected some of the harsher (and bs) criticisms made against them because Christianity in America was a white institution, and supported the white cultural mores. Kind of made it harder to call them heathens when they're studying the same holy book as you were...

I find it kind of funny that people expect a group who have only recently acquired (limited) political clout in recent history to stick their necks out in regard to hot button issues when entrenched and established political powers have only recently started to do so themselves.
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Black church leaders: Gay marriage ‘not a civil rights issue’

5/31/12 Videography by Sarah Hofmann

The Daily Caller attended a meeting Wednesday morning held by the Congressional Black Caucus and the Conference of National Black Churches.

At the event, TheDC asked attendees if they thought it was fair to compare the fight to legalize same sex marriage with the civil rights struggles of the 1960s.

VIDEO: Black church leaders: Gay marriage ‘not a civil rights issue’ – Patriot Update

They weren't too keen on women's lib either.

This is history repeating itself....many are too wrapped up in themselves and their struggle to see the struggle of others having any significance.

Or its the fact that thier religion sees homosexuality as immoral, as opposed to racism, which is not condoned in the bible.

While politically liberal a strong majority of blacks trend socially conservative, due to thier southern roots. While I dont think this will cause them, as a voting block, to trend to Romeny, it may reduce the overall numbers of those voting. For Democrats, this is not a good thing.

opposed to racism, which is not condoned in the bible.

Exodus 21:21 but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property.

New International Version (©1984)
but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property.
New Living Translation (©2007)
But if the slave recovers within a day or two, then the owner shall not be punished, since the slave is his property.
Black church leaders: Gay marriage ‘not a civil rights issue’

5/31/12 Videography by Sarah Hofmann

The Daily Caller attended a meeting Wednesday morning held by the Congressional Black Caucus and the Conference of National Black Churches.

At the event, TheDC asked attendees if they thought it was fair to compare the fight to legalize same sex marriage with the civil rights struggles of the 1960s.

VIDEO: Black church leaders: Gay marriage ‘not a civil rights issue’ – Patriot Update

Yes, it is a obviously civil rights issue.

What a silly idea that somehow it's not.
black church leaders: Gay marriage ‘not a civil rights issue’

5/31/12 videography by sarah hofmann

the daily caller attended a meeting wednesday morning held by the congressional black caucus and the conference of national black churches.

At the event, thedc asked attendees if they thought it was fair to compare the fight to legalize same sex marriage with the civil rights struggles of the 1960s.

Video: black church leaders: Gay marriage ‘not a civil rights issue’ – patriot update

figures. Anything related to the rights of blacks is automatically a civil right, but when it comes to the rights of others, they don't give a shit.

qft ^ .............
Black church leaders: Gay marriage ‘not a civil rights issue’

5/31/12 Videography by Sarah Hofmann

The Daily Caller attended a meeting Wednesday morning held by the Congressional Black Caucus and the Conference of National Black Churches.

At the event, TheDC asked attendees if they thought it was fair to compare the fight to legalize same sex marriage with the civil rights struggles of the 1960s.

VIDEO: Black church leaders: Gay marriage ‘not a civil rights issue’ – Patriot Update

Figures. Anything related to the rights of blacks is automatically a civil right, but when it comes to the rights of others, they don't give a shit.

You're a sweetheart........ Thanks for caring about America.

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