Black Cop Shoots White Veteran Over Racial Slur, Not Charged!


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Black Cop Shoots White Veteran Over Racial Slur, Not Charged!

Justice for Trayvon Martin? How about Justice for James Whitehead? James Whitehead was a white veteran who had recently come back from war. Orange, TX Police Officer Robert Arnold (who has a history of violence) shot and killed unarmed James Whitehead. Arnold is black. Arnold was not in his uniform and did not have a badge. Whitehead got into a verbal altercation about a bad part for his vehicle. James Whitehead did not ever get violent or attack Arnold or anyone else. - See more at:

This white man shouldn't of called the black officer a name but the officer was way out of hand. Do you agree?
[ame=]Still no justice for James Whitehead, marine gunned down in broad daylight by Officer Robert Arnold - YouTube[/ame]
Let me get this straight, a less than honorably discharged white vet, hopped up on amphetamines goes berserk in an auto parts store, assaults a polite police officer with a head butt, goes for the officer's gun when he tries to arrest him, gets shot lunging towards the cop after being warned that he would be shot if he moved towards the cop, and the cop is wrong because he is black and the perp is white and it is Texas.
Got it.
Let me get this straight, a less than honorably discharged white vet, hopped up on amphetamines goes berserk in an auto parts store, assaults a polite police officer with a head butt, goes for the officer's gun when he tries to arrest him, gets shot lunging towards the cop after being warned that he would be shot if he moved towards the cop, and the cop is wrong because he is black and the perp is white and it is Texas.
Got it.

Where did you hear this?
Let me get this straight, a less than honorably discharged white vet, hopped up on amphetamines goes berserk in an auto parts store, assaults a polite police officer with a head butt, goes for the officer's gun when he tries to arrest him, gets shot lunging towards the cop after being warned that he would be shot if he moved towards the cop, and the cop is wrong because he is black and the perp is white and it is Texas.
Got it.

Where did you hear this?
It comes from witness testimony and the autopsy report.
Google is your friend, try it some time!
Let me get this straight, a less than honorably discharged white vet, hopped up on amphetamines goes berserk in an auto parts store, assaults a polite police officer with a head butt, goes for the officer's gun when he tries to arrest him, gets shot lunging towards the cop after being warned that he would be shot if he moved towards the cop, and the cop is wrong because he is black and the perp is white and it is Texas.
Got it.

You are a liar and an idiot for not even lying well.

Here is a list of stories on that incident. Show me where Whitehead did any of that, you lying fucktard.

James Whitehead | The Examiner

What is known, however:
Cop Shoots Unarmed Veteran Over Racial Slur, No Charges Pending

Whitehead got into a verbal altercation about a bad part for his vehicle. James Whitehead did not ever get violent or attack Arnold or anyone else. Whitehead was wrong to get into a verbal altercation but at most he would have gotten a ticket and a fine.

Whitehead decided to stop arguing and just leave and that is when Arnold shot the unarmed man dead right on the spot.

Eye witness account:
Holidays without their Hero | The Examiner

Randy Edwards can't help but relive the moment he saw his friend, Lance Cpl. James Whitehead, gunned down in the passenger seat of his truck while sitting parked in front of the O'Reilly Auto Parts store on 16th Street in Orange. The killing occurred July 26, but Edwards has spent the nearly four months since then trying to come to terms with how something like this could happen to a man he, and the nation he served, called a hero.

"I could see (off-duty Orange police captain Robert) Arnold was out of control," Edwards said, recounting the events July 26. "He came at James (Whitehead) with the intent to kill him and that is exactly what he did. It was all just so crazy to get to that point. There was a yelling, then there was a shooting. Then (Whitehead) was dead." Whitehead, a decorated Marine hero, was shot once at point-blank range and succumbed to his injuries almost instantaneously.

His last words, said Edwards, were directed at the man who pulled the trigger to end the Marine's life. "James stood up and said, 'You shot me,' while looking Arnold in the face," Edwards remembered in detail. "Arnold just looked at him and said, 'I damn sure did.'
"I tried to contact the district attorney, and he never would talk to me," Edwards said. According to the eyewitness, neither he nor the other man present in the vehicle when the shooting occurred was called to give testimony to the grand jury...

The most Whitehead was guilty of was disorderly conduct, a Class C misdemeanor. He was in the process of removing himself from the scene. As Kittrell's report stated, the arrest could have been effected later or when the in route officers arrived. Whitehead's death is not justified homicide - it is plain and simple murder and possibly pre-meditated due to Arnold's statement "I'm going to kill you" prior to pulling the trigger.

The Examiner has confirmed. Orange Police Chief Sam Kittrell filed a 38-page document outlining the findings of his internal investigation into the shooting and concluded that Arnold violated a number of departmental policies and procedures, including that by Arnold's "failure to take appropriate actions you (Arnold) placed yourself and others in jeopardy and as such your actions reflected unfavorably on you as a professional police officer." Arnold also used a weapon that was neither registered with the department nor that was used to qualify with in firearms proficiency, as well as, using deadly force with a weapon that he was not authorized or permitted to carry, according to Kittrell's internal investigation.

More and more each day it becomes clear that Democrats are nothing but liars and cheats.

But now it looks like they support and are murdering thugs too.
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Let me get this straight, a less than honorably discharged white vet, hopped up on amphetamines goes berserk in an auto parts store, assaults a polite police officer with a head butt, goes for the officer's gun when he tries to arrest him, gets shot lunging towards the cop after being warned that he would be shot if he moved towards the cop, and the cop is wrong because he is black and the perp is white and it is Texas.
Got it.

Where did you hear this?

He didn't read or hear it anywhere. He is simply making all that shit up, slandering a decorated Marine described by all as a hero.

That cop killed the marine in cold blood and stated he would do so just before pulling the trigger, and Whitehead made no assault or even a threat to justify shooting him.

But small minded liars like edthecynic will do anything they can to defend the political whores in the establishment. They are two of a kind.
Let me get this straight, a less than honorably discharged white vet, hopped up on amphetamines goes berserk in an auto parts store, assaults a polite police officer with a head butt, goes for the officer's gun when he tries to arrest him, gets shot lunging towards the cop after being warned that he would be shot if he moved towards the cop, and the cop is wrong because he is black and the perp is white and it is Texas.
Got it.

Here is a list of stories on that incident. Show me where Whitehead did any of that, you lying fucktard.

James Whitehead | The Examiner

What is known, however:
Cop Shoots Unarmed Veteran Over Racial Slur, No Charges Pending

Whitehead got into a verbal altercation about a bad part for his vehicle. James Whitehead did not ever get violent or attack Arnold or anyone else. Whitehead was wrong to get into a verbal altercation but at most he would have gotten a ticket and a fine.

Whitehead decided to stop arguing and just leave and that is when Arnold shot the unarmed man dead right on the spot.

Eye witness account:
Holidays without their Hero | The Examiner

Randy Edwards can't help but relive the moment he saw his friend, Lance Cpl. James Whitehead, gunned down in the passenger seat of his truck while sitting parked in front of the O'Reilly Auto Parts store on 16th Street in Orange. The killing occurred July 26, but Edwards has spent the nearly four months since then trying to come to terms with how something like this could happen to a man he, and the nation he served, called a hero.

"I could see (off-duty Orange police captain Robert) Arnold was out of control," Edwards said, recounting the events July 26. "He came at James (Whitehead) with the intent to kill him and that is exactly what he did. It was all just so crazy to get to that point. There was a yelling, then there was a shooting. Then (Whitehead) was dead." Whitehead, a decorated Marine hero, was shot once at point-blank range and succumbed to his injuries almost instantaneously.

His last words, said Edwards, were directed at the man who pulled the trigger to end the Marine's life. "James stood up and said, 'You shot me,' while looking Arnold in the face," Edwards remembered in detail. "Arnold just looked at him and said, 'I damn sure did.'

More and more each day it becomes clear that Democrats are nothing but liars and cheats.
All the witnesses agree except one, Randy Edwards, who just happens to be the next door neighbor to the doped up perp and has relatives married to the Whitehead's, so guess which witness is the only one cited by all the right-wing racist media? Anyone with half a brain knows the radicle right-wing extremist Washington Examiner would never present the whole story, and any fool should know that something must be missing when the Texas Ranger, who was asked to investigate, said the shooting looked justified, and a grand jury found no grounds for a criminal indictment, and an arbitrator ordered the officer returned to duty. But no, all those unbiased people are wrong and the most biased person is the only one who is right if it serves the race baiting of the Right.

Here are the facts that came out in the Grand Jury hearing, the autopsy and the arbitration hearing:

Robert Arnold had received only "excellent" and "good" marks on his reviews during his six years at the Orange Police Department. He had previous service with the Texas Department of Public Safety. Arnold was promoted to captain in May last year, becoming the highest-ranking African-American in the department's history.

Ranger Ken Parks from Hardin County came and investigated and said the shooting looked justified.

Chief Kittrell and other ranking officers in the department had an internal investigation of the shooting which found yhat Whitehead was 6-foot-3 and about 230 pounds, about 6 inches taller and 40 pounds heavier that Arnold. The pathologist testified that Whitehead, a former Marine, had amphetamines and marijuana in his system. He became so belligerent and loud, cursing and calling the store manager foul names, that the manager called 9-1-1 for police. Arnold, who was shopping with his 13-year-old daughter, at first asked him to be quiet and not curse in front the girl. Whitehead yelled at Arnold, calling him names with the "n" word and "f" word. Kittrell said Arnold followed policy inside the store.

One of the witnesses was Glen Chadwick Dorrell, a clerk at O'Reilly. He said Arnold "acted like a gentleman" in asking Whitehead to stop cursing in front of his daughter. Arnold identified himself as a police officer and went out to his car to get his identification, Dorrell said. Whitehead began following Arnold. Dorrell said he grabbed the arm of Arnold's daughter and kept her in the store behind the counter with him; so she was not outside when Whitehead was shot.

Pathologist Dr. Tommy Brown of Jefferson County testified that the autopsy showed Whitehead had amphetamines and marijuana in his blood stream. The two lawyers questioned about the prescription for the amphetamines and whether Whitehead was taking more than prescribed.

Whitehead was a former Marine who fought in Iraq. Arnold’s attorney
Cagle pointed out that Whitehead had received a less than honorable discharge.

O’Reilly Auto Parts store manager Ray Hebert testified he called 9-1-1 when Whitehead became belligerent and started cursing when he learned the part could not be returned. The manager said he hears irate customers and cursing every day, but has called the emergency number for police only one or two other times during his 26 years in the Orange store. Hebert said Arnold was shopping in the store with his daughter when Whitehead lost his temper. Arnold went up to try to calm Whitehead down and ask him not to curse.

“Get away from me you f---ing (N-word) coon,” Whitehead said, according to Hebert.

Arnold went out to his car to get handcuffs and a flashlight (police officers can use it as a weapon), Hebert said.

Whitehead went outside after Arnold and went to the pickup truck. The manager went outside, too. Arnold and Whitehead ended up “kind of bodying up on each other” by the truck, Hebert said. Hebert said he recollects that Arnold said something like “If you hit me, I’m going to shoot you.” And Whitehead replied “I want you to put a bullet in my head, coon.” Hebert said Arnold told Whitehead, "If you come toward me, I'm going to have to shoot you."

Whitehead then told Arnold to shoot him and used a racial slur against Arnold, Hebert said.

Hebert said he saw Whitehead lean forward, then he heard a gunshot.
will the NAACP start a riot?

Will Holder launch an investigation?

Will Obama make a judgement from his bully pulpit?
Let me get this straight, a less than honorably discharged white vet, hopped up on amphetamines goes berserk in an auto parts store, assaults a polite police officer with a head butt, goes for the officer's gun when he tries to arrest him, gets shot lunging towards the cop after being warned that he would be shot if he moved towards the cop, and the cop is wrong because he is black and the perp is white and it is Texas.
Got it.

Here is a list of stories on that incident. Show me where Whitehead did any of that, you lying fucktard.

James Whitehead | The Examiner

What is known, however:
Cop Shoots Unarmed Veteran Over Racial Slur, No Charges Pending

Eye witness account:
Holidays without their Hero | The Examiner

Randy Edwards can't help but relive the moment he saw his friend, Lance Cpl. James Whitehead, gunned down in the passenger seat of his truck while sitting parked in front of the O'Reilly Auto Parts store on 16th Street in Orange. The killing occurred July 26, but Edwards has spent the nearly four months since then trying to come to terms with how something like this could happen to a man he, and the nation he served, called a hero.

"I could see (off-duty Orange police captain Robert) Arnold was out of control," Edwards said, recounting the events July 26. "He came at James (Whitehead) with the intent to kill him and that is exactly what he did. It was all just so crazy to get to that point. There was a yelling, then there was a shooting. Then (Whitehead) was dead." Whitehead, a decorated Marine hero, was shot once at point-blank range and succumbed to his injuries almost instantaneously.

His last words, said Edwards, were directed at the man who pulled the trigger to end the Marine's life. "James stood up and said, 'You shot me,' while looking Arnold in the face," Edwards remembered in detail. "Arnold just looked at him and said, 'I damn sure did.'

More and more each day it becomes clear that Democrats are nothing but liars and cheats.
All the witnesses agree except one, Randy Edwards, who just happens to be the next door neighbor to the doped up perp and has relatives married to the Whitehead's, so guess which witness is the only one cited by all the right-wing racist media? Anyone with half a brain knows the radicle right-wing extremist Washington Examiner would never present the whole story, and any fool should know that something must be missing when the Texas Ranger, who was asked to investigate, said the shooting looked justified, and a grand jury found no grounds for a criminal indictment, and an arbitrator ordered the officer returned to duty. But no, all those unbiased people are wrong and the most biased person is the only one who is right if it serves the race baiting of the Right.

Here are the facts that came out in the Grand Jury hearing, the autopsy and the arbitration hearing:

Robert Arnold had received only "excellent" and "good" marks on his reviews during his six years at the Orange Police Department. He had previous service with the Texas Department of Public Safety. Arnold was promoted to captain in May last year, becoming the highest-ranking African-American in the department's history.

Ranger Ken Parks from Hardin County came and investigated and said the shooting looked justified.

Chief Kittrell and other ranking officers in the department had an internal investigation of the shooting which found yhat Whitehead was 6-foot-3 and about 230 pounds, about 6 inches taller and 40 pounds heavier that Arnold. The pathologist testified that Whitehead, a former Marine, had amphetamines and marijuana in his system. He became so belligerent and loud, cursing and calling the store manager foul names, that the manager called 9-1-1 for police. Arnold, who was shopping with his 13-year-old daughter, at first asked him to be quiet and not curse in front the girl. Whitehead yelled at Arnold, calling him names with the "n" word and "f" word. Kittrell said Arnold followed policy inside the store.

One of the witnesses was Glen Chadwick Dorrell, a clerk at O'Reilly. He said Arnold "acted like a gentleman" in asking Whitehead to stop cursing in front of his daughter. Arnold identified himself as a police officer and went out to his car to get his identification, Dorrell said. Whitehead began following Arnold. Dorrell said he grabbed the arm of Arnold's daughter and kept her in the store behind the counter with him; so she was not outside when Whitehead was shot.

Pathologist Dr. Tommy Brown of Jefferson County testified that the autopsy showed Whitehead had amphetamines and marijuana in his blood stream. The two lawyers questioned about the prescription for the amphetamines and whether Whitehead was taking more than prescribed.

Whitehead was a former Marine who fought in Iraq. Arnold’s attorney
Cagle pointed out that Whitehead had received a less than honorable discharge.

O’Reilly Auto Parts store manager Ray Hebert testified he called 9-1-1 when Whitehead became belligerent and started cursing when he learned the part could not be returned. The manager said he hears irate customers and cursing every day, but has called the emergency number for police only one or two other times during his 26 years in the Orange store. Hebert said Arnold was shopping in the store with his daughter when Whitehead lost his temper. Arnold went up to try to calm Whitehead down and ask him not to curse.

“Get away from me you f---ing (N-word) coon,” Whitehead said, according to Hebert.

Arnold went out to his car to get handcuffs and a flashlight (police officers can use it as a weapon), Hebert said.

Whitehead went outside after Arnold and went to the pickup truck. The manager went outside, too. Arnold and Whitehead ended up “kind of bodying up on each other” by the truck, Hebert said. Hebert said he recollects that Arnold said something like “If you hit me, I’m going to shoot you.” And Whitehead replied “I want you to put a bullet in my head, coon.” Hebert said Arnold told Whitehead, "If you come toward me, I'm going to have to shoot you."

Whitehead then told Arnold to shoot him and used a racial slur against Arnold, Hebert said.

Hebert said he saw Whitehead lean forward, then he heard a gunshot.

If thats how it went down he had every right to shoot the guy.
Let me get this straight, a less than honorably discharged white vet, hopped up on amphetamines goes berserk in an auto parts store, assaults a polite police officer with a head butt, goes for the officer's gun when he tries to arrest him, gets shot lunging towards the cop after being warned that he would be shot if he moved towards the cop, and the cop is wrong because he is black and the perp is white and it is Texas.
Got it.

Here is a list of stories on that incident. Show me where Whitehead did any of that, you lying fucktard.

James Whitehead | The Examiner

What is known, however:
Cop Shoots Unarmed Veteran Over Racial Slur, No Charges Pending

Eye witness account:
Holidays without their Hero | The Examiner

Randy Edwards can't help but relive the moment he saw his friend, Lance Cpl. James Whitehead, gunned down in the passenger seat of his truck while sitting parked in front of the O'Reilly Auto Parts store on 16th Street in Orange. The killing occurred July 26, but Edwards has spent the nearly four months since then trying to come to terms with how something like this could happen to a man he, and the nation he served, called a hero.

"I could see (off-duty Orange police captain Robert) Arnold was out of control," Edwards said, recounting the events July 26. "He came at James (Whitehead) with the intent to kill him and that is exactly what he did. It was all just so crazy to get to that point. There was a yelling, then there was a shooting. Then (Whitehead) was dead." Whitehead, a decorated Marine hero, was shot once at point-blank range and succumbed to his injuries almost instantaneously.

His last words, said Edwards, were directed at the man who pulled the trigger to end the Marine's life. "James stood up and said, 'You shot me,' while looking Arnold in the face," Edwards remembered in detail. "Arnold just looked at him and said, 'I damn sure did.'

More and more each day it becomes clear that Democrats are nothing but liars and cheats.
All the witnesses agree except one, Randy Edwards, who just happens to be the next door neighbor to the doped up perp and has relatives married to the Whitehead's, so guess which witness is the only one cited by all the right-wing racist media? Anyone with half a brain knows the radicle right-wing extremist Washington Examiner would never present the whole story, and any fool should know that something must be missing when the Texas Ranger, who was asked to investigate, said the shooting looked justified, and a grand jury found no grounds for a criminal indictment, and an arbitrator ordered the officer returned to duty. But no, all those unbiased people are wrong and the most biased person is the only one who is right if it serves the race baiting of the Right.

Here are the facts that came out in the Grand Jury hearing, the autopsy and the arbitration hearing:

Robert Arnold had received only "excellent" and "good" marks on his reviews during his six years at the Orange Police Department. He had previous service with the Texas Department of Public Safety. Arnold was promoted to captain in May last year, becoming the highest-ranking African-American in the department's history.

Ranger Ken Parks from Hardin County came and investigated and said the shooting looked justified.

Chief Kittrell and other ranking officers in the department had an internal investigation of the shooting which found yhat Whitehead was 6-foot-3 and about 230 pounds, about 6 inches taller and 40 pounds heavier that Arnold. The pathologist testified that Whitehead, a former Marine, had amphetamines and marijuana in his system. He became so belligerent and loud, cursing and calling the store manager foul names, that the manager called 9-1-1 for police. Arnold, who was shopping with his 13-year-old daughter, at first asked him to be quiet and not curse in front the girl. Whitehead yelled at Arnold, calling him names with the "n" word and "f" word. Kittrell said Arnold followed policy inside the store.

One of the witnesses was Glen Chadwick Dorrell, a clerk at O'Reilly. He said Arnold "acted like a gentleman" in asking Whitehead to stop cursing in front of his daughter. Arnold identified himself as a police officer and went out to his car to get his identification, Dorrell said. Whitehead began following Arnold. Dorrell said he grabbed the arm of Arnold's daughter and kept her in the store behind the counter with him; so she was not outside when Whitehead was shot.

Pathologist Dr. Tommy Brown of Jefferson County testified that the autopsy showed Whitehead had amphetamines and marijuana in his blood stream. The two lawyers questioned about the prescription for the amphetamines and whether Whitehead was taking more than prescribed.

Whitehead was a former Marine who fought in Iraq. Arnold’s attorney
Cagle pointed out that Whitehead had received a less than honorable discharge.

O’Reilly Auto Parts store manager Ray Hebert testified he called 9-1-1 when Whitehead became belligerent and started cursing when he learned the part could not be returned. The manager said he hears irate customers and cursing every day, but has called the emergency number for police only one or two other times during his 26 years in the Orange store. Hebert said Arnold was shopping in the store with his daughter when Whitehead lost his temper. Arnold went up to try to calm Whitehead down and ask him not to curse.

“Get away from me you f---ing (N-word) coon,” Whitehead said, according to Hebert.

Arnold went out to his car to get handcuffs and a flashlight (police officers can use it as a weapon), Hebert said.

Whitehead went outside after Arnold and went to the pickup truck. The manager went outside, too. Arnold and Whitehead ended up “kind of bodying up on each other” by the truck, Hebert said. Hebert said he recollects that Arnold said something like “If you hit me, I’m going to shoot you.” And Whitehead replied “I want you to put a bullet in my head, coon.” Hebert said Arnold told Whitehead, "If you come toward me, I'm going to have to shoot you."

Whitehead then told Arnold to shoot him and used a racial slur against Arnold, Hebert said.

Hebert said he saw Whitehead lean forward, then he heard a gunshot.
Care to explain why no link?
Let me get this straight, a less than honorably discharged white vet, hopped up on amphetamines goes berserk in an auto parts store, assaults a polite police officer with a head butt, goes for the officer's gun when he tries to arrest him, gets shot lunging towards the cop after being warned that he would be shot if he moved towards the cop, and the cop is wrong because he is black and the perp is white and it is Texas.
Got it.

Looks like a thread fail for Matthew.
Now they are saying the cop is 'black hispanic' so he won't be charged. .... :eusa_angel:
Maybe THIS will be the one.

Maybe this thread will be the one that results in nutters withholding judgement until the full story is known. I know that it is not as fun as immediately commenting without doing any thinking first.......but at some point, you have to get tired of making yourselves look so damned stupid.
"...Here are the facts that came out in the Grand Jury hearing, the autopsy and the arbitration hearing: ..."

If what you say in Post No. 9 is true, then, it sounds like a Righteous Shoot, after all.

Frankly, it sounds a lot like Police-Assisted Suicide.
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Let me get this straight, a less than honorably discharged white vet, hopped up on amphetamines goes berserk in an auto parts store, assaults a polite police officer with a head butt, goes for the officer's gun when he tries to arrest him, gets shot lunging towards the cop after being warned that he would be shot if he moved towards the cop, and the cop is wrong because he is black and the perp is white and it is Texas.
Got it.

The story said the plain clothes cop pulled him out of his vehicle and attempted to arrest him even though he was leaving, which was supposed to be the point of the 911 call.

Maybe you could post the evidence that the perp was hopped up on drugs and support your claims.
Maybe THIS will be the one.

Maybe this thread will be the one that results in nutters withholding judgement until the full story is known.
I know that it is not as fun as immediately commenting without doing any thinking first.......but at some point, you have to get tired of making yourselves look so damned stupid.

OM Fucken G!!!!

That is so hilarious!!!!!
"...Here are the facts that came out in the Grand Jury hearing, the autopsy and the arbitration hearing: ..."

If what you say in Post No. 9 is true, then, it sounds like a Righteous Shoot, after all.

Frankly, it sounds a lot like Police-Assisted Suicide.

Except the cops supervisor said it was NOT a good shoot. The DA did not present several witnesses who had information, including two who were there.

If it was a good shoot then why did Arnold lose his job?

Everybody knows how cops close ranks when shit like this happens, but they are letting Arnold hang in the breeze.

If that doesn't clue you in, I cant help you.

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