Black Cop Shoots White Veteran Over Racial Slur, Not Charged!

Let me get this straight, a less than honorably discharged white vet, hopped up on amphetamines goes berserk in an auto parts store, assaults a polite police officer with a head butt, goes for the officer's gun when he tries to arrest him, gets shot lunging towards the cop after being warned that he would be shot if he moved towards the cop, and the cop is wrong because he is black and the perp is white and it is Texas.
Got it.

Looks like a thread fail for Matthew.

He really needs to stick to Stormfront.
Let me get this straight, a less than honorably discharged white vet, hopped up on amphetamines goes berserk in an auto parts store, assaults a polite police officer with a head butt, goes for the officer's gun when he tries to arrest him, gets shot lunging towards the cop after being warned that he would be shot if he moved towards the cop, and the cop is wrong because he is black and the perp is white and it is Texas.
Got it.

The story said the plain clothes cop pulled him out of his vehicle and attempted to arrest him even though he was leaving, which was supposed to be the point of the 911 call.

Maybe you could post the evidence that the perp was hopped up on drugs and support your claims.

Yeah, you noticed that too?

The effective firing of the cop, the uncalled witnesses, the critical supervisor's report all are ignored while the slander of some neighbor is used as the final authority?

That is simply stupid. Only a closed minded ideologue would blame a decorated Marine and defend a fired cop who is KNOWN to have violated trained procedures on several points.

For the left, if its black its right, and wrong if its white.
Let me get this straight, a less than honorably discharged white vet, hopped up on amphetamines goes berserk in an auto parts store, assaults a polite police officer with a head butt, goes for the officer's gun when he tries to arrest him, gets shot lunging towards the cop after being warned that he would be shot if he moved towards the cop, and the cop is wrong because he is black and the perp is white and it is Texas.
Got it.

Looks like a thread fail for Matthew.

He really needs to stick to Stormfront.

And you need to stick to you gutter, lying fucktard.
Let me get this straight, a less than honorably discharged white vet, hopped up on amphetamines goes berserk in an auto parts store, assaults a polite police officer with a head butt, goes for the officer's gun when he tries to arrest him, gets shot lunging towards the cop after being warned that he would be shot if he moved towards the cop, and the cop is wrong because he is black and the perp is white and it is Texas.
Got it.

Looks like a thread fail for Matthew.

lol, as if...
Maybe THIS will be the one.

Maybe this thread will be the one that results in nutters withholding judgement until the full story is known.
I know that it is not as fun as immediately commenting without doing any thinking first.......but at some point, you have to get tired of making yourselves look so damned stupid.

OM Fucken G!!!!

That is so hilarious!!!!!

I KNOW! How silly of me. You guys will never learn. I guess I was just stuck in a moment of kindness and optimism.

Carry on, dummy.
Maybe THIS will be the one.

Maybe this thread will be the one that results in nutters withholding judgement until the full story is known.
I know that it is not as fun as immediately commenting without doing any thinking first.......but at some point, you have to get tired of making yourselves look so damned stupid.

OM Fucken G!!!!

That is so hilarious!!!!!

I KNOW! How silly of me. You guys will never learn. I guess I was just stuck in a moment of kindness and optimism.

Carry on, dummy.

You stupid shit, a cop shoots an unarmed man who was trying to retreat from the scene, the cop got fired for it, and yet it is so plain to you that the unarmed man caused it all?

You are a waste of good air.
OM Fucken G!!!!

That is so hilarious!!!!!

I KNOW! How silly of me. You guys will never learn. I guess I was just stuck in a moment of kindness and optimism.

Carry on, dummy.

You stupid shit, a cop shoots an unarmed man who was trying to retreat from the scene, the cop got fired for it, and yet it is so plain to you that the unarmed man caused it all?

You are a waste of good air.

Hello, dummy.

I have not given my opinion on who was in the right in this case. I have yet to do the needed research. Unlike you, I will either do that research, or I will refrain from passing judgement.

Do you understand?
Maybe THIS will be the one.

Maybe this thread will be the one that results in nutters withholding judgement until the full story is known.
I know that it is not as fun as immediately commenting without doing any thinking first.......but at some point, you have to get tired of making yourselves look so damned stupid.

OM Fucken G!!!!

That is so hilarious!!!!!

I know right!! Like they did with the GZ trial?
Evidence and info means nothing to these clowns. It's all about color and feeeeeelings.
"...Here are the facts that came out in the Grand Jury hearing, the autopsy and the arbitration hearing: ..."

If what you say in Post No. 9 is true, then, it sounds like a Righteous Shoot, after all.

Frankly, it sounds a lot like Police-Assisted Suicide.

Except the cops supervisor said it was NOT a good shoot. The DA did not present several witnesses who had information, including two who were there.

If it was a good shoot then why did Arnold lose his job?

Everybody knows how cops close ranks when shit like this happens, but they are letting Arnold hang in the breeze.

If that doesn't clue you in, I cant help you.

Easy there, Big Fella...

I'm still tryin' to spin myself up-to-speed on this one...

I still don't know all that much about it...

You'll notice that I said "...IF what you say is true...", yes?

And I'll stand by that much... IF all that is true, then, this was probably a Righteous Shoot.

Who knows... I may end-up changing my mind later, as I learn more.

But if the guy DID egg-on the cop, looking to get shot, then Police-Assisted Suicide may have been that poor bastard's self-cure for PTSD or some-such.

I dunno.

I'll try to read-up a bit more on the case before I reach a final conclusion.

Meanwhile... I'll lean-on Police-Assisted Suicide as a PLACEHOLDER opinion...
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If what you say in Post No. 9 is true, then, it sounds like a Righteous Shoot, after all.

Frankly, it sounds a lot like Police-Assisted Suicide.

Except the cops supervisor said it was NOT a good shoot. The DA did not present several witnesses who had information, including two who were there.

If it was a good shoot then why did Arnold lose his job?

Everybody knows how cops close ranks when shit like this happens, but they are letting Arnold hang in the breeze.

If that doesn't clue you in, I cant help you.

Easy there, Big Fella...

I'm still tryin' to spin myself up-to-speed on this one...

I still don't know all that much about it...

You'll notice that I said "...IF what you say is true...", yes?

And I'll stand by that much... IF all that is true, then, this was probably a Righteous Shoot.

Who knows... I may end-up changing my mind later, as I learn more.

But if the guy DID egg-on the cop, looking to get shot, then Police-Assisted Suicide may have been that poor bastard's self-cure for PTSD or some-such.

I dunno.

I'll try to read-up a bit more on the case before I reach a final conclusion.

Meanwhile... I'll lean-on Police-Assisted Suicide as a PLACEHOLDER opinion...

Thanks for the clarification. Sorry if I came across too harshly.

The fact the cop got fired and got a bad report tells me enough. Cops usually close ranks and would have here too if the cop had any merit to his claims.

Even so, do you think using harsh language with a peace officer warrants shooting the suspect?
I KNOW! How silly of me. You guys will never learn. I guess I was just stuck in a moment of kindness and optimism.

Carry on, dummy.

You stupid shit, a cop shoots an unarmed man who was trying to retreat from the scene, the cop got fired for it, and yet it is so plain to you that the unarmed man caused it all?

You are a waste of good air.

Hello, dummy.

I have not given my opinion on who was in the right in this case. I have yet to do the needed research. Unlike you, I will either do that research, or I will refrain from passing judgement.

Do you understand?

I understand that your mockery indicates you have already made your mind up, fool.
How did sitting in his truck become a head butt?

From the article:

Arnold was suspended from the police department not only for his actions in killing the unarmed man, but also for his past acts of aggression as a police officer. For instance, Arnold once punched a young teenage girl in the face and tried to hit a man with a metal pipe but missed and instead broke his fellow police officer’s leg. The Police Chief went on to say that Arnold should have let the man get in his truck and leave and the Police Chief even said that Arnold could not have possibly felt physically threatened by Whitehead. - See more at: Justice for James: Black Cop Shoots Unarmed White Veteran in Orange, TX over Racial Slur | Texas GOP Vote

Seems like the cop just has a gripe against white people even if they are just teenage girls.
Let me get this straight, a less than honorably discharged white vet, hopped up on amphetamines goes berserk in an auto parts store, assaults a polite police officer with a head butt, goes for the officer's gun when he tries to arrest him, gets shot lunging towards the cop after being warned that he would be shot if he moved towards the cop, and the cop is wrong because he is black and the perp is white and it is Texas.
Got it.

The story said the plain clothes cop pulled him out of his vehicle and attempted to arrest him even though he was leaving, which was supposed to be the point of the 911 call.

Maybe you could post the evidence that the perp was hopped up on drugs and support your claims.
Oh yeah, the perpetual dumb act. I already posted the autopsy report that was testified to, "Pathologist Dr. Tommy Brown of Jefferson County testified that the autopsy showed Whitehead had amphetamines and marijuana in his blood stream. " But that isn't good enough for the racist wing-nuts. Dr brown is obviously lying.

Witnesses said the officer tried to arrest and cuff the perp and the perp resisted arrest and tried to get in the truck in the process of resisting arrest and the racist wing-nuts see that as the perp was leaving first and then the arrest was second. The unrelated witnesses like the store clerk and manager must be lying and the perp's neighbor and in-law is the only unbiased witness.

The perp was less that honorably discharged and that makes him a decorated hero to the racist wing-nuts.

The Texas Rangers were called in to investigate and found the shooting justified, but the police chief didn't want to hear that about the highest ranking uppity negro in the department's history who had nothing but excellent and good marks on his reports over his 6 years. The grand jury heard all the testimony and sided with the Texas Ranger against the chief but to the racist wing-nuts the chief is the only credible authority and everyone else is lying.

An arbitration hearing determined that Arnold should be reinstated in his old job, but to the racist wing-nuts all that matters is he was suspended from his job.
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You stupid shit, a cop shoots an unarmed man who was trying to retreat from the scene, the cop got fired for it, and yet it is so plain to you that the unarmed man caused it all?

You are a waste of good air.

Hello, dummy.

I have not given my opinion on who was in the right in this case. I have yet to do the needed research. Unlike you, I will either do that research, or I will refrain from passing judgement.

Do you understand?

I understand that your mockery indicates you have already made your mind up, fool.

You do? You are clairvoyant.
Just to put faces to all of this...


Captain Robert Arnold, Orange, Texas Police Department


US Marine Corps and Iraq War veteran James Whitehead, West Orange, Texas.
I have a couple of questions...

This is a 3-year-old case, right?

Why is it only now coming to the forefront?

Is it because Civil Suits by both Whitehead's family (against the City of Orange, Texas) and Robert Arnold (ditto, for Civil Rights Violations leading to wrongful discharge, et al) have recently come to a head or are about to?

Is there some decent, reasonably credible, neutral and objective source for information about this case?

I'm not finding a lot online so far, that isn't already badly slanted towards either Whitehead or Arnold.

An objective summary or set of Cliff's Notes would do nicely, but, so far, I haven't found any such animal.

And, just linking to the various Google results that I've found so far, I'm walking away from such readings more confused than I am enlightened.

Or is this just one of those out-of-the-way hole-in-the-wall cases where nobody's ever bothered to summarize the damned thing objectively, leaving the truth-seeker to shift for him-or-herself, and piece together what they may, from the disjointed and disconnected scraps that seem most prevalent online?

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