black culture self destructive/violent/BLM is bull


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
.....I've posted about the black culture as a self destructive cycle many times is just ANOTHER example...a BLM dumb bitch is pissed at police because her son did this:
''''''Winston’s 27-year-old son had opened fire five times, injuring two men, before he was shot dead as he ran toward two officers who say he had his gun drawn, according to The Oregonian. Both officers were cleared of any wrongdoing by a grand jury.'''''''

..plain and simple--BLM is bullshit--a bunch of lies......obviously she was a shithead fat ass black bitch who failed her son = black culture a self destructive cycle all crosschecks = listen to her--NO WONDER her son was a dumbass VIOLENT thug
..listen to her words = violence/violent...= they murder and rape at high rates = violence/violent

.....I've posted about the black culture as a self destructive cycle many times is just ANOTHER example...a BLM dumb bitch is pissed at police because her son did this:
''''''Winston’s 27-year-old son had opened fire five times, injuring two men, before he was shot dead as he ran toward two officers who say he had his gun drawn, according to The Oregonian. Both officers were cleared of any wrongdoing by a grand jury.'''''''

..plain and simple--BLM is bullshit--a bunch of lies......obviously she was a shithead fat ass black bitch who failed her son = black culture a self destructive cycle all crosschecks = listen to her--NO WONDER her son was a dumbass VIOLENT thug
..listen to her words...violence/violent...= they murder and rape at high rates = violence/violent

When are people going to come to the simple and obvious conclusion that these assholes are where they are because they want to be where they are. It was their free choice to be extactly how and where theys are. Largely as a result of simple sloth.
BLM is a band of commies first and foremost...Black folks are mere political props for them.
..blacks are like an African tribe......don't be deceived---a LOT of them hate whites/America/cops.....
You seem to hate America. What African tribe are you from?
gee--another intelligent post from you
please, please explain that? UNLESS you are trying to copy me--but I've posted many threads/links/etc on how the blacks hate
.....I've posted about the black culture as a self destructive cycle many times is just ANOTHER example...a BLM dumb bitch is pissed at police because her son did this:
''''''Winston’s 27-year-old son had opened fire five times, injuring two men, before he was shot dead as he ran toward two officers who say he had his gun drawn, according to The Oregonian. Both officers were cleared of any wrongdoing by a grand jury.'''''''

..plain and simple--BLM is bullshit--a bunch of lies......obviously she was a shithead fat ass black bitch who failed her son = black culture a self destructive cycle all crosschecks = listen to her--NO WONDER her son was a dumbass VIOLENT thug
..listen to her words = violence/violent...= they murder and rape at high rates = violence/violent

Inciting a riot.
BLM is a band of commies first and foremost...Black folks are mere political props for them.
It’s beyond that.
In their most basic essence, BLM is a black supremacist hate group, the KKK on steroids, with the complete support of media and an entire political party.
In the bigger picture, this hate group is being used by marxists.
.....I've posted about the black culture as a self destructive cycle many times is just ANOTHER example...a BLM dumb bitch is pissed at police because her son did this:
''''''Winston’s 27-year-old son had opened fire five times, injuring two men, before he was shot dead as he ran toward two officers who say he had his gun drawn, according to The Oregonian. Both officers were cleared of any wrongdoing by a grand jury.'''''''

..plain and simple--BLM is bullshit--a bunch of lies......obviously she was a shithead fat ass black bitch who failed her son = black culture a self destructive cycle all crosschecks = listen to her--NO WONDER her son was a dumbass VIOLENT thug
..listen to her words = violence/violent...= they murder and rape at high rates = violence/violent

"Ghetto culture" not "black culture"; half my family is black and they damn sure don't act like that.
...half my family is black ....

The left side or the right side?

.....I've posted about the black culture as a self destructive cycle many times is just ANOTHER example...a BLM dumb bitch is pissed at police because her son did this:
''''''Winston’s 27-year-old son had opened fire five times, injuring two men, before he was shot dead as he ran toward two officers who say he had his gun drawn, according to The Oregonian. Both officers were cleared of any wrongdoing by a grand jury.'''''''

..plain and simple--BLM is bullshit--a bunch of lies......obviously she was a shithead fat ass black bitch who failed her son = black culture a self destructive cycle all crosschecks = listen to her--NO WONDER her son was a dumbass VIOLENT thug
..listen to her words = violence/violent...= they murder and rape at high rates = violence/violent

"Ghetto culture" not "black culture"; half my family is black and they damn sure don't act like that.
So, when you gather around the table for lunch, the black half get to ask you ‘What you fixin’ dis nigga fo’ lunch?’, and that’s OK.
But if you respond, ‘Y’all niggas fix yo’ own damn lunch!’, you get removed from the house by social services.
Talking that ignorant is a good way to get your ass whipped and thrown right the hell out of the house.
And that goes for every household in my family. We don't abide folks like that.
.....I've posted about the black culture as a self destructive cycle many times is just ANOTHER example...a BLM dumb bitch is pissed at police because her son did this:
''''''Winston’s 27-year-old son had opened fire five times, injuring two men, before he was shot dead as he ran toward two officers who say he had his gun drawn, according to The Oregonian. Both officers were cleared of any wrongdoing by a grand jury.'''''''

..plain and simple--BLM is bullshit--a bunch of lies......obviously she was a shithead fat ass black bitch who failed her son = black culture a self destructive cycle all crosschecks = listen to her--NO WONDER her son was a dumbass VIOLENT thug
..listen to her words = violence/violent...= they murder and rape at high rates = violence/violent

"Ghetto culture" not "black culture"; half my family is black and they damn sure don't act like that.
So, when you gather around the table for lunch, the black half get to ask you ‘What you fixin’ dis nigga fo’ lunch?’, and that’s OK.
But if you respond, ‘Y’all niggas fix yo’ own damn lunch!’, you get removed from the house by social services.
Talking that ignorant is a good way to get your ass whipped and thrown right the hell out of the house.
And that goes for every household in my family. We don't abide folks like that.
I’m just checking on how a household like that would reconcile that very real dichotomy.

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