Black Democrat Conservatives!

There is no such animal as a Democrat Conservative. They would be in the Moderate category.

That even sounds stupid.
Call them whatever. Voting dimocratic means they're dimocrats and thus as blind and brainwashed as other blacks.

So, are you saying that all the White males, White women and Hispanics who vote democrat are blind and brainwashed as well? If you are representing yourself as a right wing spokesman, its no wonder your party is experiencing death-throes. You haven't a clue about anything!

Excellent topic JQ. And here is another consideration to interject into your thread. And often overlooked demographic whose majority votes Democrat, are Asians. Although they are a very small percentage of the population, they are generally viewed as industrious, law abiding and well educated by the same lunatic fringe that typically generalizes the black population as the polar opposite of those attributes. Considering that Asians typically excel scholastically, I wonder of they are "blind and brainwashed" as well?

I found the following article which speculates on why the majority of Asians who vote, tend to vote democrat.

Caroline Chen: Why Do Asian Americans Vote for Democrats?

Just more proof the republicans better get rid of all the racists in their party. It also shows that minorities are starting to peep the divide and conquer strategy employed by the racist elements of the republican political machine. I found it extremely telling that whites were the only demographic that voted for the white guy. Every other racial group voted for the POTUS.
I dont think that is true. I would say that they are more in line with republican views, but not conservative views. For example, the black community is generally against gay marriage, but they are quite pleased about government spending on welfare. I also dont think the black community cares about this new age over the top PC world the democrats are trying to create, and they would probably stand behind the republicans desire for a strong military. They are also pro 2nd amendment.

The black community is a republican community, they just dont realize it.

We realize very much what we are and what we stand for.
It'll be a cold day in hell when the majority of Black people sit at the table with those that believe we are beneath them...

The republican party doesnt believe that blacks are beneath them. Thats nonsense.

The fact that you made that statement shows your unwillingness to accept reality.
We realize very much what we are and what we stand for.
It'll be a cold day in hell when the majority of Black people sit at the table with those that believe we are beneath them...

The republican party doesnt believe that blacks are beneath them. Thats nonsense.

The fact that you made that statement shows your unwillingness to accept reality.

The fact that you cant accept that statement, which is coming from a republican, shows YOUR unwillingness to accept reality. Don't be a fucking douche dude.
The republican party doesnt believe that blacks are beneath them. Thats nonsense.

The fact that you made that statement shows your unwillingness to accept reality.

The fact that you cant accept that statement, which is coming from a republican, shows YOUR unwillingness to accept reality. Don't be a fucking douche dude.

YOUR willingness to resort to personal attacks...proves my point.
So, are you saying that all the White males, White women and Hispanics who vote democrat are blind and brainwashed as well? If you are representing yourself as a right wing spokesman, its no wonder your party is experiencing death-throes. You haven't a clue about anything!

Excellent topic JQ. And here is another consideration to interject into your thread. And often overlooked demographic whose majority votes Democrat, are Asians. Although they are a very small percentage of the population, they are generally viewed as industrious, law abiding and well educated by the same lunatic fringe that typically generalizes the black population as the polar opposite of those attributes. Considering that Asians typically excel scholastically, I wonder of they are "blind and brainwashed" as well?

I found the following article which speculates on why the majority of Asians who vote, tend to vote democrat.

Caroline Chen: Why Do Asian Americans Vote for Democrats?

Just more proof the republicans better get rid of all the racists in their party. It also shows that minorities are starting to peep the divide and conquer strategy employed by the racist elements of the republican political machine. I found it extremely telling that whites were the only demographic that voted for the white guy. Every other racial group voted for the POTUS.

From the article:

"There's a growing perception among Americans of color that the Republican Party is not concerned about the concerns of minorities," said Melissa Michelson, professor of political science at Menlo College, who has published a book on Asian American voter mobilization.

Godboy in post #14 said:
I dont think that is true. I would say that they are more in line with republican views, but not conservative views. For example, the black community is generally against gay marriage, but they are quite pleased about government spending on welfare.

I guess you believe the terms "Republican" and "conservative" are mutually exclusive. I disagree. I think both political identifiers, particularly among self described right wingers, has become almost a mutual euphemism; whereas , one term is interchangeable with the other.
That view seems prevalent among the rank and file Republicans of today;but, it does not take into account the whole spectrum of conservatism. There are fiscal conservatives and there are social conservatives; any number of which could be Republicans or Democrats. IMHO American Black families who are self reliant ( work for a living) and regularly attend church are aptly identified as social conservatives. Most of these fine citizens work, vote, pay taxes and send their children off to fight wars they sometimes don't agree with. Many of them want lower taxes and less government spending on wars, foreign expenditures and domestic waste.
These Black Democrats can only be called fiscal conservatives.

I also dont think the black community cares about this new age over the top PC world the democrats are trying to create,
And just what is that new age over the top PC world the democrats are trying to create?

and they would probably stand behind the republicans desire for a strong military. They are also pro 2nd amendment.

I think conservatism embraces those same sentiments. The average Black Democrat conservative supports a strong military because he/she knows how important that tradition has been in opening up opportunities for Blacks and women in general. Equal opportunity flourished there well before it became a reality in mainstream society. Much of the law abiding Black middle class materialized from the training and experience learned while serving their country.

The 2nd amendment is just as precious to Black gun owners as any other American.
They see the need to protect their home and families from criminals armed or otherwise.

The black community is a republican community, they just dont realize it.
Thats a huge assumption on your part. Wth all the Black Doctors, lawyers and professors out there in the Black community, I'd say they are WAY more qualified to make that assessment than you or me. Still, I hold to the Black conservative Democrat paradigm as described in previous posts and authenticated by my Wikipedia link! I have found nothing thus far to discredit my premise!
Godboy in post #14 said:
I dont think that is true. I would say that they are more in line with republican views, but not conservative views. For example, the black community is generally against gay marriage, but they are quite pleased about government spending on welfare.

I guess you believe the terms "Republican" and "conservative" are mutually exclusive. I disagree. I think both political identifiers, particularly among self described right wingers, has become almost a mutual euphemism; whereas , one term is interchangeable with the other.
That view seems prevalent among the rank and file Republicans of today;but, it does not take into account the whole spectrum of conservatism. There are fiscal conservatives and there are social conservatives; any number of which could be Republicans or Democrats. IMHO American Black families who are self reliant ( work for a living) and regularly attend church are aptly identified as social conservatives. Most of these fine citizens work, vote, pay taxes and send their children off to fight wars they sometimes don't agree with. Many of them want lower taxes and less government spending on wars, foreign expenditures and domestic waste.
These Black Democrats can only be called fiscal conservatives.

I also dont think the black community cares about this new age over the top PC world the democrats are trying to create,
And just what is that new age over the top PC world the democrats are trying to create?

and they would probably stand behind the republicans desire for a strong military. They are also pro 2nd amendment.

I think conservatism embraces those same sentiments. The average Black Democrat conservative supports a strong military because he/she knows how important that tradition has been in opening up opportunities for Blacks and women in general. Equal opportunity flourished there well before it became a reality in mainstream society. Much of the law abiding Black middle class materialized from the training and experience learned while serving their country.

The 2nd amendment is just as precious to Black gun owners as any other American.
They see the need to protect their home and families from criminals armed or otherwise.

The black community is a republican community, they just dont realize it.
Thats a huge assumption on your part. Wth all the Black Doctors, lawyers and professors out there in the Black community, I'd say they are WAY more qualified to make that assessment than you or me. Still, I hold to the Black conservative Democrat paradigm as described in previous posts and authenticated by my Wikipedia link! I have found nothing thus far to discredit my premise!

Because there is none. You are absolutely right.
Excellent topic JQ. And here is another consideration to interject into your thread. And often overlooked demographic whose majority votes Democrat, are Asians. Although they are a very small percentage of the population, they are generally viewed as industrious, law abiding and well educated by the same lunatic fringe that typically generalizes the black population as the polar opposite of those attributes. Considering that Asians typically excel scholastically, I wonder of they are "blind and brainwashed" as well?

I found the following article which speculates on why the majority of Asians who vote, tend to vote democrat.

Caroline Chen: Why Do Asian Americans Vote for Democrats?

Just more proof the republicans better get rid of all the racists in their party. It also shows that minorities are starting to peep the divide and conquer strategy employed by the racist elements of the republican political machine. I found it extremely telling that whites were the only demographic that voted for the white guy. Every other racial group voted for the POTUS.

From the article:

"There's a growing perception among Americans of color that the Republican Party is not concerned about the concerns of minorities," said Melissa Michelson, professor of political science at Menlo College, who has published a book on Asian American voter mobilization.


Check out this Chinese American Black activist trail blazer.

American Revolutionary: New Documentary Explores the Life of Activist Grace Lee Boggs - The Root
There is no such animal as a Democrat Conservative. They would be in the Moderate category.

That even sounds stupid.

Who told you that there is no such animal as a Democrat Conservative? The people that tell you how to speak and what words to use when describing things?

I see Sarah has vanished without leaving a reply to your challenge. Perhaps she finally got around to researching the term "Democrat Conservative" and realized how futile it is to try and construct a straw man while standing in the powerful wake of a hurricane of facts.
There is no such animal as a Democrat Conservative. They would be in the Moderate category.

That even sounds stupid.

Who told you that there is no such animal as a Democrat Conservative? The people that tell you how to speak and what words to use when describing things?

I see Sarah has vanished without leaving a reply to your challenge. Perhaps she finally got around to researching the term "Democrat Conservative" and realized how futile it is to try and construct a straw man while standing in the powerful wake of a hurricane of facts.

Typically thats how most low brow morons operate. YOu throw something out there, they bite, and then respond without actually knowing what they are talking about.

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