Black female police superintendent in Toronto admits giving exam answers to black candidates. !!! Will NOT be fired!!!


Gold Member
May 1, 2024
Her only punishment will be demotion to a lower rank. Her defense is "everybody does it."

Supt. Stacy Clarke says she was only doing what other officers have done when she helped preferred candidates cheat to rise in rank. Clarke has admitted she took photographs of confidential interview questions and texted them to six Black constables who were vying for a promotion to sergeant, a highly competitive process.
Clarke’s job is not at risk, though Hutchison has said her misconduct might well merit dismissal. Prosecutors are instead seeking a significant demotion:

THIS is Canada. A police state, insulated from any accountable. Not only a National Security threat to Canadians but also to our allies, especially the US.

TPS isn;t alone, The creepy RCMP, OPP et al are NOT your ally. Wake up America, you gave too many nations a pass instead of demanding they become a nation of civil liberties etc.
THIS is Canada. A police state, insulated from any accountable. Not only a National Security threat to Canadians but also to our allies, especially the US.

TPS isn;t alone, The creepy RCMP, OPP et al are NOT your ally. Wake up America, you gave too many nations a pass instead of demanding they become a nation of civil liberties etc.
America should invade Can'tada and seize the only good thing in Can'tada ... we should take your maple syrup !
As if whites don't do that.
As if whites don't do that.
No accountability for a racist black cop

Libs dont want the best person for the job

They just want to see more black cops get promoted

Even if they are inferior police officers
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As if whites don't do that.
Show US specific incident where whites did that and you will see an instructor that actually hurt the students’ ability to think critically and analytically and gave the students (police officers) a false sense of accountability.

The closest incident I can see where “whites do that” is when Hillary Clinton (white) cheated in the 2016 Democratic Primary Debate by getting a copy of the debate questions in advance. But, like the Toronto teacher, the facilitator was Black (Donna Brazile).
Most cops don't qualify NOR have the temperament to be cops.

Most cops are white, BTW.
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You guys don't even appreciate just how much of a Police State Ontario and more broadly Canada is. I am confident that the CIA and NSA understand. I have to believe that the shunning of Canada into AUKUS had to have been at least somewhat influenced by this deep concern from the U.S about the "values and principles" we are representing North of your border.

This is why I have stated over and over, perhaps some have finally started to listen as these stories are being leaked, exposed and published in media finally, but, CSIS and the CSE (our NSA) have to consider certain police agencies as National Security concerns, no question.

When you have absolute lack of accountability. Within the last month alone multiple police cases with blatant lying in court that could have put people in prison for 25 years with zero consequences for the perjury by the police,, you have a very serious and systemic problem.

In some cases politicians openly called for the accused persons head and now try and withdraw their comments, saying "well I didnt have all the facts". Yeah, no shyre Sherlock, which is why you should NOT be commenting on a Gdamn case you know nothing about. Instead, as part of the Police State here, their impulse is to defend the police no matter what.

If you are working for the FBI. I mean a serious agent, an analyst perhaps who needs to understand and even predict the future outcome in different systems.

What would you think of an entire police force being responsible for systemic sexual and other abuses against women? So bad that some of the accusers who used to be cops committed suicide? The same police force harrassed one former cop, did a "wellness check on him" (yeah I wonder why he needed that) after they canned him. He also committed suicide. The suit cost the Canadian taxpayer hundreds of millions of dollars.

How about the Ontario police killing a newborn in a car with multiple shots, even though they KNEW the young child was in the car with his dad who had kidnapped him? Yeah, they got off too. They also refused to be interviewed by investigators. Huh?

This is our system. In the abuses I experienced from my wife for years I couldn't call the police no matter how much I suffered because I couldn't trust them. My wife told me multiple times she was "working with them", her cousin, a graduate of Police Foundations was who she named.

Beyond this, the interference in multiple facets of my life.

Again, THIS is Canada.

We are the old steel mill outside of Moscow in the 1970s. We are a century behind America (at least) on civil liberties.

So, when this cop says "everyone is doing it" she means it. That means EVERYONE. Every cop is using their position for nepotism and to ensure that not the best get ahead, but the ones with a particular culture they want. A culture in which lies and lack of accountability are their motto. A culture that controls via police checks, covert or otherwise, our economy, our politicians and our nations future. A culture that I suggest poses a threat to the U.S.

The only protection we as citizens have from this culture? It isn't the OIPRD who are SUPPOSED to run oversight, they threw out fully 99% of all allegations against the TPS over a five year period. Think about that, 99% of allegations. They are telling the public "the police are above you, we only believe 1% of the plebs in society". It is frightening.

No, the only protections we have are from the courts. Judges. Not even the Crowns they are often compromised. We only have the faith in our judges who are hopefully well informed and understand how the police racket works here.

The EU almost passed a law that would have made it binding that companies in the EU refrain from working with companies and locations that violate human rights. Germanies Scholtz vetoed it. I can tell you that Ontario companies and the municipalities all across Canada probably breathed a sigh of relief that he did....

This law will be coming in Europe and Canada is going to be in serious trouble. It may even be why the police in Canada are being scrutinized more than ever, we have lost many jobs and opportunities due to the cults here. Once Europe passes a law there we will lose FAR more I am sure.
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No accountability for a racist black cop

Libs dont want the best person for the job

They just want to see more black cops get promoted

Even if they are inferior police officers

It's always a long, slow spiral to the bottom for the left.

As they're least qualified, they want their peers to share the failures.

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