Black Lies Matter’s numbers are bogus


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
“Every 28 hours, a black person is murdered by police,” Black Lives Matter activist Cherno Biko told Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly. “It feels like we’re in a war.”

If true, killer cops are rubbing out some 313 innocent, law-abiding blacks annually.

Rise Up October asserts that there are “over 1,000 people a year killed by police.”

Wrong! And more than doubly so....

From 2003 through 2012, law-enforcement officers killed an average of 429 people per year in “legal interventions.” These include a relatively small number of innocent people killed by cops and many more who died due to reasonable use of force.

The Truth no longer matters to these libtard bastards. Their goal is to destroy the reputation of local Police Departments and bring all police under Federal guidelines, and in effect federal control, in an effort to 'reform' a problem that does not exist. That is why the Dimocrap nominees are cooperating with this racist slanderous libtard group.
Yes. I've posted in depth numbers already on the lies BlackLivesMatter spews.

The odds of being shot by a police officer in America are so incredibly every statistical measure out there its nearly immeasurable. And that includes the clearly justified ones...which makes up most shootings.

Being UNJUSTIFIABLY shot? It's so impossibly unlikely and rare that it's silly to.even talk about.

But hey....why ruin a good racially divisive talking point when these professional victims are having so much fun with it.
“Every 28 hours, a black person is murdered by police,” Black Lives Matter activist Cherno Biko told Fox News Channel’s Megyn Kelly. “It feels like we’re in a war.”

If true, killer cops are rubbing out some 313 innocent, law-abiding blacks annually.

Rise Up October asserts that there are “over 1,000 people a year killed by police.”

Wrong! And more than doubly so....

From 2003 through 2012, law-enforcement officers killed an average of 429 people per year in “legal interventions.” These include a relatively small number of innocent people killed by cops and many more who died due to reasonable use of force.

The Truth no longer matters to these libtard bastards. Their goal is to destroy the reputation of local Police Departments and bring all police under Federal guidelines, and in effect federal control, in an effort to 'reform' a problem that does not exist. That is why the Dimocrap nominees are cooperating with this racist slanderous libtard group.

Is Black Lives Matter a Liberal, Racist, group? Yes!

Do Liberal, Racist, groups ever tell the truth? NO!

So, why is anyone surprised, lol. The best thing to do is take inventory on all these far left groups, and tie them like a weight around whomever the lib who runs for President is, and sink them like an anchor! Most Americans just roll their eyes at this garbage, and if you tie the Democratic nominee to all of these people, the only places they could get elected as dog catcher would be.......California, and New York.
This shouldnt come as a surprise to anyone. Giving bogus numbers is what bogus groups do.
I have a very, very good friend who is African American, and over the years, we have talked repeatedly on these issues. Did you ever wonder how a radical Muslim can walk into someplace, blow themselves up, and before they die think they are going to get 42 virgins, or whatever they think they will get? It is called INDOCTRINATION! That is all they hear, all they see, how they are raised, and so it goes. What we think is crazy and outta wack, phoney-baloney good time rock-n-roll, they believe wholeheartedly.

Well, to a lesser degree, the same thing is going on in the African American community. It is not that they all think alike, it is that they are all taught alike. They believe the statistics, because it must be true, because Obama says so. Obama is just a race baiter like Jesse Jackson, he just moved further up the food chain.

And finally............the left is deathly afraid that someone on the right is going to start pulling black people over there; possibly by education, possibly by telling them truth, possibly by reciting what the Democrats said when they started getting them welfare checks; or maybe by pointing out that the Democratic party WAS the party of slavery, and that democrats won't continue to like black people, unless they promise to stay on the liberal plantation where they will get thrown pennies on the dollar, on purpose by their supposed, benefactors!

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